71 research outputs found
Constraints on Automorphic Forms of Higher Derivative Terms from Compactification
By dimensionally reducing the higher derivative corrections of
ten-dimensional IIB theory on a torus we deduce constraints on the E_{n+1}
automorphic forms that occur in d=10-n dimensions. In particular we argue that
these automorphic forms involve the representation of E_{n+1} with fundamental
weight \lambda^{n+1}, which is also the representation to which the string
charges in d dimensions belong. We also consider a similar calculation for the
reduction of higher derivative terms in eleven-dimensional M-theory.Comment: Minor corrections, to appear in JHE
Higher derivative type II string effective actions, automorphic forms and E11
By dimensionally reducing the ten-dimensional higher derivative type IIA
string theory effective action we place constraints on the automorphic forms
that appear in the effective action in lower dimensions. We propose a number of
properties of such automorphic forms and consider the prospects that E11 can
play a role in the formulation of the higher derivative string theory effective
action.Comment: 34 page
New Horizons for Black Holes and Branes
We initiate a systematic scan of the landscape of black holes in any
spacetime dimension using the recently proposed blackfold effective worldvolume
theory. We focus primarily on asymptotically flat stationary vacuum solutions,
where we uncover large classes of new black holes. These include helical black
strings and black rings, black odd-spheres, for which the horizon is a product
of a large and a small sphere, and non-uniform black cylinders. More exotic
possibilities are also outlined. The blackfold description recovers correctly
the ultraspinning Myers-Perry black holes as ellipsoidal even-ball
configurations where the velocity field approaches the speed of light at the
boundary of the ball. Helical black ring solutions provide the first instance
of asymptotically flat black holes in more than four dimensions with a single
spatial U(1) isometry. They also imply infinite rational non-uniqueness in
ultraspinning regimes, where they maximize the entropy among all stationary
single-horizon solutions. Moreover, static blackfolds are possible with the
geometry of minimal surfaces. The absence of compact embedded minimal surfaces
in Euclidean space is consistent with the uniqueness theorem of static black
holes.Comment: 54 pages, 7 figures; v2 added references, added comments in the
subsection discussing the physical properties of helical black rings; v3
added references, fixed minor typo
Dp-branes, NS5-branes and U-duality from nonabelian (2,0) theory with Lie 3-algebra
We derive the super Yang-Mills action of Dp-branes on a torus T^{p-4} from
the nonabelian (2,0) theory with Lie 3-algebra. Our realization is based on Lie
3-algebra with pairs of Lorentzian metric generators. The resultant theory then
has negative norm modes, but it results in a unitary theory by setting VEV's of
these modes. This procedure corresponds to the torus compactification,
therefore by taking a transformation which is equivalent to T-duality, the
Dp-brane action is obtained. We also study type IIA/IIB NS5-brane and
Kaluza-Klein monopole systems by taking other VEV assignments. Such various
compactifications can be realized in the nonabelian (2,0) theory, since both
longitudinal and transverse directions can be compactified, which is different
from the BLG theory. We finally discuss U-duality among these branes, and show
that most of the moduli parameters in U-duality group are recovered. Especially
in D5-brane case, the whole U-duality relation is properly reproduced.Comment: 1+26 page
D-Brane Wess-Zumino Terms and U-Duality
We construct gauge-invariant and U-duality covariant expressions for
Wess-Zumino terms corresponding to general Dp-branes (for any p<D) in arbitrary
2<D<11 dimensions. A distinguishing feature of these Wess-Zumino terms is that
they contain twice as many scalars as the 10-D compactified dimensions, in line
with doubled geometry. We find that for D<10 the charges of the
higher-dimensional branes can all be expressed as products of the 0-brane
charges, which include the D0-brane and the NS-NS 0-brane charges. We give the
general expressions for these charges and show how they determine the
non-trivial conjugacy class to which some of the higher-dimensional D-branes
belong.Comment: 42 pages. Typos corrected, an error in table 6 corrected, comments in
the conclusions adde
Stringy KLT relations, global symmetries, and E_7(7) violation
We study consequences of the Kawai-Lewellen-Tye (KLT) relations applied to
tree amplitudes in toroidal compactifications of string theory to four
dimensions. The closed string tree amplitudes with massless external states
respect a global SU(4)xSU(4) symmetry, which is enhanced to the SU(8)
R-symmetry of N=8 supergravity in the field theory limit. Our analysis focuses
on two aspects: (i) We provide a detailed account of the simplest
SU(8)-violating amplitudes. We classify these processes and derive explicit
superamplitudes for all local 5- and 6-point operators with SU(4)xSU(4)
symmetry at order alpha'^3. Their origin is the dilatonic operator exp(-6 phi)
R^4 in the closed-string effective action. (ii) We expand the 6-point closed
string tree amplitudes to order alpha'^3 and use two different methods to
isolate the SU(8)-singlet contribution from exp(-6 phi) R^4. This allows us to
extract the matrix elements of the unique SU(8)-invariant supersymmetrization
of R^4. Their single-soft scalar limits are non-vanishing. This demonstrates
that the N=8 supergravity candidate counterterm R^4 is incompatible with
continuous E_7(7) symmetry. From the soft scalar limits, we reconstruct to
quadratic order the SU(8)-invariant function of scalars that multiplies R^4,
and show that it satisfies the Laplace eigenvalue equation derived recently
from supersymmetry and duality constraints.Comment: 23 pages, published versio
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black strings
We construct uniform black-string solutions in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
for all dimensions between five and ten and discuss their basic properties.
Closed form solutions are found by taking the Gauss-Bonnet term as a
perturbation from pure Einstein gravity. Nonperturbative solutions are
constructed by solving numerically the equations of the model. The
Gregory-Laflamme instability of the black strings is explored via linearized
perturbation theory. Our results indicate that new qualitative features occur
for , in which case stable configurations exist for large enough values of
the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant. For other dimensions, the black strings are
dynamically unstable and have also a negative specific heat. We argue that this
provides an explicit realization of the Gubser-Mitra conjecture, which links
local dynamical and thermodynamic stability. Nonuniform black strings in
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory are also constructed in six spacetime dimensions.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure
Generalized Geometry and M theory
We reformulate the Hamiltonian form of bosonic eleven dimensional
supergravity in terms of an object that unifies the three-form and the metric.
For the case of four spatial dimensions, the duality group is manifest and the
metric and C-field are on an equal footing even though no dimensional reduction
is required for our results to hold. One may also describe our results using
the generalized geometry that emerges from membrane duality. The relationship
between the twisted Courant algebra and the gauge symmetries of eleven
dimensional supergravity are described in detail.Comment: 29 pages of Latex, v2 References added, typos fixed, v3 corrected
kinetic term and references adde
Perturbations of Gauss-Bonnet Black Strings in Codimension-2 Braneworlds
We derive the Lichnerowicz equation in the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet term.
Using the modified Lichnerowicz equation we study the metric perturbations of
Gauss-Bonnet black strings in Codimension-2 Braneworlds.Comment: 26 pages, no figures, clarifying comments and one reference added, to
be published in JHE
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