429 research outputs found
Factors associated with smoking quit attempts among tobacco smokers
Despite more than one-third of tobacco users attempting to quit tobacco each year, only 4–6 % of them succeed to remains abstinent after one year.
The aim: This study aims to estimate the proportion of smokers who attempt to quit tobacco smoking and determine factors associated with quitting behaviour.
Methods: This community-based, cross-sectional study was conducted among 720 smokers aged 18 years and above residing in a rural area of Haryana state of India. A chi-square test determined the association between various variables under study and quitting attempts among study subjects. Factors found to be statistically significant using a chi-square test were entered into a binary logistic regression analysis to obtain determinants of smoking quitting attempts among the respondents.
Results: 28.5 % of the respondents had attempted to quit smoking during the past 1 year. The majority of them, i.e., 73.7 %, had attempted once, whereas 21.0 % and 5.4 % of respondents had made 2 and 3 attempts, respectively, to quit smoking during the last 1 year. Factors independently associated with quitting behaviour were educational level (AOR=1.851, p=0.028), age of initiation (AOR=0.620, p=0.026), reasons for smoking (AOR=1.681, p=0.016), money spent on smoking (AOR=1.700, p=0.003), family pressure to quit smoking (AOR=1.725, p=0.006) and advice from health professionals to quit smoking (AOR=2.104, p<0.001).
Conclusion: Around one-third of smokers have attempted to quit tobacco smoking in the past year. Hence there is a need to formulate policies towards a targeted intervention for smokers who have not attempted to quit smoking in the past 1 year for effective tobacco contro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membedakan antara Istidraj dengan nikmat dan Konsep Penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab tentang istidraj didalam Tafsir Al-Misbah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yaitu kepustakaan (library research) dengan bahan-bahan pustaka terutama tafsir Al-Misbah serta literatur lain yang relevan, dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan analisisnya dengan pendekatan Tafsir maudhu’i. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu sebagai berikut : Pertama, istidraj merupakan hukuman dalam bentuk kesenangan dan kenikmatan untuk menjadikan mereka lalai dan terlena. Hukuman dari Allah SWT ini berlaku sewaktu di dunia, adapun penyebabnya diantaranya ialah dusta, kufur, dan maksiat kepada Allah SWT, kemudian Allah tangguhkan beberapa waktu, lalu Allah giring mereka secara perlahan dan bertahap kepada kebinasaan. Kedua, Konsep Pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab tentang istidraj yaitu : (1) Allah memberikan kemudahan segala urusan serta harta yang melimpah. (2) Allah akan tangguhkan segala kesenangan di dunia atas para pendusta ayat-Nya. (3) Allah akan bukakan semua pintu kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang lalai. (4) Manusia akan selalu menganggap baik setiap perbuatannya setelah mendapat bisikan syaitan. Namun bisikan itulah Penyebab mereka disiksa Allah SWT
Somatic embryo mediated mass production of Catharanthus roseus in culture vessel (bioreactor) – A comparative study
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the use of liquid and solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium in different culture vessels for mass production of Catharanthus roseus, an important source of anticancerous compounds, vincristine and vinblastine. Three media conditions i.e. agar-solidified medium (S), liquid medium in agitated conical flask (L) and growtek bioreactor (B) were used. Rapid propagation was achieved through in vitro somatic embryogenesis pathway. The process of embryogenesis has been categorized into induction, proliferation, maturation and germination stages. All in vitro embryogenesis stages were conducted by withdrawing spent liquid medium and by adding fresh MS medium. In optimized 4.52ÎĽM 2,4-D added MS, the callus biomass growth was low in solid (1.65g) compared to liquid medium in agitated conical flask (1.95g) and in bioreactor (2.11g). The number of normal somatic embryos was more in solid medium (99.75/50mg of callus mass) compared to liquid medium used in conical flask (83.25/callus mass) and growtek bioreactor (84.88/callus mass). The in vitro raised embryos maturated in GA3 (2.60ÎĽM) added medium; and in bioreactor the embryo growth was high, a maximum length of 9.82mm was observed at the end of four weeks. These embryos germinated into seedlings in BAP (2.22ÎĽM) added medium and the embryo germination ability was more (59.41%) in bioreactor compared to liquid medium in conical flask (55.5%). Shoot length (11.25mm) was also high in bioreactor compared to agitated conical flask. The liquid medium used in agitated conical flask and bioreactor increased seedling production efficiency, at the same time it also reduced plant recovery time. The embryo generated plants grew normally in outdoor conditions. The exploitation of medium to large culture vessel or bioreactor may make the process more efficient in getting large number of Catharanthus plant as it is the only source of anti-cancerous alkaloids, vincristine and vinblastine
Inclinations of Global Research on Saffron as Represented by Science Citation Index-Expanded
Using the Science Citation Index-Expanded of the Web of Science Core Collection, we analyzed global saffron research literature published between 1991 and 2017. The variables examined were research performance of nations, institutions, and authors. The study noted that the distribution of author keywords, citations, and publication patterns of saffron related articles to ascertain the research inclinations. The highly cited articles and author keyword analysis showed that the chemical and biochemical qualities of saffron were of key interest for the researchers
Experimental Investigation of Isobaric specific heat capacity (Cp) of 9-ethylcarbazole in liquid and solid state
Liquid organic hydrides, e.g. 9-ethylcarbazole, are potentially interesting hydrogen storage materials becauseof their reversible hydrogen sorption properties. In this study, the isobaric specific heat capacity of 9-ethylcarbazole in solid and liquid phases was investigated using adiabatic calorimeter. The experimentalsetup consisting of two basic components adiabatic calorimeter and pressure unit was developed. To calibratethe apparatus the specific heat of the water was measured. The experimental data points were obtained at 0.1MPa to 0.88 MPa pressure range and 353 K to 480 K temperature range. The specific heat dependence onpressure and temperature was presented. The increase in specific heat of 9-ethylcarbazole was observed withincreasing pressure and temperature for solid phase, while for liquid phase decrease in trend was observed forincreasing pressure.Keywords: 9-ethylcarbazole, Adiabatic Calorimeter, Specific Heat, Nitrogen Gas Cylinde
Evaluation of Quality during Construction Projects: A Case Study of Pakistan
Achieving and maintaining quality values are indispensable for attaining organizational and customer satisfaction. This research investigates different aspects of operationalize quality culture and factors affecting the quality of building construction in under developed countries like Pakistan. A qualitative and quantitative survey was circulated among different stakeholders including Clients, Consultants and Contractors to assess the level of the contractor’s performance, the project monitoring and controlling techniques, proper health and safety requirements, client satisfaction and workers experience in construction industry projects. The practice of professional quality management in building projects is increasing, however, many flaws and negligence are still found in local practices. This analysis also indicates that political and socio-economic factors play a significant role in maintaining the quality level in local industry. Therefore, the allocation of sufficient resources, proper training of workers, and recruitment of quality control staff and the use of advanced technologies are recommended for proper implementation of QMS (Quality Management System)
Fabrication of low-cost and environmental-friendly EHD printable thin film nanocomposite triboelectric nanogenerator using household recyclable materials
Humans generate massive amounts of plastic and electronic waste, which pollute our environment, particularly our water supplies, and cause fatal difficulties. In addition, the increased use of fossil fuels is wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. In order to solve these issues, we describe a simple, low-cost, and environmentally-friendly triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) made of electronic waste and recycled plastic, and we add nanomaterial to improve power generation using biomechanical energy. The present investigation involves synthesizing carbon dots (CDs) nano-material through a single-step hydrothermal technique and CDs nano-material characterized via UV.Vis Spectroscopy. The proposed carbon dot-graphite nano composite-based TENGs (CGC-TENGs) are created by reusing dry cells (electronic waste) to obtain graphite, plastic bottles to obtain plastic, and synthesized CDs. CGC-TENGs manufactures a simple, low-cost, and environmentally friendly In-house quick and bulk fabrication printed electro hydrodynamics (EHD) electrospray process that uses less solvent and does not require specialist equipment or knowledge. Comparing fabricate TENG device results, in which CDs used produced high voltage (127.31 V)/current (107.12 μA), while not using CDs produced low voltage (95.23 V)/current (104.12 μA) at similar fabrication parameters, the size of the devices are 4.5 cm × 7 cm, and 15 N force applied. The CGC-TENG (δ) has maximum output performance and is thoroughly investigated using an open-circuit voltage of 171.30 V, a short circuit current of 111.39 μA, and a maximum output power density of 53.08 μW/cm2. CGC-TENG (δ) was used to power an electronic glucose monitoring device, and twenty-three blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to demonstrate its practical applications. The approach we propose produces renewable energy sources by reutilizing plastic waste and technological waste, providing a practical and sustainable path toward our goal of creating a green planet
Assessment of soil compaction due to the motion of Prime mover and tillage machinery in temperature region of Kashmir Valley
The study was undertaken to assess the impact of prime movers (40 hp and 50 hp) and agricultural machinery (cultivator, disc harrow and rotavator) on soil compaction. Initially, the prime movers were operated at three speeds (2 kmph, 3 kmph and 5 kmph) for 1, 2 and 3 passes and responses were measured in terms of bulk density (gcm-3), particle density (gcm-3), porosity (%), cone index (kPa), infiltration rate (cmh-1), hydraulic conductivity (cmh-1) and particle size distribution (mm). The experiments were planned as per Randomized Block Design (RBD). It was observed that bulk density, particle density and cone index increased with an increase in the number of passes from 1 to 3. Maximum percentage increase of 5.82 % bulk density, 2.78 % particle density and 26.96 % cone index from the initial values were observed in the operation of 50 hp tractor without implement. The infiltration rate showed a decrease of 1.08% and 1.5% after 1 pass for 40 and 50 hp tractor, respectively. Mass mean diameter (MMD) of soil decreased with the increase in the number of passes from 1 to 3 and the maximum decrease of 11.24% was recorded during operation of 50 hp tractor. In the next phase, three secondary tillage implements viz. cultivator, disc harrow and rotavator were attached with the 50 hp prime mover at three different inflation pressure (0.8 kg cm-2, 1.2 kg cm-2, 1.5 kg cm-2) for 1, 2 and 3 passes, respectively. It was observed that the bulk density decreased by 27.57% for cultivator, 29.87% disc harrow and 30.20% rotavator. The cone index decreased with number of passes for all the implements and the maximum value of 36% was associated with rotavator. About 45% increase in infiltration rate, 25 % hydraulic conductivity and 37.70 % decrease in mean mass diameter (MMD) was recorded with the operation of rotavator after three passes
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy as CSF Diversion in Hydrocephalus with Posterior Fossa Lesions
Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the role of External Third Ventriculotomy (ETV) for treating hydrocephalus before or during removal of posterior fossa tumor.Design: Quasi experimental study.Place and Duration of Study: Neurosurgery department Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for women Nawabshah, from 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2010.Material and Methods: Patients were admitted for hydrocephalus with posterior fossa tumors. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy performed and posterior fossa tumors were excised completely or partially. Post operative persistent hydrocephalus was treated with repeat ETV or VP shunt.Results: The study population consisted of 8 patients with male preponderance (6 males 75% and 2 females 25%). Age group included 5 months to 40 years with mean age 20.2 years. 7 patients (87.5%) did not require postoperative shunting.Conclusion: ETV is an alternative and effective method of treating hydrocephalus associated with posterior fossa tumors avoiding external drains or shunts. It decreases the risk of post-resection hydrocephalus
Conceptual Paper on Halal and Haram: Systems Level Approach
Islamic, as well as modern literature, on the issue of halal/haram (permissible and prohibited), primarily circulates around the product’s ingredient aspect, categorizing a particular object specifically into one of the mentioned dichotomist heads. On contrary to the usual individualistic consumer/product-centric approach, this paper discusses several macros, systems-level models, which follow the top-bottom approach.
A discourse, through conceptual framework analysis, this paper discusses the concept of halal and haram, to understand the nature and antecedents to the concepts as narrated in the revealed texts of Quran and Hadith.Â
It is proposed that although the terms of halal and haram are elaborated extensively in literature, there are several gaps in the understanding of the concept at the systems level. Therefore, this paper presents a comprehensive understanding through conceptual framework of halal/haram using the conceptual analysis method, which grounds into Islamic literature to trace the phenomenon’s major concepts and dimensions at various systems levels, such as society and environment.
The research would enrich the understanding of how the Creator has created filters to provide the believers the best to consume and balances the cosmic systems through commandments to individuals, compliances to which supplement and support the Islamic lifestyle and Islamic social structure and sustained global development
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