26,321,924 research outputs found
Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)
Intra-abdominal infections (IAI) are an important cause of morbidity and are frequently associated with poor prognosis, particularly in high-risk patients. The cornerstones in the management of complicated IAIs are timely effective source control with appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Empiric antimicrobial therapy is important in the management of intra-abdominal infections and must be broad enough to cover all likely organisms because inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy is associated with poor patient outcomes and the development of bacterial resistance. The overuse of antimicrobials is widely accepted as a major driver of some emerging infections (such as C. difficile), the selection of resistant pathogens in individual patients, and for the continued development of antimicrobial resistance globally. The growing emergence of multi-drug resistant organisms and the limited development of new agents available to counteract them have caused an impending crisis with alarming implications, especially with regards to Gram-negative bacteria. An international task force from 79 different countries has joined this project by sharing a document on the rational use of antimicrobials for patients with IAIs. The project has been termed AGORA (Antimicrobials: A Global Alliance for Optimizing their Rational Use in Intra-Abdominal Infections). The authors hope that AGORA, involving many of the world's leading experts, can actively raise awareness in health workers and can improve prescribing behavior in treating IAIs
Measurement of the multi-TeV neutrino cross section with IceCube using Earth absorption
Neutrinos interact only very weakly, so they are extremely penetrating.
However, the theoretical neutrino-nucleon interaction cross section rises with
energy such that, at energies above 40 TeV, neutrinos are expected to be
absorbed as they pass through the Earth. Experimentally, the cross section has
been measured only at the relatively low energies (below 400 GeV) available at
neutrino beams from accelerators \cite{Agashe:2014kda, Formaggio:2013kya}. Here
we report the first measurement of neutrino absorption in the Earth, using a
sample of 10,784 energetic upward-going neutrino-induced muons observed with
the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. The flux of high-energy neutrinos transiting
long paths through the Earth is attenuated compared to a reference sample that
follows shorter trajectories through the Earth. Using a fit to the
two-dimensional distribution of muon energy and zenith angle, we determine the
cross section for neutrino energies between 6.3 TeV and 980 TeV, more than an
order of magnitude higher in energy than previous measurements. The measured
cross section is (stat.) (syst.)
times the prediction of the Standard Model \cite{CooperSarkar:2011pa},
consistent with the expectation for charged and neutral current interactions.
We do not observe a dramatic increase in the cross section, expected in some
speculative models, including those invoking new compact dimensions
\cite{AlvarezMuniz:2002ga} or the production of leptoquarks
\cite{Romero:2009vu}.Comment: Preprint version of Nature paper 10.1038/nature2445
The gamma-ray burst monitor for Lobster-ISS
Lobster-ISS is an X-ray all-sky monitor experiment selected by ESA two years
ago for a Phase A study (now almost completed) for a future flight (2009)
aboard the Columbus Exposed Payload Facility of the International Space
Station. The main instrument, based on MCP optics with Lobster-eye geometry,
has an energy passband from 0.1 to 3.5 keV, an unprecedented daily sensitivity
of 2x10^{-12} erg cm^{-2}s$^{-1}, and it is capable to scan, during each orbit,
the entire sky with an angular resolution of 4--6 arcmin. This X-ray telescope
is flanked by a Gamma Ray Burst Monitor, with the minimum requirement of
recognizing true GRBs from other transient events. In this paper we describe
the GRBM. In addition to the minimum requirement, the instrument proposed is
capable to roughly localize GRBs which occur in the Lobster FOV (162x22.5
degrees) and to significantly extend the scientific capabilities of the main
instrument for the study of GRBs and X-ray transients. The combination of the
two instruments will allow an unprecedented spectral coverage (from 0.1 up to
300/700 keV) for a sensitive study of the GRB prompt emission in the passband
where GRBs and X-Ray Flashes emit most of their energy. The low-energy spectral
band (0.1-10 keV) is of key importance for the study of the GRB environment and
the search of transient absorption and emission features from GRBs, both goals
being crucial for unveiling the GRB phenomenon. The entire energy band of
Lobster-ISS is not covered by either the Swift satellite or other GRB missions
foreseen in the next decade.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Paper presented at the COSPAR 2004 General
Assembly (Paris), accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research in
June 2005 and available on-line at the Journal site
(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02731177), section "Articles in
Adropin: An endocrine link between the biological clock and cholesterol homeostasis
This article explores two translation models circling around the key issue “equivalence” in translation studies. They are the Jerome Model and the Horace Model. They differentiate from each other in the aspects of the translating priorities and purposes, etc. Moreover, through illustrative examples, the article points out there are intrinsic relationship between the two models, so appropriate application and combination of the two models will not only solve the problem of “equivalence”, but also build up a bridge between source language culture and target language culture
The microbial zoo in the C. elegans intestine: Bacteria, fungi and viruses
Press freedom has become one of the major challenges facing Journalism practice in the world. This paper explores the factors hindering press freedom in Nigeria using some relevant examples. The researcher used the qualitative method of research; using secondary data comprising of books and journals. The study is embedded on social responsibility theory. The study reveals that there are a lot of factors in Nigeria that hinders press freedom ranging from secrecy, legal pressure, direct censorship and force among others. Findings also reveal that Nigerian press freedom is a paradox and only exist on paper i.e. in the constitution but not in practice. The study recommends that since press freedom is granted in the constitution of Nigeria, there should be statutory backup and in order not to hinder press freedom, journalist should be allowed to have access to government sources and records so long as it will not bring chaos to the society at large
Monitoring Systems for MIMAP
Due to stabilization and structural adjustment policies, it is imperative to learn more about its impacts. Given a good database, the current thrust on devolution will facilitate the institutionalization of a community-based monitoring system. The system reduces the administrative costs associated with the design of safety net programs that are meant to counter the adverse effects of macro adjustment policies.vulnerable groups, vulnerability, MIMAP
On the role of pre and post-processing in environmental data mining
The quality of discovered knowledge is highly depending on data quality. Unfortunately real data use to contain noise, uncertainty, errors, redundancies or even irrelevant information. The more complex is the reality to be analyzed, the higher the risk of getting low quality data. Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD) offers a global framework to prepare data in the right form to perform correct analyses. On the other hand, the quality of decisions taken upon KDD results, depend not only on the quality of the results themselves, but on the capacity of the system to communicate those results in an understandable form. Environmental systems are particularly complex and environmental users particularly require clarity in their results. In this paper some details about how this can be achieved are provided. The role of the pre and post processing in the whole process of Knowledge Discovery in environmental systems is discussed
Monitoring Systems for MIMAP
Due to stabilization and structural adjustment policies, it is imperative to learn more about its impacts. Given a good database, the current thrust on devolution will facilitate the institutionalization of a community-based monitoring system. The system reduces the administrative costs associated with the design of safety net programs that are meant to counter the adverse effects of macro adjustment policies.vulnerable groups, vulnerability, MIMAP
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