24 research outputs found

    MODEL DIAKONIA GEREJA DI TENGAH PANDEMI COVID-19 : Sebuah Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Nonalam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan model diakonia gereja yang relevan dengan situasi ketika mengalami bencana nonalam, khususnya pandemi Covid-19 dan sebagai wujud mitigasi bencana nonalam di masa kini dan mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pemaparan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa gereja dari tingkat nasional, wilayah dan lokal telah berperan aktif dalam upaya mitigasi risiko bencana nonalam, pandemi Covid-19. Fondasi Alkitab bagi model diakonia karitatif dan transformatif secara integratif adalah karakteristik pelayanan Tuhan Yesus yang dicatat dalam Lukas 4:18-19, Matius 14:13-21 dan  Matius 25:31-36. Integrasi model diakonia gereja karitatif dan transformatif adalah solusi bagi warga gereja dan masyarakat yang mengalami penderitaan akibat bencana nonalam pandemi Covid-19

    Menelaah Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus Menurut Matius 28:19-20 Bagi Pemberita Kabar Baik

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      This study uses biblical studies and descriptive qualitative methods to describe the meaning of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus based on Matthew 28:19-20. Through this research, it was found that in Matthew 28:19-20 there are four important points: clear authority or authority, clear goals, clear task details, and guarantees for God's inclusion. Integrating the divine and the human element in preaching the gospel is significant. Understanding and applying various contextual strategies as a manifestation of the human element can increase success in preaching the gospel, whether through centripetal or centrifugal missions. Being a disciple of Christ means being faithful to involve yourself as well as possible and full of responsibility in carrying out the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus. The mission of evangelism and discipleship today is not only the task of pastors, missionaries or evangelists, church councils, or servants of God. However, it is the duty of every believer. God enables every believer to carry out this glorious calling with perfect inclusion

    Ibadah Online Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Sebuah Tinjauan dari Perspektif Kristen)

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    Abstract:There are pros and cons regarding online worship carried out by churches during the Covid-19 pandemic. That is why, this study aims to find out the biblical and theological basis of online worship during the Covid-19 pandemic from a Christian perspective. The method used is qualitative, with data collection techniques for document studies, especially biblical texts that are in accordance with the title raised. Through research, it was found that online worship is actually not much different from offline worship as long as believers make God the center of worship. The situations and conditions faced by God's people in history have influenced the way, model, and form of God's people worship, but they have never changed the meaning/essence of worship itself. Carrying out online worship is not wrong, the important thing is that people praise God, listen to God's Word and pray respectfully. Online worship is a necessity for future worship patterns.Keywords: christian perspective; covid-19; online worship Abstrak:Terdapat pro dan kontra mengenai ibadah online yang dilaksanakan oleh gereja pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Itu sebabnya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dasar biblis dan teologis ibadah online pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dari perspektif Kristen. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi dokumen, khususnya teks-teks Alkitab yang bersesuaian dengan judul yang diangkat. Melalui penelitian ditemukan bahwa ibadah online sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan ibadah secara offline sejauh orang percaya menjadikan Tuhan sebagai pusat ibadah. Situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapi umat Tuhan dalam sejarah turut mempengaruhi cara, model, bentuk umat Tuhan beribadah, namun tidak pernah mengubah makna / esensi dari ibadah itu sendiri. Melaksanakan ibadah online tidaklah salah, yang penting umat memuji Tuhan, mendengarkan Firman Tuhan dan berdoa dengan penuh hormat. Ibadah online adalah keniscayaan pola ibadah di masa mendatang. Kata kunci: covid-19; ibadah online; perspektif kriste


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    Praying is the obligation of every believer because it is commanded by God himself. God hears, and this assures believers not to give up praying. This paper uses a qualitative descriptive method by exploring the prayer taught by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4. As a result, there is the concept of a believer's prayer, which states the relationship between God and man. There is a prayer pattern in the prayer taught by the Lord Jesus, namely a balance of requests for the needs of God and His honor and requests for the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of humans. Ended by acknowledging the glory of the Lord God, Amen

    Menggagas Penggunaan Benih dalam Perayaan Paskah: Analisis Biblikal Yohanes 12:20-26

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    Easter is one of the most important Christian and Catholic holidays and dates back to the church in the first century until today. The Passover holiday reminds Christians how Jesus died and was resurrected for the sake of human salvation. There are many ways Christians celebrate Easter, but the most popular of which is Easter is identified with eggs. This study aims to increase understanding of church traditions, especially easter eggs which are believed to have no biblical basis because the Lord Jesus in his ministry never used them as illustrations to explain His death and resurrection. The research method chosen is descriptive qualitative with literature study and exposition approach on the text on John 12:20-26. Celebrating Easter according to Bible standards is very significant today and in the future. That is why taking up Jesus' parable of the wheat is an offer for the church today to gain a relevant understanding of the Passover. Easter celebrations using plant seeds become a symbol of survival for oneself, family, church, environment, and government.AbstrakPaskah adalah salah satu hari raya Kristen dan Katolik yang sangat penting, dan telah dimulai sejak gereja abad pertama hingga saat ini. Hari raya Paskah mengingatkan orang Kristen bagai-mana Yesus mati dan dibangkitkan demi keselamatan manusia. Beragam cara orang Kristen da-lam merayakan hari raya paskah, namun yang paling populer paskah diidentikkan dengan telur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai tradisi gereja, khususnya telur paskah yang diyakini tidak memiliki dasar Alkitab, karena Tuhan Yesus dalam pelayanannya tidak pernah menggunakannya sebagai ilustrasi untuk menjelaskan kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya. Metode penelitian yang dipilih adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kepustakaan dan pendekatan eksposisi pada teks Yohanes 12:20-26. Merayakan paskah sesuai stan-dar Alkitab adalah sangat signifikan di masa kini dan di masa mendatang. Itu sebab-nya, mengangkat perumpamaan Yesus tentang biji gandum menjadi tawaran bagi ge-reja saat ini untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang relevan tentang paskah. Perayaan paskah dengan menggunakan benih tumbuh-tumbuhan menjadi simbol keberlang-sungan hidup bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, gereja, lingkungan hidup dan pemerintah

    Menelaah Marcion Mengenai Paham Kesatuan Allah Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru: Sebuah Riset Kesejarahan

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    This article aims to approach the whole study using historical methods which are included in the research group with a qualitative paradigm. The historical in question is Marcion, a theologian who influenced Christianity in the second century. One of the teachings highlighted by Marcion is the understanding of God, where he rejects the God of the Old Testament but believes in the God of the New Testament that this rejection causes Marcion to reject the canon of the Old Testament. In the nineteenth century, two theologians who followed Marcion's ideology reappeared. That is why Marcion's theology becomes the rationale for research as an awareness of the phenomena that can reappear in the present and in the future. This paper examines the background of Marcion's life to the things that influenced the birth of Marcion's understanding of the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament, including the actions of the church at that time and the influence of Marcion which continued to grow until the nineteenth century, especially those affecting Friedrich Delitzsch and Adolf Harnack. . This paper also follows up on the research step by synthesizing the views of theologians about the fact that God's nature is comprehensive and constitutes a continuous unity through God's attributes. So that it is hoped that Marcionism or the teaching of dogma will not arise, doctrines that are interpreted by rejecting the canon of the Bible and can be justified

    Implementasi Karakter Berdasarkan Buah Roh ke dalam Tema-Tema Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti Siswa Kelas VII SMP

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    This article proposes several characters based on Galatians 5:22-23 that can be implemented into the themes of Christian Religious Education (PAK) or Budi Pekerti that have been determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia at the junior high school (SMP) class VII. The type of research method used by the author is a descriptive method, namely by discussing the developmental psychology of junior high school students, the themes of PAK and Budi Pekerti according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, exploring character values based on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. Then, in the end, the author will implement these character values into the PAK and Budi Pekerti curriculum that has been prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud)


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    Artikel ini mendeskripsikan mengenai solidaritas sosial dan agama pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Manado, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Melalui penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa solidaritas sosial agama, masyarakat Kristen dan Islam di manado telah terlaksana dengan baik sehingga menjadi solusi bagi mereka yang sedang terdampak Covid-19. Agama telah berperan sebagai agen perubahan, agen pemersatu dan agen pembangkit solidaritas sosial di tengah masyarakat. Solidaritas sosial di Manado terbentuk atas agama yang kuat, diwariskan secara berkelanjutan sepanjang sejarah hadirnya gereja dan mesjid di Manado sampai sekarang. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan pemikiran Emile Durkheim tentang solidaritas sosial, khususnya tipe mekanik dan organik dan gambaran agama di Manado yang memiliki solidaritas sosial yang sehat. Hasil penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah bahwa solidaritas sosial yang dikemukakan oleh Emile Durkheim bermanfaat untuk memahami solidaritas sosial pada masa pandemi covid-19,  agama berkaitan dengan sikap, motivasi dan tindakan masyarakat dalam mendemonstrasikan solidaritas sosial bagi sesamanya, solidaritas sosial adalah solusi bagi masyarakat dunia pada umumnya dan Indonesia pada khususnya ketika menghadapi bencana nonalam pandemi Covid-19


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    Kemajuan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan dibarengi dengan berkembangnya media sosial yang membuat generasi milenial Kristen mengalami perubahan perilaku, gaya hidup dan cara berpikir yang mengarah kepada sikap individualistis, hedonis dan liberal. Perubahan sikap dan perilaku ikut memberikan pengaruh terhadap  kualitas spiritualitas generasi milenial.  Tantangan spiritualitas generasi milenial merupakan permasalahan yang harus dijawab guna mempersiapkan generasi muda gereja yang siap menjadi penerus pelayanan gereja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan solusi terhadap tantangan spiritualitas yang dihadapi oleh generasi milenial dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan penelusuran literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  1). Perlunya pelayanan Konseling bagi generasi milenial guna memberikan pemahaman atas permasalahan spiritualitas yang sedang mereka alami dan hadapi. 2) Perlu dilakukan pemuridan bagi generasi milenial melalui pendidikan yang berfokus kepada Allah dan melalui praksis kedisiplinan dan ketaatan dalam kehidupan rohani baik dalam hal ibadah maupun dalam doa

    Kontribusi Gereja Masehi Injili di Minahasa (GMIM) Eben Haezer Buntong dalam Menangani Krisis Ekologi di Tateli

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    This article aims to analyze and describe the involvement of the Evangelical Christian Church in Minahasa (GMIM) Eben Haezer Buntong in caring for the earth, especially in dealing with the ecological crisis in the Tateli region. The method used is qualitative descriptive by utilizing observation and interviews as data collection techniques. It becomes a church calling to care for, preserve and be responsible for this earth. Man is the image and likeness of God, assigned as a caretaker of the earth and not as a destroyer of the earth. Preserving the environment is the responsibility of everyone, parties and organizations, especially the church. GMIM's example, which has formulated and demonstrated according to its capacity the importance of maintaining harmony in human and environmental relations and socializing congregation members to care about their environment should be an inspiration. Through this research it was found that GMIM Eben Haezer Buntong has contributed to the maintenance of the earth through congregational programs such as the youth cleaning program once every three months, men's work for fathers, women's work for mothers, clean Friday, and planting trees. This study recommends not cutting trees carelessly and maintaining the quality of the springs