24 research outputs found

    Evaluating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Practice Among Malaysian Public Listed Construction Companies Using FTSE Russell Rating Model

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    Implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in company strategy has become critical as it increases investors confident in the company. A company without ESG strategies will have problem on loss of intellectual capital, loss of customers, sales and decline in reputation. Failed to disclose ESG information perceived as having poor investments in high-risk sectors. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate current ESG practices disclosed in annual reports and sustainability statements among 55 construction sector companies listed in Bursa Malaysia from 2021 until 2022. The investigation was conducted using content analysis based on ESG pillars and themes of FTSE Russell rating model. The rating model consists of 3 individual pillars and 14 themes. A binary scoring method was used, and the result was analyses in descriptive analysis. Based on the content analysis, the results indicate that social pillar has the highest percentage of ESG practice among the construction company with 64% score with the focus on health & safety. Environmental pillar practice remains the second highest score with 57.45% followed by governance with 55% score. The findings of this study are useful to investors, government agencies such as Bursa Malaysia and Securities Commission, industry, policy makers, and other related agencies. This study is among the first content analysis study on auditing ESG practices of construction sector in Malaysian public listed companies guided by FTSE Russell rating model

    Development of Constructivist-based PowToon Animation Multimedia on Simple Fractions

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    The difficulty of primary students in solving simple fractions is because students fail to understand the concept of simple fractions. Meanwhile, the results of previous studies allow the integration of PowToon animation multimedia into a constructivist approach to facilitate the conception of the simple fraction. This research aims to develop constructivist-based PowToon animation multimedia (CoPAM) as a valid, practical, and effective learning media for simple fraction material. PowToon was developed using a research and development (R&D) method with a define, design, and development (3-D) model that involved 12 fourth-grade primary students. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis with data collection methods using observation, tests (pre-test and post-test), validation questionnaires (validation of media and material experts, teacher responses, and student responses), and documentation. The results showed that CoPAM has very feasible product criteria for validity, practicality, and effectiveness to facilitate primary students in understanding simple fractions. The recommendations for the next study are needed to further develop and test CoPAM products or the like (which could go through the dissemination stage) by involving a larger and wider number of participants by testing inferential statistics

    Synthesis of Epoxide as Intermediate Compounds for Biolubricant Production from Crude Palm Oil

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    The use of biolubricant must be encouraged to reduce environmental pollution from non-biodegradable lubricants by utilizing crude palm oil. This study aims to synthesize epoxide compounds from crude palm oil (CPO) as intermediate compounds to produce Biolubricant and determine the kinetic reaction and the enthalpy of the epoxide reaction. The process of synthesizing epoxide was carried out in a stirred reactor. The epoxidation reaction occurred at 60, 70, and 80 °C for 30 – 180 min with 30 min intervals using 1, 2, and 3% H2SO4 as catalysts. The highest conversion was obtained at a reaction temperature of 70 °C at 90 min using 2% H2SO4 of 87.59%. The characteristics of the epoxide compound produced have a density of 0.951 g/cm3, a kinematic viscosity of 44.388 CSt, an acid number of 4.32 mg NaOH/g oil, and oxirane number of 5.731 g/cm3. The reaction kinetic constant and enthalpy were 0.0104 mol/mL min and 10494.762 J/mol. The synthesized epoxide from crude palm oil was proven to be a suitable intermediate compound for biolubricant production

    Development of Constructivist-based PowToon Animation Multimedia on Simple Fractions

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    The difficulty of primary students in solving simple fractions is because students fail to understand the concept of simple fractions. Meanwhile, the results of previous studies allow the integration of PowToon animation multimedia into a constructivist approach to facilitate the conception of the simple fraction. This research aims to develop constructivist-based PowToon animation multimedia (CoPAM) as a valid, practical, and effective learning media for simple fraction material. PowToon was developed using a research and development (R&D) method with a define, design, and development (3-D) model that involved 12 fourth-grade primary students. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis with data collection methods using observation, tests (pre-test and post-test), validation questionnaires (validation of media and material experts, teacher responses, and student responses), and documentation. The results showed that CoPAM has very feasible product criteria for validity, practicality, and effectiveness to facilitate primary students in understanding simple fractions. The recommendations for the next study are needed to further develop and test CoPAM products or the like (which could go through the dissemination stage) by involving a larger and wider number of participants by testing inferential statistics

    Development of Constructivist-based PowToon Animation Multimedia on Simple Fractions

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    The difficulty of primary students in solving simple fractions is because students fail to understand the concept of simple fractions. Meanwhile, the results of previous studies allow the integration of PowToon animation multimedia into a constructivist approach to facilitate the conception of the simple fraction. This research aims to develop constructivist-based PowToon animation multimedia (CoPAM) as a valid, practical, and effective learning media for simple fraction material. PowToon was developed using a research and development (R&D) method with a define, design, and development (3-D) model that involved 12 fourth-grade primary students. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis with data collection methods using observation, tests (pre-test and post-test), validation questionnaires (validation of media and material experts, teacher responses, and student responses), and documentation. The results showed that CoPAM has very feasible product criteria for validity, practicality, and effectiveness to facilitate primary students in understanding simple fractions. The recommendations for the next study are needed to further develop and test CoPAM products or the like (which could go through the dissemination stage) by involving a larger and wider number of participants by testing inferential statistics

    Graphene-PVA saturable absorber for generation of a wavelength-tunable passively Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser in 2.0 ÎĽm

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    Graphene, a 2D material, has been used for generation of pulse lasers due to the presence of its various fascinating optical properties compared to other materials. Hence in this paper, we report the first demonstration of a thulium doped fiber laser with a wavelength-tunable, passive Q-switched output using a graphene-polyvinyl-alcohol composite film for operation in the 2.0 µm region. The proposed laser has a wavelength-tunable output spanning from 1932.0 nm to 1946.0 nm, giving a total tuning range of 14.0 nm. The generated pulse has a maximum repetition rate and average output power of 36.29 kHz and 0.394 mW at the maximum pump power of 130.87 mW, as well as a pulse width of 6.8 µs at this pump power. The generated pulses have a stable output, having a signal-to-noise ratio of 31.75 dB, and the laser output is stable when tested over a period of 60 min. The proposed laser would have multiple applications for operation near the 2.0 micron region, especially for bio-medical applications and range-finding

    Assistance in Designing Citarum River Cliff Protection to Control River Erosion in Atirompe Village, Majalaya District, Bandung Regency

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    Rivers are often used as a water source for agriculture, transportation, and water supply needs. One of the causes of riverbank damage is scouring the cliff's foot, which cannot withstand scouring currents. If not addressed immediately, it will cause more severe damage. Citarum River is one river that passes through Atirompe Village, Majalaya District. The riverbanks in the area have a risk of cliff failure. The study objective was to analyze the problem, design the protection, and calculate the budget. The hydrology and riverbank analysis of the Majalaya River has been performed. The steps were essential to analyze the depth and width of the scour caused by the flow of the Citarum River water. Sediment data were collected at three locations, namely the upstream, middle, and downstream of the river segment that will be reviewed. In data processing, to obtain a sediment rating curve, it is necessary to measure the flow velocity, which will later be calculated and used as the flow rate during Total Suspended Solid (TSS) data collection. Using the Hydrology Engineering Center – River Analysis System (HEC – RAS) 6.2 software, the calculations with the Ripley Equation were compared to obtain the scour depth. For the design alternative, constructing a steel sheet pile-type cliff protection structure is one form of planning to protect riverbanks. This study also analyzed the recapitulation of the budgeting for protecting the Citarum riverbanks in Atirompe Village, Majalaya District. Using a standardized unit price, the total cost for the protection is 1.8 billion rupiahs

    Tingkat Kemampuan Senam Lantai Guling Belakang Peserta Didik Kelas V SD/MI Swasta Se-Kecamatan Ngluwar Kabupaten Magelang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa baik tingkat kemampuan senam lantai guling belakang peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Swasta se-Kecamatan Ngluwar Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan penilaian tes berbasis kinerja. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Swasta se-Kecamatan Ngluwar Kabupaten Magelang dengan jumlah 147 peserta didik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data deskriptif dengan presentase. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa tingkat kemampuan senam lantai guling belakang peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Swasta se-Kecamatan Ngluwar Kabupaten Magelang secara keseluruhan berada pada kategori “sangat baik” sebesar 4.,08% (6 peserta didik), kategori “baik” 8,16% (12 peserta didik), kategori “cukup” 16,33% (24 peserta didik), kategori “kurang” 17,00% (25 peserta didik), dan kategori “sangat kurang” sebesar 54,43% (80 peserta didik). Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan senam lantai guling belakang peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Swasta se-Kecamatan Ngluwar Kabupaten Magelang berada dalam kategori “sangat kurang”

    Sorption-enhanced steam gasification of fine coal waste for fuel producing

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    Improving the quality of syngas from fine coal waste using the sorption-enhanced gasification process is a novel technology in the production of H2. The effect of CaO on CO2 absorption and H2 increase in the steam fine coal gasification process was determined in a fixed bed gasifier. The steam gasification process took place at 650 °C using bentonite and CaO as catalysts and absorbents. Steam increased the H2 concentration in the syngas to 58 vol%. In-situ CO2 absorption is more effective with the addition of CaO. The maximum percentage of CO2 was absorbed when the Ca/C ratio 2 was 78.33 %. The H2 content in the syngas after the CO2 was absorbed increased rapidly to 75.80 vol% at a Ca-to-carbon-mole ratio (Ca/C) of 1.5 and a steam-to-feedstock ratio (S/F) of 1.5. CaO did not produce significant results for low heating value (LHV) or cold gas efficiency (CGE), with results of 12 MJ/Nm3 and 44.53 %. The dominant water gas shift reaction due to the influence of steam and CaO increased H2/CO up to 9.11, which made the syngas from this work suitable for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis