707 research outputs found

    Strange quark mass from e+e- revisited and present status of light quark masses

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    We reconsider the determinations of the strange quark mass m_s from e+e- into hadrons data using a new combination of FESR and revisiting the existing tau-like sum rules by including non-resonant contributions to the spectral functions. To order alpha_s^3 and including the tachyonic gluon mass lambda^2 contribution, which phenomenologically parametrizes the UV renormalon effect into the PT series, we obtain the invariant mass m_s=(119 +- 17)MeV leading to: m_s(2 GeV)=(104+- 15)MeV. Combining this value with the recent and independent phenomenological determinations from some other channels, to order alpha_s^3 and including lambda^2, we deduce the weighted average: m_s (2 GeV)=(96.1 +- 4.8)MeV . The positivity of the spectral functions in the (pseudo)scalar [resp. vector] channels leads to the lower [resp. upper] bounds of m_s(2 GeV): (71 +- 4) MeV < m_s(2 GeV) < (151 +- 14) MeV, to order alpha_s^3. Using the ChPT mass ratio r_3 = 2m_s/(m_u+m_d)=24.2 +- 1.5, and the average value of m_s, we deduce: (m_u+m_d)(2 GeV)=(7.9 +- 0.6) MeV, consistent with the pion sum rule result, which, combined with the ChPT value for m_u/m_d, gives: m_d(2 GeV)=(5.1 +- 0.4)MeV and m_u(2 GeV)=(2.8 +- 0.2)MeV. Finally, using (m_u+m_d) from the pion sum rule and the average value of m_s (without the pion sum rule), the method gives: r_3= 23.5 +- 5.8 in perfect agreement with the ChPT ratio, indicating the self-consistency of the sum rule results. Using the value: m_b(m_b)=(4.23 +- 0.06) GeV, we also obtain the model-building useful scale-independent mass ratio: m_b/m_s=50 +- 3.Comment: Updated and improved average values. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    B∗Bπ(γ)B^*B\pi(\gamma) couplings and D^*\rar D\pi(\gamma) -decays within a 1/M1/M-expansion in fullfull QCD

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    To leading order in αs\alpha_s, we evaluate the leading and non-leading 1/Mb1/M_b corrections to the B∗BπB^*B\pi and B∗BγB^*B\gamma couplings using QCD spectral moment sum rules in the full theory. We find that, for large MbM_b and contrary to the heavy-to-light B\rar \pi(\rho) l\bar \nu form factors, which are dominated by the softsoft light quark vacuum condensate, these couplings are governed by the hardhard perturbative graph, like other heavy-to-heavy transitions. We also find that for the B^{*}\rar B\gamma, the 1/Mb1/M_b correction is mainly due to the perturbative and light quark condensate contributions originating from the graphs involving the heavy quark part of the electromagnetic current, which are essential for explaining the large charge dependence in the observed D^{*-}\rar D^-\gamma and D^{*0}\rar D^0\gamma decays. Our bestbest numerical predictions {\it without any free parameters} for the B∗B^*-meson are: gB∗−B0π−≃14±4g_{B^{*-}B^0\pi^-}\simeq 14\pm 4, \Gamma_{B^{*-}\rar B^-\gamma}\simeq (0.10\pm 0.03) keV and the large charge dependence of the ratio: {\Gamma_{B^{*-}\rar B^- \gamma}}/ {\Gamma_{B^{*0}\rar B^0 \gamma}}\simeq 2.5~. For the D∗D^*-meson, we find: \Gamma_{D^{*-}\rar D^0\pi^-}\simeq 1.54\Gamma_{D^{*0}\rar D^0\pi^0} \simeq (8\pm 5) keV, \Gamma_{D^{*-}\rar D^-\gamma}\simeq (0.09^{+0.40}_{-0.07} ) keV and \Gamma_{D^{*0}\rar D^0\gamma}\simeq (3.7\pm 1.2) keV, where the branching ratios agree within the errors with the present data, while the total widths \Gamma_{D^{*0}\rar all} \simeq (11\pm 4) keV and \Gamma_{D^{*-}\rar all}\simeq (12\pm 7) keV are much smaller than the present experimental upper limits.Comment: published version to appear in Phys. Lett. B (minor modifications compared with the previous version

    Isospin violating decay of ψ(3770)→J/ψ+π0\psi(3770)\rightarrow J/\psi + \pi^0

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    The strong-isospin violation in ψ(3770)→J/ψ+π0\psi(3770)\rightarrow J/\psi + \pi^0 via intermediate DD meson loops is investigated in an effective Lagrangian approach. In this process, there is only one DD-meson loop contributing to the absorptive part, and the uncertainties due to the introduction of form factors can be minimized. With the help of QCD spectral sum rules (QSSR), we extract the J/ψDD∗J/\psi DD^* form factor as an implement from the first principle of QCD. The DD∗π0DD^*\pi^0 form factor can be well determined from the experimental data for D→πlνD\rightarrow\pi l\nu. The exploration of the dispersion relation suggests the dominance of the dispersive part via the intermediate DD meson loops even below the open charm threshold. This investigation could provide further insights into the puzzling question on the mechanisms for ψ(3770)→\psi(3770)\to non-DDˉD\bar{D} transitions.Comment: more discussions and references are added, accepted by Physical Review

    Mass-splittings of doubly heavy baryons in QCD

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    We consider (for the first time) the ratios of doubly heavy baryon masses (spin 3/2 over spin 1/2 and SU(3) mass-splittings) using double ratios of sum rules (DRSR), which are more accurate than the usual simple ratios often used in the literature for getting the hadron masses. In general, our results agree and compete in precision with potential model predictions. In our approach, the alpha_s corrections induced by the anomalous dimensions of the correlators are the main sources of the Xi^*_{QQ}- Xi_{QQ} mass-splittings, which seem to indicate a 1/M_Q behaviour and can only allow the electromagnetic decay Xi^*_{QQ} to Xi_{QQ}+ gamma but not to Xi_{QQ}+ pi. Our results also show that the SU(3) mass-splittings are (almost) independent of the spin of the baryons and behave approximately like 1/M_Q, which could be understood from the QCD expressions of the corresponding two-point correlator. Our results can improved by including radiative corrections to the SU(3) breaking terms and can be tested, in the near future, at Tevatron and LHCb.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, improved version including radiative corrections, some additional references and a new summary tabl

    QSSR estimate of the BBB_B parameter at next-to-leading order

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    We compute the leading αs\alpha_s corrections to the two-point correlator of the OΔB=2O_{\Delta B=2} operator which controls the B0Bˉ0B^0 \bar B^0 mixing. Using this result within the QCD spectral sum rules approach and some phenomenologically reasonable assumptions in the parametrization of the spectral function, we conclude that the vacuum saturation values BB≃BB∗≃1B_B\simeq B_{B^*}\simeq 1 are satisfied within 15\%.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, CERN-TH.7140/94, PM 93/16, and KEK Preprint 93-184, two figures appended as a PS fil

    1-- and 0++ heavy four-quark and molecule states in QCD

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    We estimate the masses of the 1^{--} heavy four-quark and molecule states by combining exponential Laplace (LSR) and finite energy (FESR) sum rules known perturbatively to lowest order (LO) in alpha_s but including non-perturbative terms up to the complete dimension-six condensate contributions. This approach allows to fix more precisely the value of the QCD continuum threshold (often taken ad hoc) at which the optimal result is extracted. We use double ratio of sum rules (DRSR) for determining the SU(3) breakings terms. We also study the effects of the heavy quark mass definitions on these LO results. The SU(3) mass-splittings of about (50 - 110) MeV and the ones of about (250 - 300) MeV between the lowest ground states and their 1st radial excitations are (almost) heavy-flavour independent. The mass predictions summarized in Table 4 are compared with the ones in the literature (when available) and with the three Y_c(4260,~4360,~4660) and Y_b(10890) 1^{--} experimental candidates. We conclude (to this order approximation) that the lowest observed state cannot be a pure 1^{--} four-quark nor a pure molecule but may result from their mixings. We extend the above analyzes to the 0^{++} four-quark and molecule states which are about (0.5-1) GeV heavier than the corresponding 1^{--} states, while the splittings between the 0^{++} lowest ground state and the 1st radial excitation is about (300-500) MeV. We complete the analysis by estimating the decay constants of the 1^{--} and 0^{++} four-quark states which are tiny and which exhibit a 1/M_Q behaviour. Our predictions can be further tested using some alternative non-perturbative approaches or/and at LHCb and some other hadron factories.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, version to appear in PLB (more general choice of the interpolating currents, estimate of the four-quark meson decay constants, new references added, slight numerical changes for the 0++ mass predictions

    How reliable are the HQET-sum rule predictions?

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    We test the internal consistencies and the reliability of the existing estimates of the decay constant fBf_B in the static limit, the meson-quark mass gap Λˉ\bar \Lambda and the kinetic energy KK of a heavy quark obtained from the heavy quark effective theory (HQET)-sum rules. Finite energy local duality sum rules (FESR) have also been used to fix approximativelyapproximatively the value of the continuum energy and to study the correlations among these different parameters. Then, we deduce to two-loop accuracy: \bl=(0.65\pm 0.05) GeV, K=−(0.5±0.2)K=-(0.5 \pm 0.2)GeV^2,implyingthevalueofthepolemassinHQET:, implying the value of the pole mass in HQET: M_b= (4.61 \pm 0.05)GeV.BycombiningtheresultsfromthesumrulesinHQETandinthefulltheory,weobtain GeV. By combining the results from the sum rules in HQET and in the full theory, we obtain f_B^\infty=(1.98 \pm 0.31)f_\piandthequadraticmassdependenceofthepseudoscalardecayconstant: and the quadratic mass dependence of the pseudoscalar decay constant: f_P\sqrt{M_P}=(0.33 \pm 0.06)GeVGeV^{3/2}\als^{1/\beta_1}2}\als^{1/\beta_1 1-2\als/3\pi-1.1/M_Q +0.7/M_Q^2 .$Comment: PS file, figures available by reques

    Dominance of the light-quark condensate in the heavy-to-light exclusive decays

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    Using the QCD {\it hybrid} (moments-Laplace) sum rule, we show semisemi-analyticallyanalytically that, in the limit M_b \rar \infty, the q2q^2 and MbM_b behaviours of the heavy-to-light exclusive (\bar B\rar \rho~(\pi) semileptonic as well as the B\rar \rho\gamma rare) decay--form factors are universallyuniversally dominated by the contribution of the soft light-quark condensate rather than that of the hard perturbative diagram. The QCD-analytic q2q^2 behaviour of the form factors is a polynomial in q2/Mb2q^2/M^2_b, which mimics quite well the usual pole parametrization, except in the case of the A1BA_1^B form factor, where there is a significant deviation from this polar form. The MbM_b-dependence of the form factors expected from HQET and lattice results is recovered. We extract with a good accuracy the ratios: VB(0)/A1B(0)≃A2B(0)/A1B(0)≃1.11±0.01V^B(0)/A^B_1(0) \simeq A^B_2(0)/A^B_1(0) \simeq 1.11\pm 0.01, and A1B(0)/F1B(0)≃1.18±0.06A^B_1(0)/F^B_1(0) \simeq 1.18 \pm 0.06; combined with the ``world average" value of f+B(0)f^B_+(0) or/and F1B(0)F^B_1(0), these ratios lead to the decay rates: $\Gamma_{\bar B\rar \pi e\bar \nu} \simeq (4.3 \pm 0.7)Comment: 10 pages, CERN-TH 7237/94 (the previous version contains numerical errors). Latex file (run twice) 3 ps.figures available by mai
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