149 research outputs found
The aim of this research is to determine the effect of teaching learning method and students writing interest on their poetry
writing ability at Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program of UHAMKA. The research method used is experiment
with factorial design 2x2 two ways ANOVA and the research subject was divided into 2 groups which was done randomly, they are the experiment class and the control class. The population of the research areall students of the Indonesia language and literature education study program, however the population can be reached on this research is students of the fifth semester which consists of 4 parallel classes. The technique used to get the sample is multi stage sampling by following these steps: firstly, deciding students of
semester V in 2015-2016 academic year as the purposive sampling. Then, deciding one class as experimental class (Collaborative
Method) and the other class as the control class (Individual Method).Based on the findings, the research yields that (1) there was a significant difference in students’ writing ability on poetry, students who studied using collaborative method is higher than those who studied individual method.(2) The students’ ability on Poetry writing who have higher writing interest and studied with collaborative method are higher than those who studied using individual method. (3) In average the students’ ability on writing poetry who has low
interestand studied with collaborative method is lower than those who studied with individual method. (4) There was an influence of interaction between collaborative method and individual method with high and low intereston the students’ ability in poetry writing
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan nilai pendidikan karakter dalam puisi-puisi HAMKA. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data adalah
sebelas puisi karya Hamka dari buku Kenang-kenangan 70 Tahun Buya HAMKA dan Kenang-Kenangan Hidup. Data dikumpulkan dengan membaca secara cermat kandungan makna
tiap puisi dan melakukan pencatatan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknikdeskriptif kualitatif model Miles dan Huberman, yaitu dengan langkah identifikasi fokus penelitian, reduksi data, analisis dan penyajian data, sertapembuatan inferensi. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa puisi-puisi karya HAMKA mengandung nilai pendidikan karakter yang meliputi: (1) religiositas, (2) kejujuran, (3) kerja keras, (4) kemandirian, (5) semangat kebangsaan, (6) cinta tanah air, (7) peduli sosial, dan (8) tanggung jawab. Lewat puisi puisinyanya terlihat upaya HAMKA untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan yang penuh makna tentang pemberian tuntunan kepada pembaca untuk menjadi manusia seutuhnya yang berkarakter dalam dimensi hati, pikiran, raga, serta rasa dan karsa
Berita Acara Perkuliahan (BAP) 2.C BK, Daftar Nilai 2.C BK
Berita Acara Perkuliahan (BAP) 2.C BK, Daftar Nilai 2.C B
Berita Acara Perkuliahan (BAP), Daftar Hadir Mahasiswa dan Daftar Nilai Mahasiswa Mata Kuliah Pembelajaran Menulis kelas 2.A
Berita Acara Perkuliahan (BAP), Daftar Hadir Mahasiswa dan Daftar Nilai Mahasiswa Mata Kuliah Pembelajaran Menulis kelas 2.
Berita Acara Perkuliahan (BAP), Daftar Nilai Mahasiswa Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia kelas 2.C
Berita Acara Perkuliahan (BAP), Daftar Nilai Mahasiswa Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia kelas 2.
Designing and Evaluating the Use of Smartphones to Facilitate Online Testing in Second-Language Teacher Education (SLTE): An Auto-Ethnographic Study
Abstract—This paper reports on an auto-ethnographic study of the use of
smartphones to facilitate online testing in the context of second-language teacher
education (SLTE). A total of 54 pre-service teachers participated in the
study. Preliminary data were collected through observation and written reflection,
and additional data were gathered from interviews and students’ web activity
logs to enable triangulation. Thematic analysis was carried out on the
qualitative data. The findings show that smartphones are a viable electronic tool
to facilitate online testing in an SLTE context. More importantly, using Moodle
as an online test platform meets both teachers’ and students’ needs with respect
to aspects such as design, test structure and online testing activity. The study also
highlights some benefits and challenges of employing sequential and multiple-
attempt test modes and providing delayed feedback on online tests. The implications
of these findings are discussed, with suggestions for further research
in the field
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