1,007 research outputs found
On-the job knowledge sharing: how to train employees to share job knowledge
One of the challenging issues many organizations are facing is to find the best ways to encourage employees share what they have learned on their jobs. Rewarding employees may
be one of the techniques used to promote knowledge sharing but there are still psychological barriers preventing employees from sharing knowledge. In many cases, rewarding employees for sharing knowledge ends up in developing the behaviour of hoarding knowledge among employees. Based on a review of existing literature, this article explains how employers can make employees practice knowledge sharing in their daily work activities. The article introduces 12 approaches on how knowledge sharing can be cultivated in the job and train employees to accept that it is their job to share knowledge. Some of the methods discussed include; peer assist, training and mentoring, challenging projects, job description, job rotation, cross training, and sharing sessions. The article also discusses how on-the-job
knowledge sharing can promote individual performance among employees. The intention of this article is to provide a framework that helps organizations to choose various methods of knowledge sharing that suit the organization’s needs in order to cultivate sharing of job knowledge and to save the knowledge as an asset
Malang is one of the regencies with the highest rank of migrant worker placements in East Java and even occupied the national level. Seeing this condition, SBMI is here to fight for the protection of PMI there. That is not only about the law but also the economy that is the main focus at this time. Through a coordination system in the form of organizational communication strategies, Malang Regency DPC has succeeded in building its economic empowerment. For example, in physical form, namely SBMI Mart. Therefore, researchers are interested in knowing more about Organizational Communication Strategy in the Process of Economic Empowerment with a case study of DPC SBMI Malang Regency. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. Through the interview and observation process, the results show that the strategies used are inculcating historical values, establishing SBMI Mart, identifying audiences, simple messages, and flexibility in message distribution. Theoretically and practically, this research can be used as a basis for both further research and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the potential development of migrant workers in the future.
Keywords: Organizational Communication Strategy, Economic Empowerment, SBMIMalang merupakan salah satu kabupaten dengan jumlah penempatan pekerja migran terbanyak di Jawa Timur bahkan sempat menduduki tingkat nasional. Melihat kondisi itu, SBMI hadir untuk memperjuangkan pelindungan PMI di sana. Pelindungan tidak hanya tentang hukum, tapi juga ekonomi yang menjadi fokus utama saat ini. Melalui suatu sistem koordinasi berupa strategi komunikasi organisasi, DPC Kabupaten Malang telah berhasil membangun pemberdayaan ekonomi mereka. Contohnya ke dalam bentuk fisik yaitu SBMI Mart. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Strategi Komunikasi Organisasi dalam Proses Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dengan studi kasus DPC SBMI Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui proses wawancara dan observasi, hasilpun menunjukkan strategi yang digunakan yaitu mulai dari penanaman nilai sejarah, pendirian SBMI Mart, identifikasi khalayak, pesan sederhana, dan fleksibilitas penyaluran pesan. Secara teoritis dan praktis, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pijakan baik penelitian selanjutan maupun berbagai pihak pemangku kepentingan lain untuk membuka kepedulian terhadap pengembangan potensi buruh migran di masa depan.
Kata Kunci : Strategi Komunikasi Organisasi, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, SBM
Eco and In Vitro Mammalian Toxicological Assessment of Polymeric Nanomaterials
Eco and in vitro mammalian toxicological assessment of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) / N-tert-butylacrylamide (BAM) copolymer nanoparticles and Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers were performed in a range of test models. The particle sizes of the copolymer nanoparticles and PAMAM dendrimers (G4, G5 and G6) were measured in Milli-Q water, Algae Media, Daphnia Media, Microtox Diluent and cell culture media. The zeta potential of PNIPAM (Poly- N-isopropylacrylamide) and NIPAM/BAM copolymer nanoparticles measured in the different media was seen to correlate well with the ratio of BAM monomer and therefore the hydrophobicity of the particles. Ecotoxicological studies of the NIPAM/BAM copolymer nanoparticles and PAMAM dendrimers was performed using four test species; Vibrio fischeri, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna, Thamnocephalus platyurus. The cytotoxicity of PNIPAM, NIPAM/BAM 85:15 copolymer nanoparticles and PAMAM dendrimers (G4, G5 and G6) was evaluated in RTG-2 (rainbow trout gonadal cells) and PLHC-1 (hepatocellular carcinoma in an adult female topminnow (Poeciliopsis lucida) cells. The generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species, genotoxicity and apoptosis was evaluated upon the exposure of PLHC-1 cells to PAMAM dendrimers. The mammalian cyto- and geno- toxicity of PNIPAM nanoparticles were analysed in HaCaT (an immortal non-cancerous human keratinocyte cell line) and SW 480 (a primary adenocarcinoma cell line of the colon) cells. The immunotoxicity of PAMAM dendrimers was evaluated in mouse macrophages (J774A.1 cells). Inflammatory markers like IL-6 (Interleukin-6), TNF-a (Tumour necrosis factor-a) and MIP-2 (Macrophage inflammatory protein-2) expression were measured by ELISA (Enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay). In the case of the NIPAM/BAM series of nanoparticles, Abstract ii the ecotoxicological response was seen to vary systematically with the ratio of BAM monomer and therefore with the zeta potential of the nanoparticles. The toxic response in Daphnia magna was seen to also vary systematically with the reduction in zeta potential pointing towards a contribution of secondary effects due to modification of the medium. PNIPAM nanoparticles show excellent biocompatibility in HaCaT (immortalised non-cancerous human keratinocyte) and SW480 (primary adenocarcinoma of colon) cells, as no significant cyto or genotoxicity response has been observed even at high dose, although the particles were internalised by the cells within 24h. In the case of PAMAM dendrimers, a significant eco and cytotoxicological response was recorded at particle concentrations from 0.129 μM (7.4 mg l-1) to 16.55 μM (235.1 mg l-1) and Daphnia magna was found to be the most sensitive test species, the RTG-2 fish cell line the least sensitive. Consistent with the results of the cytotoxicity assays, a generation dependent intracellular ROS, DNA damage and apoptosis was observed in PLHC-1 cells upon exposure to PAMAM dendrimers. The immunotoxicity of PAMAM dendrimers was investigated in mouse macrophage cells (J774A.1) in vitro within a concentration range of 0.013 to 6 μM. A generation dependent immunotoxicological response of PAMAM dendrimer was observed (G6 \u3e G5 \u3e G4). A similar generation dependence of the increased production of intracellular ROS and inflammatory mediators was observed. The toxicological response of PAMAM dendrimers varied systematically with the dendrimer generation and therefore with the number of surface amino groups per particle. The mechanism of the toxic response is proposed to be one of localisation of the cationic particles in the mitochondria, leading to significant increase in ROS generation, induction of cytokines production, DNA damage, apoptosis and ultimately cell death. For the cell lines, although spectroscopic studies indicated an Abstract iii interaction with the serum supplement, trends for this interaction do not correlate to those observed for the toxic response. The clear and systematic variations of the observed toxic response with the measured physico-chemical properties point towards underlying structure activity relationships
Gender, Power, and Cricket Spectators in Calcutta, 1960s-1990s
Historians of modern India have emphasized the reflexivity of men and women in the making of womanhood, paying attention to notions of gender difference emerging from both primordial, restrictive codes of behaviour and contrarian impulses towards what was popularly called progress. There have been relatively few attempts to trace gender interaction in outdoor leisure activities, public displays of femininity, and male regulatory anxieties in the post-colonial context. By studying the symbolism of women's presence in the Eden Gardens, the international cricket stadium in Calcutta, from the 1960s to the 1990s, this article reflects on the nature of power, authority, and gender hierarchy in urban Indian society. This study of questions of gender hierarchy, women's mannerisms, social identity, and informal resistance through a historical lens will enable us to understand the trajectory of women's outsider status in urban public spaces. Through a reading of the mediated parti pris impressions of female spectators, it will also map the transition in society's approach to sport from a structured homosocial community activity to a relatively unstructured field of shared experience
Generation of Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species and Genotixity Effect to Exposure of Nanosized Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Dendrimers in PLHC-1 Cells in Vitro
Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers elicit systematically variable cyto- and eco-toxic responses, promising the basis for structure activity relationships governing nanotoxicological responses. Increased production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), genotoxicity and apoptosis due to in-vitro exposure of hepatocellular carcinoma cells to dendrimer generations G-4, G-5 and G-6 is demonstrated. A generation dependent increase in ROS and genotoxicity was observed, consistent with our previous studies. The responses correlate well with the number of surface amino groups per generation. Although ROS production initially increases approximately linearly, it saturates at higher doses. Notably, normalised to molar dose of surface amino groups, the dose-dependent ROS production for different generations overlap exactly, indicating that the response is due to these functional units. The percentage tail DNA formation is related to the generation and dose dependent production of intracellular ROS, at low levels. At the higher ROS levels, increased DNA damage is associated with the onset of necrosis
Distance Learners' Satisfaction Towards Information Technology Usage
The study focuses on learners' satisfaction towards IT usage in DE programmes.
The first objective is to determine the satisfaction level of learners towards Internet and
WWW Usage in terms of facilities, presentation mode and support services provided.
Secondly, it determines the difference in learners' satisfaction level towards Internet
and WWW usage with learner background in the various aspects of ethnic group,
gender, organisation, professions, computer experience, educational achievement and
computer background.
The size of sample was 74 respondents from the population of 140 learners of
IDEAL. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires were given to respondents in one of their face-to-face meetings with their lecturers in Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Results showed that respondents' satisfaction level on the overall usage of IT in
their learning was said to be of moderate satisfaction. Specifically, however, in relation
to facilities provided in the program, it was rated as moderate satisfaction. There were
some aspects of the facilities such as the availability of registration and scheduling
facilities of on-line tutorial and modules for learners and the need of back-up servers as
these aspects are very important in the running of their program. The second component
which is presentation mode showed that respondents were also moderately satisfied
with the way materials were presented. It was found that several improvements could be
made in terms of having up-dated on-line help tools, attachments of study references
and having more colourful presentation of materials which could attract learners. As for
support services, it was quite difficult to see learners' perception on this, but it could be
concluded that as overall, respondents were also moderately satisfied with the current
system. Nevertheless, with quicker response time and availability of back-up sites
would improve the current situation of the program. For the second objective, the study
showed that there was no difference in learners' satisfaction level of IT usage towards
the aspects of facilities, presentation mode and support services provided from the
various characteristics of learners
Generation of Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species and Genotoxicity Effect to Exposure of Nanosized Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) Dendrimers in PLHC-1 Cells in Vitro
Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers elicit systematically variable cyto- and eco-toxic responses, promising the basis for structure activity relationships governing nanotoxicological responses. Increased production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), genotoxicity and apoptosis due to in-vitro exposure of hepatocellular carcinoma cells to dendrimer generations G-4, G-5 and G-6 is demonstrated. A generation dependent increase in ROS and genotoxicity was observed, consistent with our previous studies. The responses correlate well with the number of surface amino groups per generation. Although ROS production initially increases approximately linearly, it saturates at higher doses. Notably, normalised to molar dose of surface amino groups, the dose-dependent ROS production for different generations overlap exactly, indicating that the response is due to these functional units. The percentage tail DNA formation is related to the generation and dose dependent production of intracellular ROS, at low levels. At the higher ROS levels, increased DNA damage is associated with the onset of necrosis
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