77 research outputs found
An Isocurvature Mechanism for Structure Formation
We examine a novel mechanism for structure formation involving initial number
density fluctuations between relativistic species, one of which then undergoes
a temporary downward variation in its equation of state and generates
superhorizon-scale density fluctuations. Isocurvature decaying dark matter
models (iDDM) provide concrete examples. This mechanism solves the
phenomenological problems of traditional isocurvature models, allowing iDDM
models to fit the current CMB and large-scale structure data, while still
providing novel behavior. We characterize the decaying dark matter and its
decay products as a single component of ``generalized dark matter''. This
simplifies calculations in decaying dark matter models and others that utilize
this mechanism for structure formation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRD (rapid communications
Scaling Relations for Collision-less Dark Matter Turbulence
Many scaling relations are observed for self-gravitating systems in the
universe. We explore the consistent understanding of them from a simple
principle based on the proposal that the collision-less dark matter fluid terns
into a turbulent state, i.e. dark turbulence, after crossing the caustic
surface in the non-linear stage. The dark turbulence will not eddy dominant
reflecting the collision-less property. After deriving Kolmogorov scaling laws
from Navier-Stokes equation by the method similar to the one for Smoluchowski
coagulation equation, we apply this to several observations such as the
scale-dependent velocity dispersion, mass-luminosity ratio, magnetic fields,
and mass-angular momentum relation, power spectrum of density fluctuations.
They all point the concordant value for the constant energy flow per mass: , which may be understood as the speed of the hierarchical
coalescence process in the cosmic structure formation.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure
A small universe after all?
The cosmic microwave background radiation allows us to measure both the
geometry and topology of the universe. It has been argued that the COBE-DMR
data already rule out models that are multiply connected on scales smaller than
the particle horizon. Here we show the opposite is true: compact (small)
hyperbolic universes are favoured over their infinite counterparts. For a
density parameter of Omega_o=0.3, the compact models are a better fit to
COBE-DMR (relative likelihood ~20) and the large-scale structure data (sigma_8
increases by ~25%).Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 7 Figure
Is cosmology consistent?
We perform a detailed analysis of the latest CMB measurements (including
BOOMERaNG, DASI, Maxima and CBI), both alone and jointly with other
cosmological data sets involving, e.g., galaxy clustering and the Lyman Alpha
Forest. We first address the question of whether the CMB data are internally
consistent once calibration and beam uncertainties are taken into account,
performing a series of statistical tests. With a few minor caveats, our answer
is yes, and we compress all data into a single set of 24 bandpowers with
associated covariance matrix and window functions. We then compute joint
constraints on the 11 parameters of the ``standard'' adiabatic inflationary
cosmological model. Out best fit model passes a series of physical consistency
checks and agrees with essentially all currently available cosmological data.
In addition to sharp constraints on the cosmic matter budget in good agreement
with those of the BOOMERaNG, DASI and Maxima teams, we obtain a heaviest
neutrino mass range 0.04-4.2 eV and the sharpest constraints to date on gravity
waves which (together with preference for a slight red-tilt) favors
``small-field'' inflation models.Comment: Replaced to match accepted PRD version. 14 pages, 12 figs. Tiny
changes due to smaller DASI & Maxima calibration errors. Expanded neutrino
and tensor discussion, added refs, typos fixed. Combined CMB data, window and
covariance matrix at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/~max/consistent.html or from
[email protected]
Cluster Masses Accounting for Structure along the Line of Sight
Weak gravitational lensing of background galaxies by foreground clusters
offers an excellent opportunity to measure cluster masses directly without
using gas as a probe. One source of noise which seems difficult to avoid is
large scale structure along the line of sight. Here I show that, by using
standard map-making techniques, one can minimize the deleterious effects of
this noise. The resulting uncertainties on cluster masses are significantly
smaller than when large scale structure is not properly accounted for, although
still larger than if it was absent altogether.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Quantum driven Bounce of the future Universe
It is demonstrated that due to back-reaction of quantum effects, expansion of
the universe stops at its maximum and takes a turnaround. Later on, it
contracts to a very small size in finite future time. This phenomenon is
followed by a " bounce" with re-birth of an exponentially expanding
non-singular universe
Evolution of density perturbations in a realistic universe
Prompted by the recent more precise determination of the basic cosmological
parameters and growing evidence that the matter-energy content of the universe
is now dominated by dark energy and dark matter we present the general solution
of the equation that describes the evolution of density perturbations in the
linear approximation. It turns out that as in the standard CDM model the
density perturbations grow very slowly during the radiation dominated epoch and
their amplitude increases by a factor of about 4000 in the matter and later
dark energy dominated epoch of expansion of the universe.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
Cosmological Models and Renormalization Group Flow
We study cosmological solutions of Einstein gravity with a positive
cosmological constant in diverse dimensions. These include big-bang models that
re-collapse, big-bang models that approach de Sitter acceleration at late
times, and bounce models that are both past and future asymptotically de
Sitter. The re-collapsing and the bounce geometries are all tall in the sense
that entire spatial slices become visible to a comoving observer before the end
of conformal time, while the accelerating big-bang geometries can be either
short or tall. We consider the interpretation of these cosmological solutions
as renormalization group flows in a dual field theory and give a geometric
interpretation of the associated c-function as the area of the apparent
cosmological horizon in Planck units. The covariant entropy bound requires
quantum effects to modify the early causal structure of some of our big-bang
solutions.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, v2: improved discussion of entropy bounds,
references added, v3: minor changes, reference adde
Fitting inverse power-law quintessence models using the SNAP satellite
We investigate the possibility of using the proposed SNAP satellite in
combination with low-z supernova searches to distinguish between different
inverse power-law quintessence models. If the true model is that of a
cosmological constant, we determine the prospects of ruling out the inverse
power-law potential. We show that SNAP combined with e.g. the SNfactory and an
independent measurement of the mass energy density to 17% accuracy can
distinguish between an inverse power-law potential and a cosmological constant
and put severe constraints on the power-law exponent.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Noninteracting dark matter
Since an acceptable dark matter candidate may interact only weakly with
ordinary matter and radiation, it is of interest to consider the limiting case
where the dark matter interacts only with gravity and itself, the matter
originating by the gravitational particle production at the end of inflation.
We use the bounds on the present dark mass density and the measured large-scale
fluctuations in the thermal cosmic background radiation to constrain the two
parameters in a self-interaction potential that is a sum of quadratic and
quartic terms in a single scalar dark matter field that is minimally coupled to
gravity. In quintessential inflation, where the temperature at the end of
inflation is relatively low, the field starts acting like cold dark matter
relatively late, shortly before the epoch of equal mass densities in matter and
radiation. This could have observable consequences for galaxy formation. We
respond to recent criticisms of the quintessential inflation scenario, since
these issues also apply to elements of the noninteracting dark matter picture.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figure
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