22 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a sociolinguistics research on multilingual society which aims to describe the language attitudes and language choice of the food sellers of Tegal food stalls (warteg) in Semarang toward Tegal dialect of Javanese Language (TL). The language choice research was also done to support the respondents’ answer in language attitude questions. The data was collected during June and July 2016 to warteg food sellers in Semarang as the respondents. The questionnaires were assessed about their agreement or disagreement for 10 statements on a five-point Likert type scale. The respondents were also being asked about the language used to talk to others in their daily activities. Using mean score, Likert type formula and Independent t test, the results indicated that the total 111 respondents still have positive attitudes toward TL even though they live outside of Tegal area. They prefer to use TL than other languages to talk to other Tegalese


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    The study of language in relation with social factors is very fascinating. The migration of inhabitants of one province into another causes the interaction between visitors and local population within the community, that results language contact. The research aims at describing the Javanese language usage of Javanese speech community in Bontang, East Kalimantan. The theories used in this study are bilingualism introduced by W.F. Mackey (1972) code stated by Wardaugh (1986), and ethnicity and social networks by Holmes (2001). This descriptive research uses the Sociolinguistic approach and it is field research. The research design applied in this study is qualitative. Observation and interviews are the methods used in collecting data. In analyzing data, the researcher used correlation to finds the usage of Javanese language code used by Javanese speech community in Bontang

    Language Variation in Traditional Ritual of Dreadlock Hair Cutting in Dieng Banjarnegara: An Effort to Preserve Language and Culture

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    As a multilingual country, Indonesians are accustomed to change from one language to another in one speech event. This multilingual phenomenon is also happening in Dieng Plateau of Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java. The use of more than one language is also shown in the “ruwatan” of hair cutting of dreadlocks hair that is routinely held once a year by the local community. The data of this qualitative research is taken from the interview, record and library. The results show that there are at least two languages used in the ritual, namely Javanese and Arabic. The Javanese language is used as the medium of instruction throughout the ceremonial ritual, the recitation of the mantra in the form of prayer in the Javanese language, as well as in the “tembang” sung during the ritual procession. Meanwhile, the Arabic language is used as the language of instruction in prayer readings

    Language Harmony: Diversity and Language Acculturation of Javanese-Palembang on Instagram @oypalembang

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    Language is one part of a culture as well as a communication tool in uniting several cultures. Language acculturation is common in multicultural countries like Indonesia. One of them is the Palembang language which has some vocabulary similarities with the Javanese language. The Palembang language is a Malay-Polynesian language that has expanded and fused into languages throughout Indonesia, notably Javanese. The use of regional languages is not only limited to social media pages such as Instagram, moreover, these accounts represent a certain area where people who master the same language can communicate comfortably. This article aims to discover the origin of similarities in language diversity. This research related to the Palembang language uses descriptive qualitative by observing Instagram accounts as a data collection technique. From this research, it can be stated that the influence of cognate languages in the existence of some similarities of Javanese vocabulary in the Palembang language


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    Through advertisement, producers send messages for their product strength to consumers. Those messages are conveyed through various kinds of signs either in the form of language, picture, caption, icon, index, or symbol. There is communicative exchange on GC79 PC Card Sony Ericsson advertisement between sender and receiver. Sender (advertisement maker) of this advertisement makes good use of reward polluter style, which is, persuading comsumers to use PC Card Sony Ericsson product.Keywords: advertisement, sender, receiver, signs, communication act

    Power of Interviewer in `Kick Andy` on Metro TV

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Power of Interviewer in Kick Andy on Metro TV”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kekuasaan pewawancara yang digunakan Andy F Noya terhadap bintang tamu dalam talk show Kick Andy. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data rekaman sebagai alat koleksi data dengan menggunakan 2 data sampel percakapan antara pewawancara (IR) dan narasumber (IE), yakni episode “Reformasi Ala Amin Rais” dan “More Heroes Big Action”. Penelitian inimenggunakan beberapa pendekatan meliputi; discourse, power, cooperative and politeness principle dan conversation analysis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa IR memiliki kekuasaan terhadap IE. Terdapat bentuk-bentuk kekuasaan yang dimiliki IR dalam wawancara; (1) IR berkuasa untuk mengendalikan jalannya wawancara, termasuk mengendalikan IE, (2) IR lebih menerapkan prinsip kooperatif Grice daripada IE, (3) IR berkuasa untuk membuat rangkaian pertanyaan terhadap IE, (4) IR sedikit menerapkan prinsipkesopanan Leech dibandingkan IE, (5) IR bertanya dalam bentuk single-word, single-phrase, dan single-clauseturn, (6) Berdasarkan alokasi giliran bicara, kekuasaan IR meliputi, IR mengalokasikan diri sendiri dan mitra tutur (IE) yang dikehendaki bahkan IR juga berkuasa untuk menerima, mengabaikan, serta untuk tidak menjawab pertanyaan dari IE, (7) IR berkuasa untuk membuka dan menutup sebuah percakapan serta membentuk sekuen percakapan yang IR inginkan, (8) IR melakukan tindakan interupsi kooperatif bentuk klarifikasi daninterupsi kompetitif

    Penggunaan Film Berbahasa Inggris dengan English Subtitle dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Listening

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    Listening skill is the first skill learned in learning language. The research will use English movie by English subtitle. Watching English movie by English subtitle can be the one of alternative way in teaching Listening comprehension. Akeelah and the Bee is the movie that will be used by researcher to facilitate and motivate students in learning English of listening skills enthusiastically without any burden. The study was conducted using classroom action research in undergraduate program of English Education Department at Semarang Muhammadiyah University in the academic year 2014/2015. The data was collected from a questionnaire, observation note of performance, pre-test and posttest. The study was conducted with cycle model through the steps of planning, conducting, observation, and reflection. The results of this study show a significant relationship between students' learning by English movie with subtitle related to their listening skills as shown in their improvement of post test and positive responses of students. The questionnaire shows that more than 75% students felt easy to understand listening materials from native speakers. Consequently, it was suggested that teaching learning process using English movie with English subtitle is recommended into learning process to improve students' listening skills in English language classroom

    Person Pronoun Deixis in Indonesian Cellular Operators Advertisements: Represent the Participants?

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    This qualitative descriptive research uses non participatory observation method with Telkomsel and Indosat cellular operator advertisements as the objects. There are three types of person pronoun deixis: first, second and third person pronoun deixis which are consist of 14 deixis, namely: ku, aku, aku, gue, kita, kami, mu, kamu, kamu, loe, kamu, bang, dia, dan mereka. The most commonly person pronoun deixis used in Telkomsel and Indosat advertisements is "aku". In addition, it was found that the person pronoun deixis in the Telkomsel advertisement varied more than it is in Indosat advertisements. The use of each personal pronoun deixis depends on the close of participants, situation (formal or less formal), and who the participant itself

    Idiomatic Expression in The American Sitcom Series “Fresh Off The Boat” Directed By Nahnatchka Khan

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    This research aims to classify the form and meaning of idiomatic expressions in the American Sitcom entitled “Fresh Off the Boat”. This research focus on seasons 5 and 6 that released on 2019 and 2020. The data of this research is in the form of utterances which contains idiomatic expressions uttered by three main characters, Eddie Huang, Louis Huang, and Jessica Huang. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the research finding. From those series, there are 93 idiomatic expressions based on theory proposed by Adam Makkai, they are 21 Phrasal Verb Idioms, 50 Tournure Idioms, 1 Irreversible Binomial Idiom, 18 Phrasal Compound Idioms, and 3 Incorporating Verb Idioms. From those data, the researcher compares the lexical and contextual meaning of idiomatic expressions in the utterances. Based on the research’s finding, several idiomatic expressions have the same lexical and contextual meaning. However, the contextual meaning dominated the meaning of idiomatic expressions in this series because an idiomatic expression cannot be seen lexically or based on the dictionary meaning. It should be seen based on the context of the idiomatic expression is used because sometimes, it carried figurative meaning.  Keywords: idiom; form of idiomatic expressions; meaning of idiomatic expression. 

    Idiomatic Expression in American Sitcom Series Entitled Fresh Off the Boat Directed by Nahnatchka Khan

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    During the development of language use, English idiomatic expression is embodied in a conversation. This research aims to analyse the form and types of idiomatic expression in conversation. The object of this research is American sitcom series entitled “Fresh Off the Boat”. The sample of the research is season 5 and 6 that consist of 37 episodes.  The data of the research are the main character utterances that attach idiom on it.  This research followed Seidle and Mcmordie (1988) theory to analyze the form of idiomatic expression. To classify the types of idiomatic expression the researchers used O’Dell and McCarthy (2010) theory. To analyze the data, the researchers use descriptive qualitative method. After collecting the data, the researchers did data preparation, data reading, re-reading the data to confirm the data. Based on the data found, from 8 forms of idiomatic expression, there are only 7 forms. Those are 28 idioms with nouns and adjective, 3 idiomatic pairs, 38 phrasal verb, 33 verbal idiom, 34 idiom with key words from special categories, 11 key word with idiomatic use, and 14 idiom with comparison. According to the types there are 142 types of idiomatic expression, they are 12 simile, 2 binomial, 33 proverb, 40 euphemism, 39 cliché, and 16 fixed statement. Based on the type of idiomatic expression, euphemism is dominated the type of idiomatic expression in the series.