7,425 research outputs found

    Filling dependence of a new type of charge ordered liquid on a triangular lattice system

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    We study the recently reported characteristic gapless charge ordered state in a spinless fermion system on a triangular lattice under strong inter-site Coulomb interactions. In this state the charges are spontaneously divided into solid and liquid component, and the former solid part aligns in a Wigner crystal manner while the latter moves among them like a pinball. We show that such charge ordered liquid is stable over a wide range of filling, 1/3<n<2/31/3<n<2/3, and examine its filling dependent nature.Comment: 3 pages 3 figure

    Comment on ``Spin Dependent Hopping and Colossal Negative Magnetoresistance in Epitaxial Nd0.52Sr0.48MnO3Nd_{0.52}Sr_{0.48}MnO_{3} Films in Fields up to 50 T''

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    Recently Wagner et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 81, P. 3980 (1998)] proposed that Mott's original model be modified to incorporate a hopping barrier which depends on the misorientation between the spins of electrons at the initial and the final states in an elementary process. They further claimed that using the model they can explain the observed scaling behavior-- negative-magnetoresistivity scaling proportional to the Brillouin function B\cal{B} in the ferromagnetic state and to B2{\cal{B}}^2 in the paramagnetic state. In this comment we argue that the modification needed for Mott's original model is different from that proposed by Wagner et al. and further show that our picture will successfully explain the observed scaling in the two regimes.Comment: 1 pag

    A Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Systems Coupled with Classical Degrees of Freedom

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    A new Monte Carlo method is proposed for fermion systems interacting with classical degrees of freedom. To obtain a weight for each Monte Carlo sample with a fixed configuration of classical variables, the moment expansion of the density of states by Chebyshev polynomials is applied instead of the direct diagonalization of the fermion Hamiltonian. This reduces a cpu time to scale as O(Ndim2logNdim)O(N_{\rm dim}^{2} \log N_{\rm dim}) compared to O(Ndim3)O(N_{\rm dim}^{3}) for the diagonalization in the conventional technique; NdimN_{\rm dim} is the dimension of the Hamiltonian. Another advantage of this method is that parallel computation with high efficiency is possible. These significantly save total cpu times of Monte Carlo calculations because the calculation of a Monte Carlo weight is the bottleneck part. The method is applied to the double-exchange model as an example. The benchmark results show that it is possible to make a systematic investigation using a system-size scaling even in three dimensions within a realistic cpu timescale.Comment: 6 pages including 4 figure

    Impurity Effect on Ferromagnetic Transition in Double-Exchange Systems

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    Effect of randomness in the double-exchange model is studied. Large fluctuations and spatial random distribution of impurities are taken into account in an essentially exact manner by using the Monte Carlo calculation. The randomness suppresses the ferromagnetism by reducing the coherence of itinerant electrons. The suppression is significant in the critical region where the fluctuations are dominant. Temperature dependences of the magnetization are estimated for finite-size clusters. A characteristic temperature for phase transition TT^{*} is estimated from the inflection point, which is expected to give a good approximation for the critical temperature in the thermodynamic limit. Our results suggest that the ferromagnetism becomes unstable more rapidly than predicted in the previous theoretical results by the coherent-potential approximation.Comment: 7 pages including 4 figures, submitted to Proc. ISSP

    Photo-induced insulator-metal transition of a spin-electron coupled system

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    The photo-induced metal-insulator transition is studied by the numerical simulation of real-time quantum dynamics of a double-exchange model. The spatial and temporal evolutions of the system during the transition have been revealed including (i) the threshold behavior with respect to the intensity and energy of light, (ii) multiplication of particle-hole (p-h) pairs by a p-h pair of high energy, and (iii) the space-time pattern formation such as (a) the stripe controlled by the polarization of light, (b) coexistence of metallic and insulating domains, and (c) dynamical spontaneous symmetry-breaking associated with the spin spiral formation imposed by the conservation of total spin for small energy-dissipation rates

    Universality Class of Ferromagnetic Transition in Three-Dimensional Double-Exchange System - O(N) Monte Carlo Study -

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    Curie temperature and exponents are studied for the three-dimensional double-exchange model. Applying the O(N) Monte Carlo algorithm, we perform systematic finite-size scaling analyses on the data up to 20320^3 sites. The obtained values of the critical exponents are consistent with those of the Heisenberg universality class, and clearly distinct from the mean-field values.Comment: 3 pages including 2 figure

    Competing Orders and Disorder-induced Insulator to Metal Transition in Manganites

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    Effects of disorder on the two competing phases, i.e., the ferromagnetic metal and the commensurate charge/lattice ordered insulator, are studied by Monte Carlo simulation. The disorder suppresses the charge/lattice ordering more strongly than the ferromagnetic order, driving the commensurate insulator to the ferromagnetic metal near the phase boundary in the pure case. Above the ferromagnetic transition temperature, on the contrary, the disorder makes the system more insulating, which might cause an enhanced colossal magnetoresistance as observed in the half-doped or Cr-substituted manganites. No indication of the percolation or the cluster formation is found, and there remain the charge/lattice fluctuations instead which are enhanced toward the transition temperature.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figure