2 research outputs found
Using rapid prototyping to verify design for assembly
Design for assembly (DFA) is a well-establish
technique that has proved beneficial in many companies in
different manufacturing sectors. It aims to simplify the
assembly of a product by reducing the number of components
and by making sure that they fit together easily. Often, a DFA
analysis will show a theoretical improvement in the
assemblability of a product, but the re-design is not
implemented because there is no way of verifying the findings
of the analysis. Rapid prototyping (RP) enables physical
models to be made directly from CAD data in a relatively short
period of time. Using RP, it is possible to build the re-designed
product and test the accuracy of the DFA analysis. This paper
describes the procedure that can be followed to achieve this
and demonstrates its practicality through use of a case study
From CAD and RP to innovative manufacturing
From CAD and Virtual Prototyping, there are already available many Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques to
produce physical, hand hold able parts. A brief overview is presented of some important aspects regarding how to get a
good 3D solid model, how to transfer it to RP machines and how to produce quickly a physical prototype. The RP
models could be used for different downstream applications. The paper gives some alternative tooling routes, depending
on some criteria, such as: volume production, material and complexity of the parts. The RP models could be used as
master models for vacuum casting, metal spraying, investment casting and other innovative manufacturing techniques