337 research outputs found

    Orientational ordering in crumpled elastic sheets

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    We report an experimental study of the development of orientational order in a crumpled sheet, with a particular focus on the role played by the geometry of confinement. Our experiments are performed on elastomeric sheets immersed in a fluid, so that the effects of plasticity and friction are suppressed. When the sheet is crumpled either axially or radially within a cylinder, we find that the sheet aligns with the flat or the curved wall, depending on the aspect ratio of the cylinder. Nematic correlations develop between the normals of the sheets at relatively low volume fractions and the crumpled object has large density fluctuations corresponding to the stacking of parallel sheets. The aligning effect of the wall breaks symmetry and selects the direction of ordering

    Large Force Fluctuations in a Flowing Granular Medium

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    We report the characteristics of the temporal fluctuations in the local force delivered to the wall of a 2D hopper by a granular medium flowing through it. The forces are predominantly impulsive at all flow rates for which the flow does not permanently jam. The average impulse delivered to the wall is much larger than the momentum acquired by a single particle under gravity between collisions, reflecting the fact that momentum is transferred to the walls from the bulk of the flow by collisions. At values larger than the average impulse, the probability distribution of impulses is broad and decays exponentially on the scale of the average impulse, just as it does in static granular media. At small impulse values, the probability distribution evolves continuously with flow velocity but does not show a clear signature of the transition from purely collisional flow to intermittently jamming flows. However, the time interval between collisions tends to a power law distribution, P(τ)τ3/2P(\tau)\sim \tau^{-3/2}, thus showing a clear dynamical signature of the approach to jamming.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Kepler orbits of settling discs

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    The collective dynamics of objects moving through a viscous fluid is complex and counterintuitive. A key to understanding the role of nontrivial particle shape in this complexity is the interaction of a pair of sedimenting spheroids. We report experimental results on two discs settling at negligible Reynolds number (104\simeq 10^{-4}), finding two classes of bound periodic orbits, each with transitions to scattering states. We account for these dynamics, at leading far-field order, through an effective Hamiltonian in which gravitational driving endows orientation with the properties of momentum. This leads to a precise correspondence with the Kepler problem of planetary motion for a wide range of initial conditions, and also to orbits with no Keplerian analogue. This notion of internal degrees of freedom manifesting themselves as an effective inertia is potentially a more general tool in Stokesian driven systems

    Heating mechanism affects equipartition in a binary granular system

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    Two species of particles in a binary granular system typically do not have the same mean kinetic energy, in contrast to the equipartition of energy required in equilibrium. We investigate the role of the heating mechanism in determining the extent of this non-equipartition of kinetic energy. In most experiments, different species of particle are unequally heated at the boundaries. We show by event-driven simulations that this differential heating at the boundary influences the level of non-equipartition even in the bulk of the system. This conclusion is fortified by studying a numerical model and a solvable stochastic model without spatial degrees of freedom. In both cases, even in the limit where heating events are rare compared to collisions, the effect of the heating mechanism persists