70 research outputs found
Applications Of Geographic Information Systems In Urban Land Use Planning In Malaysia
Over the past forty years Geographic Infonnation Systems (GIS) have been used in many planning applications ranging from daily administrative operations to strategic planning
functions such as evaluating socio-economic data in land use allocation tasks
Urban development and expansion trends under the political instability in palestine: jerusalem- ramallah case study
Urban development, expansion, and Land use changes in the urban environments are a global
phenomenon, by 2050, urban population in the world will increase to be more than 6.6 billion
inhabitants and they will live with less than 1% of the world land surfaces. Political instability
is one of most important drivers that effecting on the land cover/land use change and urban
expansion, especially in the areas that faced the political problems and wars. Urban development in
Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) impacted strongly by Political Transformations during 20th
century and early of 21th century. The political instability factor in OPT leaded to distortion of
Palestinian urban form and effecting on future urban expansion and development. Therefore, this study
aims to assess of urban development and planning in Palestine during the political transformation
stages, as well as it aims to explore urban expansion trends under the geopolitical effects in Jerusalem
– Ramallah urban region as a model in the Palestinian urban environment. Descriptive, historical,
and cartographic methods conducted based on used Geographic Information System to explore
existing and future urban expansion trends in Jerusalem – Ramallah region as a case and model in the
Palestinian urban environments. The result showed how the political instability conditions effected
strongly on the urban development process and expansion in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Therefore, this study will improve our Knowledge in the urban development research context about the
relationship between the urban development and the political transformations. Palestinian policy
makers and planners, as well as Palestinian planning organizations at different levels need to put more
efforts to prepare of the regional, sub-regional , and master plans for all Palestinian localities and
regions especially in the OPT, in the conflict and sensitive areas such as Jerusalem –Ramallah region.
This study recommend to adaption a new planning ideas and strategies to face the Israeli physical
planning in the Palestinian urban environments like compact communities and principles of smart urban
Addressing Gender Disparity in Public Universities of Malaysia: Challenges and Achievements
Ensuring equal access to affordable higher education is a fundamental target of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs to be achieved by 2030. Malaysia has committed to this target and introduced effective policies to accomplish the gaol as early as possible. This paper aimed to trace the effort made by Malaysian government in achieving gender parity. The paper used the most recent statistical data released by related higher education institutions. This coupled with the critical review and deep analysis of the documents and reports on higher education published in and out of Malaysia. The paper also employed both Gender Parity Index (GPI) and Gender Gap Global Index GGGI to measure gender parity. The findings showed that Malaysia has not only made efforts, but also achieved gender parity practically in public universities. The female gross enrolment ratio has jumped from only 10.7% in the 1950s to around (48%) of today. Despite this positive remark, gender stereotype is likely to continue taking other shapes and forms and still a room left for improvement
Predicting Seberang Perai housing land pattern in 2017
Land use decision making is a complex process involving trade-offs among various
land stakeholders due to the resource’s scarcity. Pulau Pinang is the second most densely populated
and also the fourth most urbanised state in Malaysia. Urbanisation is Penang state is partially
translated as escalating housing land demand that poses threats to agricultural land especially around
the peri urban areas. At present, Malaysia is still lacking in scientific tools to assist planners simulate
current and future land use developmental patterns. Existing planning guidelines could not anticipate
future development scenarios. Hence the need for a scientific tool based on dynamic spatial model to
simulated development pattern using scenario approach. This study aims to develop a GIS-based, CA
Markov Model that predicts housing land development in Seberang Perai region of Penang State up to
2017 using 2005 and 2011 land use data. The study first demarcated Seberang Perai based on the
degree of suitability to accommodate all land use classifications. The degree of suitability is ranked
according to development criteria scores, weightings and constraints, with the latter two quantified
using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. CA Markov Model then simulates the dynamic
interactions between cells under specific transition rules to predict land pattern in 2017. The study
provides information on the potential locations and direction/pattern of growth in 2017. The
simulation outcomes show that new or expanded housing lands are located in close proximity with the
predicted growth centres and settlements identified in the Penang Structure Plan 2020 hence endorses
compact urban development pattern. The CA Markov Model can assist relevant authorities in
allocating suitable housing land sites sustainably
Malaysia towards zero poverty by 2020
Since 1970, Malaysia have been adopted various policies to reduce poverty and
address the socio-spatial inequality. These policies managed to reduce poverty rate from 52.4% in
1970 to 1.7 % in 2012. However, inequalities and disparity among regions and ethnic groups have not
been properly addressed. Policies that worked well nationally might not be suitable to be used in
addressing poverty at local level. Thus, this paper aims to critically look at the strengths and
weaknesses of such policies particularly in eliminating poverty. The paper is based heavily on the
review of the recent literature and the data gathered from Economic Planning Unit-EPU and the
Department of Statistics, Malaysia. Empirical experiences have shown that Malaysia has managed to
reduce poverty beyond the declaration of MDG; halving poverty by 2015. However several issues
need to be addressed as the country aim to be a developed nation with zero poverty as indicated in its
vision 2020. Although the slogan "growth with equity" was used, spatial disparities were found
among region such as between Sabah and Penang. Penang State, which has experienced steady
economic growth, has implemented top-up model of eliminating poverty where families earned less
than poverty income line received top-up income from the state government since 2013, claimed to
have zero poverty rate. However, the sustainability of this approach is questionable. In addition to
that, the sign of incidence of poverty between rural and urban and among ethnic minorities is quite
clear. This inequality with external factors (illegal migration and global economy) poses some
challenges for achieving the vision 2020. By evaluating the policies and analyzing regional disparities
the paper will enrich the literature on poverty and help the planners to formulate sound poverty
eradication polices
Driving forces in modelling dynamic urban spatial growth for the George Town Conurbation (GTC)
Urban growth and transformation of spatial land use and land cover have affected
various important physical environments, social, and economic activities. Researchers throughout the
world have implemented diverse approaches in understanding the dynamic process of urban spatial
growth where models have been developed to predict and simulate future urban growth and
development. Model were developed based on the driving forces or factors that stimulate urban
development. Therefore, the driving forces must be identified and analysed, especially for those that
can be applied to forecast future changes and their potential environmental effects. The objective of
this paper is to identify and analyse possible driving forces that promote urban spatial growth using
the George Town Conurbation as a case study. The driving force were identity by reviewing recent
research journals and articles regarding modelling urban growth. In addition, on-line survey was also
generated and distributed to planners, academicians, researchers, and urban modellers to assess their
perception on urban land use transformations and also measure the weight of potential drivers or
factors that stimulate urban spatial growth. The findings indicated that distance to public amenities,
cheap housing price, distance to workplace, and proximity to area that support new and growing
businesses are among factors that are important determinants of urban development. The results
provide valuable insights in modelling the dynamic urban spatial growth in future research
Social accessibility of Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia among low income group in urban Penang, Malaysia
With increasingly higher cost of living in urban areas, various strategies have been
undertaken to ease the financial burden, especially of the low income population residing in urban
areas. The Malaysian Government, for example, has launched an affordable community shop
program, known as Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M), that sells goods with quality comparable to
those available at supermarkets or other retail stores but priced at 30 to 40 percent cheaper than the
latter. However, previous studies have shown that these stores are less popular among the low income
population as their locations are less accessible. There is also the stigma of being associated with poor
migrant workers. This study takes into consideration distance as a factor in shopping at KR1M.
Therefore it aims to investigate whether stigma has hindered low income population from shopping at
KR1M. A quantitative survey was conducted on 57 households of Flat Taman Seri Pinang, Teluk Air
Tawar, Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, which is located approximately 290 metres away from the KR1M.
The findings indicated that the majority of low income respondents, with monthly household income
ranging between RM1,001 and RM2,000 did visit KR1M. Furthermore, more than 60 per cent of the
respondents strongly disagreed that stigma has led them to be ashamed of shopping at KR1M. The
findings indicated that most of the respondents would choose to shop at the nearest groceries stores
Thus, in planning for more KR1M in the future, location should be taken into consideration to make it
more accessible to the targeted group
Urban spatial growth model as a tool to plan for sustainable urban future
Much has been said about planning for sustainable urban future. However, it is difficult to find practical and workable solution to ensure the sustainability of urban development. Malaysia for example, is one of the most urbanized countries in East Asia, however; Kuala Lumpur urban area is one of the largest in the region as measured by area but the least dense in East Asia. This is due to the expansion of urban area is not properly controlled. The aim of this paper is to propose an urban growth boundary as a planning mechanism to plan for sustainable urban development. Taking the George Town Conurbation as the study area, this paper demonstrated the application of spatial temporal model of urban growth that can simulate future urban spatial growth. Land use data obtained from the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning (FDTCP) will be used as sources of the data. The model will be developed using ArcGIS software and simulated using Idrisi Kilimanjaro software. Then, based on land demand and land suitability, future urban spatial growth will be planned within urban growth boundary. Such as approach allows land demand to be allocated in a sustainable manner. The model will be useful in planning for future urban spatial growth
Identifying factors influencing urban spatial growth for the George Town conurbation
Urban growth, which caused spatial land use and land cover changes has affected
various physical environment, social, and economic activities. Thus, in order to
understand the dynamic process of urban spatial growth, researchers throughout
the world have implemented diverse approaches, where spatial models have been
developed to predict and simulate future urban growth. Those models were
developed based on the driving forces that stimulate urban spatial growth.
Therefore, in ensuring reliable models to be developed will be able to forecast
future changes and their potential environmental effects, the driving forces must
be identified. The objective of this paper is to identify possible driving forces that
promote urban spatial growth of the George Town Conurbation. The study was
conducted based on reviewing recent publications in journals and an on-line
survey. An on-line survey was generated and distributed to academicians and
urban planners to identify factors influencing urban spatial growth and their
weights. The findings indicated that distance to public amenities, cheap housing
price, and distance to the workplace are among factors that are important
determinants of urban development. The results provide valuable insights in
modelling urban growth in future research
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