13 research outputs found

    Degree-doubling graph families

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    Let G be a family of n-vertex graphs of uniform degree 2 with the property that the union of any two member graphs has degree four. We determine the leading term in the asymptotics of the largest cardinality of such a family. Several analogous problems are discussed.Comment: 9 page

    Packing Directed Circuits Quarter-Integrally

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    Well-quasi-ordering digraphs with no long alternating paths by the strong immersion relation

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    Nash-Williams' Strong Immersion Conjecture states that graphs are well-quasi-ordered by the strong immersion relation. That is, given infinitely many graphs, one graph contains another graph as a strong immersion. In this paper we study the analogous problem for directed graphs. It is known that digraphs are not well-quasi-ordered by the strong immersion relation, but for all known such infinite antichains, paths that change direction arbitrarily many times can be found. This paper proves that the converse statement is true: for every positive integer kk, the digraphs that do not contain a path that changes direction kk times are well-quasi-ordered by the strong immersion relation, even when vertices are labelled by a well-quasi-order. This result is optimal since paths that change direction arbitrarily many times with vertex-labels form an infinite antichain with respect to the strong immersion relation

    Half-Integral Linkages in Highly Connected Directed Graphs

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    We study the half-integral k-Directed Disjoint Paths Problem (1/2 kDDPP) in highly strongly connected digraphs. The integral kDDPP is NP-complete even when restricted to instances where k=2, and the input graph is L-strongly connected, for any L >= 1. We show that when the integrality condition is relaxed to allow each vertex to be used in two paths, the problem becomes efficiently solvable in highly connected digraphs (even with k as part of the input). Specifically, we show that there is an absolute constant c such that for each k >= 2 there exists L(k) such that 1/2 kDDPP is solvable in time O(|V(G)|^c) for a L(k)-strongly connected directed graph G. As the function L(k) grows rather quickly, we also show that 1/2 kDDPP is solvable in time O(|V(G)|^{f(k)}) in (36k^3+2k)-strongly connected directed graphs. We show that for each epsilon<1, deciding half-integral feasibility of kDDPP instances is NP-complete when k is given as part of the input, even when restricted to graphs with strong connectivity epsilon k

    Computing complexity measures of degenerate graphs

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    We show that the VC-dimension of a graph can be computed in time nlogd+1dO(d)n^{\log d+1} d^{O(d)}, where dd is the degeneracy of the input graph. The core idea of our algorithm is a data structure to efficiently query the number of vertices that see a specific subset of vertices inside of a (small) query set. The construction of this data structure takes time O(d2dn)O(d2^dn), afterwards queries can be computed efficiently using fast M\"obius inversion. This data structure turns out to be useful for a range of tasks, especially for finding bipartite patterns in degenerate graphs, and we outline an efficient algorithms for counting the number of times specific patterns occur in a graph. The largest factor in the running time of this algorithm is O(nc)O(n^c), where cc is a parameter of the pattern we call its left covering number. Concrete applications of this algorithm include counting the number of (non-induced) bicliques in linear time, the number of co-matchings in quadratic time, as well as a constant-factor approximation of the ladder index in linear time. Finally, we supplement our theoretical results with several implementations and run experiments on more than 200 real-world datasets -- the largest of which has 8 million edges -- where we obtain interesting insights into the VC-dimension of real-world networks.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 18th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2023

    Packing Directed Cycles Quarter- and Half-Integrally

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    The celebrated Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa theorem states that every undirected graph that does not admit a family of kk vertex-disjoint cycles contains a feedback vertex set (a set of vertices hitting all cycles in the graph) of size O(klogk)O(k \log k). After being known for long as Younger's conjecture, a similar statement for directed graphs has been proven in 1996 by Reed, Robertson, Seymour, and Thomas. However, in their proof, the dependency of the size of the feedback vertex set on the size of vertex-disjoint cycle packing is not elementary. We show that if we compare the size of a minimum feedback vertex set in a directed graph with the quarter-integral cycle packing number, we obtain a polynomial bound. More precisely, we show that if in a directed graph GG there is no family of kk cycles such that every vertex of GG is in at most four of the cycles, then there exists a feedback vertex set in GG of size O(k4)O(k^4). Furthermore, a variant of our proof shows that if in a directed graph GG there is no family of kk cycles such that every vertex of GG is in at most two of the cycles, then there exists a feedback vertex set in GG of size O(k6)O(k^6). On the way there we prove a more general result about quarter-integral packing of subgraphs of high directed treewidth: for every pair of positive integers aa and bb, if a directed graph GG has directed treewidth Ω(a6b8log2(ab))\Omega(a^6 b^8 \log^2(ab)), then one can find in GG a family of aa subgraphs, each of directed treewidth at least bb, such that every vertex of GG is in at most four subgraphs.Comment: Accepted to European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA '19

    Optimal Discretization is Fixed-parameter Tractable

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    Given two disjoint sets W1W_1 and W2W_2 of points in the plane, the Optimal Discretization problem asks for the minimum size of a family of horizontal and vertical lines that separate W1W_1 from W2W_2, that is, in every region into which the lines partition the plane there are either only points of W1W_1, or only points of W2W_2, or the region is empty. Equivalently, Optimal Discretization can be phrased as a task of discretizing continuous variables: we would like to discretize the range of xx-coordinates and the range of yy-coordinates into as few segments as possible, maintaining that no pair of points from W1×W2W_1 \times W_2 are projected onto the same pair of segments under this discretization. We provide a fixed-parameter algorithm for the problem, parameterized by the number of lines in the solution. Our algorithm works in time 2O(k2logk)nO(1)2^{O(k^2 \log k)} n^{O(1)}, where kk is the bound on the number of lines to find and nn is the number of points in the input. Our result answers in positive a question of Bonnet, Giannopolous, and Lampis [IPEC 2017] and of Froese (PhD thesis, 2018) and is in contrast with the known intractability of two closely related generalizations: the Rectangle Stabbing problem and the generalization in which the selected lines are not required to be axis-parallel.Comment: Accepted to ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2021

    Being Even Slightly Shallow Makes Life Hard

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    We study the computational complexity of identifying dense substructures, namely r/2-shallow topological minors and r-subdivisions. Of particular interest is the case r = 1, when these substructures correspond to very localized relaxations of subgraphs. Since Densest Subgraph can be solved in polynomial time, we ask whether these slight relaxations also admit efficient algorithms. In the following, we provide a negative answer: Dense r/2-Shallow Topological Minor and Dense r-Subdivsion are already NP-hard for r = 1 in very sparse graphs. Further, they do not admit algorithms with running time 2^(o(tw^2)) n^O(1) when parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph for r > 2 unless ETH fails

    Algorithmic Properties of Sparse Digraphs

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    The notions of bounded expansion [Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, 2008] and nowhere denseness [Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, 2011], introduced by Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez as structural measures for undirected graphs, have been applied very successfully in algorithmic graph theory. We study the corresponding notions of directed bounded expansion and nowhere crownfulness on directed graphs, introduced by Kreutzer and Tazari [Kreutzer and Tazari, 2012]. The classes of directed graphs having those properties are very general classes of sparse directed graphs, as they include, on one hand, all classes of directed graphs whose underlying undirected class has bounded expansion, such as planar, bounded-genus, and H-minor-free graphs, and on the other hand, they also contain classes whose underlying undirected class is not even nowhere dense. We show that many of the algorithmic tools that were developed for undirected bounded expansion classes can, with some care, also be applied in their directed counterparts, and thereby we highlight a rich algorithmic structure theory of directed bounded expansion and nowhere crownful classes

    Degree-Doubling Graph Families

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