3,376 research outputs found
21st century educators employ multirole in conducting the teaching and learning process such as being a leader, facilitator, model, communicator, adaptor, risk taker, and also learner. An effort to involve all those qualities as well as the role of teacher as a learner can be provided in a way that collaboration between teacher and learners exists in selected project based activities. This paper reflects project based activity in learning English for Wetland subject in a special (local) locus where this course in learned. The approach used in investigating the research objective is qualitative. Descriptive research is also chosen to explore and describe the existing phenomena. To get the data, researcher uses triangulation [observation, interview and document analysis]. Moreover, this study uses 35 subjects of research to collect the data. The findings of this study are in the forms of wetland vocabularies [flora and fauna] based on the selected areas investigated, certain English described phenomena in wetland area and info graphical media in which that two previous information is elaborated
This paper is about the role of intellectuals and Americaâs civil society movement in the struggle of poor people and the homeless in Washington, USA, to claim their rights in Grishamâs The Street Lawyer. Both of these are called cultural and political movement. The author analyzes the discrepancy in USA in Reaganâs era. The interesting aspect of the novel is the role of legal clinic for homeless and the intellectual from NGO and social organization constructed in the novel. This paper uses genetic structuralism in analysis. Aspect of intrinsic and extrinsic of the work is the object of material of the analysis. Otherwise, the theories about intellectual and civil society movement by Antonio Gramsci are the extrinsic tools to describe how the social condition in that era is. The results of the analysis indicates the discrepancy in America, especially in Washington DC. The street lawyer and the intellectuals of some social organizations have the significant roles as the part of Americaâs social movement in creating equality and social welfare for all. Those case are founded in the analysis of the novel
Communication Strategies Employed by the Fourth Semester Students of English Department of State University of Makassar
The research aims at identifying the types and investigating the reasons of communication strategies employed through English. The research used a qualitative method in nature. The subjects were twenty five students of English Department of State University of Makassar who passed Speaking Three classes. The researcher used Littlewoodâs taxonomy of communication strategies in identifying the data and Miles and Huberman interactive model of analysis as the techniques of data analysis. The interview and the observation were carried out simultaneously to elicit and to identify the types of communication strategies employed. The research reveals that there are eight strategies employed in which seeking help strategy was most used in dialogue. It was proved that when the students faced difficulty to express the meaning, they asked for help from the interviewer. The researcher found some reasons of communication strategies, namely making communication running well, catching the message easily, making the speaker more creative, and avoiding being afraid of making wrong words. The thesis argues that, on the basis of the findings, further research into the use of communication strategies in classroom context could make a significant contribution to teacher education
Juridical-Sociological study of land pawn : a normative study in Patilanggio district
The practice of land pawning in Patilanggio district still keeps the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. So that it is more likely to harm the pledge grantor which is not based on the principle of helping. Although the community realizes that pawning land is harm for them, this is still done by residents as the last solution to meet urgent needs. This practice has become a habit and it is normal for community and never be a problem between the land pawner and the land pawn recipient. In disputing resolution between the grantor and the recipient, is by way of deliberation, involving the village head or only by deliberation between the pawner and the pawn recipient.
Keywords: Pawner, recipient, Patilanggi
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum doctrinal/normatif. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan yurisprudensi. Analisis data akan dilakukan secara sistematis dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif analis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembagian harta bersama tidak harus selalu sama rata antara penggugat dan tergugat, akan tetapi perlu mempertimbangkan dari aspek pelaksanaan peran, tugas, tanggung jawab, adanya peran ganda, dan pertimbangan-pertimbangan lainnya seperti salah satu pihak telah melakukan perbuatan yang merugikan dan membahayakan harta bersama seperti judi, boros dan melakukan suatu kesalahan penyebab utama perceraian. Pelaku utama penyebab perceraian karena perselingkuhan bisa saja menjadi pertimbangan sebagai satu kesalahan yang berakibat 1/10 bagiannya dialihkan kepada suami/isteri yang menjadi korban perselingkuhan sebagai bentuk sanksi. Sehingga menghasilkan perbandingan 6/10 : 4/10. Penulis berpandangan demikian karena menjaga keutuhan rumah tangga adalah kewajiban suami/isteri. Sehingga pelaku utama terjadinya perceraian, harus mendapatkan sanksi sebagai bentuk perwujudan diteributive justice atau pendisteribusian keadilan sacara fair (wajar) dan proporsional
Mulai Lawan Bismillah: Religiosity of the Banjar People in the Banjar Songs Composed by Anang Ardiansyah
Local folk songs are often only enjoyed by local people and, of course, only a few of these songs can become national songs. However, through the song called Paris Barantai composed by Anang Ardiansyah, the Banjar song can become a nationally recognized regional folk song. In addition, Anang Ardiansyahâs other songs have a message or religious content that reflects the Islamic culture of the Banjar community. Therefore, this paper explores religious content of four songs composed by Anang Ardiansyah with the aim that the local folk songs are not only sung but reinforce the distribution of religious values and knowledge in relation to the Banjar culture. The results of this paper describe the religious practice of urang (people of) Banjar related to faith, prayer and shalawat in everyday life and the term haram menyarah (surrender is forbidden) as Banjar people's struggle doctrine depicted from the Banjar song composed by Anang Ardiansyah. Therefore, through these songs it becomes an important part of the efforts to strengthen the Banjar religious identity and religious value distribution will take place continuously
This paper presents the dilemma of an ethnic group which is influenced by the views from the outside as well as the inside with regard to the dominance of religious identity. Specifically, this paper discusses the existence of Bakumpai and the Bakumpai people as part of the Dayak tribes and their Islamic practice. This article is expected to provide understanding of religious diversity in an ethnic group particularly the Dayak and how it influences the Dayak culture.
Keywords: Bakumpai, Dayak, Islamic Traditio
Penerapan hukum Syariah di Aceh bukanlah masalah baru. Hukum Islam di masa Sultan Iskandar Muda telah bergema sehingga terkenal sebagai serambi Makkah. Pada masa reformasi, Aceh diberikan hak otonomi khusus adalah langkah pertama penegakan hukum secara kaffah. Pada 1 Muharram 1424 H bertepatan 4 Maret 2003 di Baiturrahman Masjid di deklarasi oleh Gubernur Aceh Abdullah Puteh. Untuk mendukung ini, pemerintah telah berkoordinasi mengenai peraturan dengan legislatif dan pada tahun 2013 melahirkan tiga bidang Qanun Jinayat; Qanun 12 tentang minuman keras dan sejenisnya; Qanun 13 tentang maisir; dan Qanun 14 tentang khalwat (mesum). Dalam penerapannya telah melaksanakan 'uqĂ
«bat dalam beberapa kasus, meskipun tidak maksimal, tetapi telah mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk tidak melakukan jarimah tersebut. Pada tahun 2014 legislatif kembali meratifikasi Qanun Jinayat Hukum, di mana juga menyebutkan tiga jarĂ«mah itu bersama dengan beberapa jarĂ«mah lainnya. Qanun ini lebih fleksibel baik dalam konteks jarĂ«mah, pelaku dan sanksi yang berlaku untuk semua masyarakat Aceh, termasuk non-Muslim. Jadi Qanun itu suatu moderasi dalam kehidupan sosial keagamaan, sebagai promosi untuk pihak luar yang ingin menerapkan
Radikalisme dan fundamentalisme dalam memahami ajaran agama Islam semestinya dicegah dan dihentikan dalam bingkai kehidupan yang pluralitas. Tindakan pencegahan âpreventive actionâ menjadi hal yang tepat untuk kita tinggalkan model pemahaman yang bersifat radikal dan fundamental dalam beragama dengan beralih kepada ajaran Islam yang bernilai kesatuan dalam keragaman pluralisme agama. Nilai-nilai ajaran Islam hanya bisa dicapai apabila konsep dan karakteristik ajaran Islam dikembangkan melalui pemahaman humanistik. Itulah sebabnya, karakteristik ajaran Islam memuat berbagai bidang, seperti bidang agama, muamalah (kemanusiaan) yang di dalamnya termasuk masalah pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan, kebudayaan, sosial, ekonomi, politik, kehidupan, sosial, kesehatan, pekerjaan, serta Islam sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu. Umat Islam harus mampu mengakomodir hal penting yang bernilai kemanusiaan dalam beberapa bidang pengetahuannya yang berlandaskan ajaran Islam
Degradasi moral anak bangsa yang semakin menyimpang di pelbagai norma kehidupan, baik dari segi agama maupun sosial yang terwujud dalam bentuk perilaku yang anti sosial, dan perbuatan amoral lainnya dikalangan siswa. Untuk itu, pendidikan karakter menjadi sangat penting untuk mendidik siswa agar dapat diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan, sehingga mereka dapat memberikan kontribusi yang positif kepada lingkunganya. Upaya lembaga pendidikan, guru secara umum dan guru pendidikan agama Islam akan berpengaruh positif terhadap pembentuk karakter siswa, sehingga mereka menjadi manusia yang memiliki karakter yang baik dan berkualitas. Upaya berbentuk dapat berbentuk: Pertama, penerapan nilai-nilai karakter pada siswa telah dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah melalui program kegiatan yang direncanakan, baik bersifat intrakurikuler maupun ekstrakurikuler, yaitu: (1) melalui kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan memadukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter pada setiap mata pelajaran yang diampu oleh para guru; dan (2) melaksanakan program kegiatan, seperti shalat berjamaah, yasinan (al-Qurâan) bersama, lomba ceramah agama (Islam), kepramukaan, dan mengadakan lomba tilawah al-Quran. Kedua, upaya guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam membentuk karakter peserta didiknya, melalui: (1) kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas dengan mengkolaborasikannya nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter pada mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam kepada peserta didiknya; (2) kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang direncanakan seperti: membiasakan peserta didik untuk shalat berjamaah, mengadakan yasinan (al-Qurâan) bersama, mengadakan lomba ceramah agama (Islam), mengadakan kepramukaan, dan mengadakan lomba tilawah al-Quran; dan (3) GPAI membentuk karakter peserta didik menjadi model sebagai teladan untuk mereka dalam hubungan sosial dan interaktifnya
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