30 research outputs found
Reducing herbicide discharge to sensitive environments using membrane bioreactors
A hybrid MBR/UV/GAC treatment system was researched to remove Ametryn, which is a commonly used herbicide in Australian farmlands, from wastewater. The research revealed that the hybrid system could be successfully used for 100% removal of Ametryn. Two mathematical models were developed to predict the frequency of chemical cleaning of MBR-membrane and the mechanism of fouling of membrane
Stormwater harvesting potential for local reuse in an urban growth area: a case study of Melton growth area in the west of Melbourne
Integrated urban water management approaches (IUWM) are implemented to address challenges from increases in water demand as a result of population growth and the impact of climate change. IUWM aims to utilize all water resources (stormwater, wastewater, and rainwater) based on fit-for-purpose concepts. Here, a local water utility in Melbourne’s Melton growth area explored the availability of stormwater as an alternative water resource for water service planning for a proposed residential development in an existing greenfield area of 13,890 hectares for 160,000 new houses by 2040. A methodology was developed for assessing the stormwater quantity and quality under land use change and different climatic conditions considering the availability of stormwater from the proposed urban development. The modelling results indicated that the amount of annual stormwater generated in the region increased by nearly four times to 32 GL/year under the 2040 full urban land use with high climate change. The provision of constructed wetlands in proposed development blocks was found to be efficient at removing TSS, TP, and TN, and able to retain over 90% of TSS, 77% of TP, and 52% of TN in all scenarios. Harvested stormwater, if treated to potable standards, can meet nearly 40% of water requirements for residential area needs
Clarification and concentration of sugar cane juice through ultra, nano and reverse osmosis membranes
The performance of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with molecular weight cut off (MWCO) of 1000 and 3500 Da in clarifying sugar cane juice was investigated, as well as the performance of a nanofiltration (NF) membrane with MWCO of 200 Da and a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane in concentrating sugar cane juice. For both cases the sugar cane juice had been limed and partially clarified. The UF membranes were found to be effective at clarifying the sugar cane juice in terms of purity rise and reduction in turbidity, colour, starch and protein. A purity rise of approximately 6 was achieved by both UF membranes at trans-membrane pressures (TMP) from 15 to 25 bar. However, Brix reduction in the permeate was between 14.5 and 41.85% and 12.11 and 26.52% for 1000 Da and 3500 Da membranes respectively. For the 200 Da and RO membranes the Brix in the concentrate was increased from 7.65 to 12.3 after 3 hours of operation for the 200 Da membrane at a TMP of 10 bar, whilst the Brix in the concentrate was increased from 15.65 to 27.6 after 3 hours of operation for the RO membrane at a TMP of 35 bar. Overall, UF membranes were found to be unsuitable for clarification of sugar cane juice since significant amount of Brix is reduced in the permeate, whilst RO membranes were found to be effective for concentration of sugar cane juice. <br /
Humic Substances: Its Toxicology, Chemistry and Biology Associated with Soil, Plants and Environment
In recent decades, scientists in different disciplines have been increasingly concerned about the fate of natural organic matter, and in particular of humic substances (HS). The term humic substances (HS) incorporates refractory autochthonous and terrestrial organic matter in the soil and aquatic ecosystem, and are one of the key fractions of natural organic matter. These substances are important chelators of trace elements constituting complex class of molecular structures that occur naturally, consisting of aggregation and assembly processes in which biomolecules derived from plant and animal residues are gradually transformed through biotic and abiotic tracts. Since these organic compounds are bound by or linked with soil mineral fractions, they must be physically or chemically separated from the inorganic components by an extraction method before their physico-chemical study. This chapter focuses on the chemo-toxicological, molecular aspects of humic compounds and their derivatives such as humins, fulvic acids, humic acids etc., with their agricultural, biomedical, environmental and biochemical applications. In addition to studying their impact on plant physiology and soil microstructure to expand our understanding about humic compounds
A comparative evaluation of conceptual rainfall–runoff models for a catchment in Victoria Australia using eWater Source
Hydrological modelling at a catchment scale was conducted to investigate the impact of climate change and land-use change individually and in combination with the available streamflow in the Painkalac catchment using an eWater Source hydrological model. This study compares the performance of three inbuilt conceptual models within eWater Source, such as the Australian water balance model (AWBM), Sacramento and GR4J for streamflow simulation. The three-model performance was predicted by bivariate statistics (Nash–Sutcliff efficiency) and univariate (mean, standard deviation) to evaluate the efficiency of model runoff predictions. Potential evapotranspiration (PET) data, daily rainfall data and observed streamflow measured from this catchment are the major inputs to these models. These models were calibrated and validated using eight objective functions while further comparisons of these models were made using objective functions of a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) log daily and an NSE log daily bias penalty. The observed streamflow data were split into three sections. Two-thirds of the data were used for calibration while the remaining one-third of the data was used for validation of the model. Based on the results, it was observed that the performance of the GR4J model is more suitable for the Painkalac catchment in respect of prediction and computational efficiency compared to the Sacramento and AWBM models. Further, the impact of climate change, land-use change and combined scenarios (land-use and climate change) were evaluated using the GR4J model. The results of this study suggest that the higher climate change for the year 2065 will result in approximately 45.67% less streamflow in the reservoir. In addition, the land-use change resulted in approximately 42.26% less flow while combined land-use and higher climate change will produce 48.06% less streamflow compared to the observed flow under the existing conditions
Proof of Concept for Light Conducting Membrane Substrate for UV-Activated Photocatalysis as an Alternative to Chemical Cleaning
Adopting an effective strategy to control fouling is a necessary requirement for all membrane processes used in the water/wastewater treatment industry to operate sustainably. The use of ultraviolet (UV) activated photocatalysis has been shown to be effective in mitigating ceramic membrane fouling by natural organic matter. The widely used configuration in which light is directed through the polluted water to the membrane’s active layer suffers from inefficiencies brought about by light absorption by the pollutants and light shielding by the cake layer. To address these limitations, directing light through the substrate, instead of through polluted water, was studied. A UV conducting membrane was prepared by dip coating TiO2 onto a sintered glass substrate. The substrate could successfully conduct UV from a lamp source, unlike a typical alumina substrate. The prepared membrane was applied in the filtration of a humic acid solution as a model compound to study natural organic matter membrane fouling. Directing UV through the substrate showed only a 1 percentage point decline in the effectiveness of the cleaning method over two cleaning events from 72% to 71%, while directing UV over the photocatalytic layer had a 9 percentage point decline from 84% to 75%. Adapting the UV-through-substrate configuration could be more useful in maintaining membrane functionality during humic acid filtration than the current method being used
Evaluation of long-term operational and treatment performance of a high-biomass submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating abattoir wastewater
Although anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) are widely used in high-strength wastewater treatment and
resource recovery, membrane operational performance and membrane fouling control remain critical issues. In
this study, the operational and treatment performance of a high-biomass (18 ≤ MLSS (g/L) ≤ 35) submerged
anaerobic membrane bioreactor (HBSAnMBR) was assessed at organic loading rates (OLR) of 1.05–5 kg-COD/
/d to treat abattoir wastewater (AWW). The correlation between kinetic parameters representing biomass
yield and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was thoroughly investigated using mathematical models. It
was found that the yield of biomass and EPS correlated positively with applied OLR and were found in the range
of 0.13–0.31 g-MLSS/g-COD and 0.00001–0.000013 g-EPS/g-MLSS, respectively. This study also systematically
examined the cake layer fouling mechanisms of HBSAnMBR due to EPS and the influence of soluble microbial
products (SMP) on membrane pore blocking. OLR above 4 kg-COD/m3
/d negatively affected the performance in
terms of TMP, filtration resistance, EPS/SMP production, and COD removal suggesting that HBSAnMBR can be
operated sustainably at OLR 4 kg-COD/m3
/d. The membrane autopsy analyses and foulant characterization
found that cake layer foulants were primarily composed of polysaccharides and proteins, while the membrane
did not experience pore-blocking. At the same time, sodium, phosphorous, and calcium triggered inorganic
fouling. The efficient treatment of abattoir wastewater showed that the HBSAnMBR system could be applied to
treat trade wastewater containing high-organic content