1,165 research outputs found
Xerostomia: a common adverse effect of drugs and radiation
Reproduced with permission from Australian PrescriberThe document attached has been archived with permission from the publisher/copyright holder.Xerostomia is the subjective sensation of dry mouth. Many drugs, especially those with anticholinergic effects, can cause xerostomia, particularly in the elderly. Another major cause is radiotherapy to the head and neck damaging the salivary glands. Newer techniques to target radiotherapy and protective drugs, such as amifostine, could decrease the incidence of xerostomia.Treatment is based on either stimulating the flow of remaining salivary tissue with lollies or sialogogues such as pilocarpine, or wetting the mucosa with water or artificial saliva containing glycerine or compounds such as carboxymethylcellulose. Patients need regular dental examinations because of the effect of xerostomia on intra-oral health.Ian N Olve
A fast and spectrally convergent algorithm for rational-order fractional integral and differential equations
A fast algorithm (linear in the degrees of freedom) for the solution of linear variable-coefficient rational-order fractional integral and differential equations is described. The approach is related to the ultraspherical method for ordinary differential equations [27], and involves constructing two different bases, one for the domain of the operator and one for the range of the operator. The bases are constructed from direct sums of suitably weighted ultraspherical or Jacobi polynomial expansions, for which explicit representations of fractional integrals and derivatives are known, and are carefully chosen so that the resulting operators are banded or almost-banded. Geometric convergence is demonstrated for numerous model problems when the variable coefficients and right-hand side are sufficiently smooth
Solution of reduced equations derived with singular perturbation methods
For singular perturbation problems in dynamical systems, various appropriate
singular perturbation methods have been proposed to eliminate secular terms
appearing in the naive expansion. For example, the method of multiple time
scales, the normal form method, center manifold theory, the renormalization
group method are well known. In this paper, it is shown that all of the
solutions of the reduced equations constructed with those methods are exactly
equal to sum of the most divergent secular terms appearing in the naive
expansion. For the proof, a method to construct a perturbation solution which
differs from the conventional one is presented, where we make use of the theory
of Lie symmetry group.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.
Full-analytic frequency-domain 1pN-accurate gravitational wave forms from eccentric compact binaries
The article provides ready-to-use 1pN-accurate frequency-domain gravitational
wave forms for eccentric nonspinning compact binaries of arbitrary mass ratio
including the first post-Newtonian (1pN) point particle corrections to the
far-zone gravitational wave amplitude, given in terms of tensor spherical
harmonics. The averaged equations for the decay of the eccentricity and growth
of radial frequency due to radiation reaction are used to provide stationary
phase approximations to the frequency-domain wave forms.Comment: 28 pages, submitted to PR
Formulas for Continued Fractions. An Automated Guess and Prove Approach
We describe a simple method that produces automatically closed forms for the
coefficients of continued fractions expansions of a large number of special
functions. The function is specified by a non-linear differential equation and
initial conditions. This is used to generate the first few coefficients and
from there a conjectured formula. This formula is then proved automatically
thanks to a linear recurrence satisfied by some remainder terms. Extensive
experiments show that this simple approach and its straightforward
generalization to difference and -difference equations capture a large part
of the formulas in the literature on continued fractions.Comment: Maple worksheet attache
A Necessary Condition for existence of Lie Symmetries in Quasihomogeneous Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Lie symmetries for ordinary differential equations are studied. In systems of
ordinary differential equations, there do not always exist non-trivial Lie
symmetries around equilibrium points. We present a necessary condition for
existence of Lie symmetries analytic in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium
point. In addition, this result can be applied to a necessary condition for
existence of a Lie symmetry in quasihomogeneous systems of ordinary
differential equations. With the help of our main theorem, it is proved that
several systems do not possess any analytic Lie symmetries.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, AMSLaTe
Analytic structure of radiation boundary kernels for blackhole perturbations
Exact outer boundary conditions for gravitational perturbations of the
Schwarzschild metric feature integral convolution between a time-domain
boundary kernel and each radiative mode of the perturbation. For both axial
(Regge-Wheeler) and polar (Zerilli) perturbations, we study the Laplace
transform of such kernels as an analytic function of (dimensionless) Laplace
frequency. We present numerical evidence indicating that each such
frequency-domain boundary kernel admits a "sum-of-poles" representation. Our
work has been inspired by Alpert, Greengard, and Hagstrom's analysis of
nonreflecting boundary conditions for the ordinary scalar wave equation.Comment: revtex4, 14 pages, 12 figures, 3 table
Complex sine-Gordon-2: a new algorithm for multivortex solutions on the plane
We present a new vorticity-raising transformation for the second integrable
complexification of the sine-Gordon equation on the plane. The new
transformation is a product of four Schlesinger maps of the Painlev\'{e}-V to
itself, and allows a more efficient construction of the -vortex solution
than the previously reported transformation comprising a product of maps.Comment: Part of a talk given at a conference on "Nonlinear Physics. Theory
and Experiment", Gallipoli (Lecce), June-July 2004. To appear in a topical
issue of "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics". 7 pages, 1 figur
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