16 research outputs found
Engineering in the Production of Crystal Coconut Sugar Enriched with Vitamin A and its Preference Tests for Consumers
Coconut sugar is a food product that has the potential to be fortified with Vitamin A. This study aims to assess the quality of crystalline coconut sugar with vitamin A and test its preference for consumers. The experimental design used Split Plot Design with two treatment factors and 4 replications. The first treatment as the Main Plot (Main Plot) is the type of raw material for crystalline coconut sugar, which consists of 2 variations, namely: M1 = pure sap, and M2 = printed coconut sugar + 5% granulated sugar. The second treatment as a sub-plot was the proportion between palm oil as a solvent and carrots as a source of carotene (Vitamin A), which consisted of 3 variations, namely: S1= 1 : 1 (v/b), S2 = 1 : 2 (v/b), and S3= 2 : 1 (v/b). Physicochemical data were analyzed by F test and followed by 5% DMRT test, while organoleptic properties data were analyzed by Friedman test and followed by multiple comparison test. The best treatment was analyzed by the effectiveness index method. The results showed that a good raw material for producing crystalline coconut sugar with low reducing sugar content and high sucrose content was pure coconut sap. The proportion between palm oil and carrots which can produce crystalline coconut sugar with high levels of carotene (pro vitamin A) is 1 : 2 (v/b). The treatment combination that can produce crystalline coconut sugar with vitamin A with quality according to SNI-SII No.0268-85 is the treatment of the type of raw material for crystalline coconut sugar from pure coconut sap and the proportion of palm oil as a solvent with carrots as a source of carotene 1 : 2 ( v/b). This combination of treatments produced crystalline coconut sugar with physicochemical and organoleptic properties as follows: carotene content of 9.015 mg/100g of material or the equivalent of 752 RE (Retinol equivalent), water content of 3.617 percent, total sugar content of 81.071 percent, sucrose content of 75.627 percent, sugar content 5.434 percent reduction, 0.753 percent ash content and 0.197 percent water insoluble material content, "very smooth" texture, "creamy" color, "strong" coconut aroma, "not felt" carrot unpleasant smell and level of consumer acceptance (preference) "like"
Banyumas is the centre of the crystal coconut sugar (Ant Sugar) producer very potensial in Central Java. In Banyumas, there are approximately 200 business units spread of “ant sugar” in the District of Cilongok and Sumbang. On the hand, Sumbang District includes areas that are endemic levels of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Diseases was quite high (39,3 percent) (Hadisaputro et al., 1997). Based on the properties and utilization, crystal coconut sugar is one product that is right for alternative food fortified with iodine. Based on this, then do devotion Program to community Service basis on result of research about application technology of production of crystal coconut sugar industry iodized in home industry coconut sugar of KSU Liga Sirem In Sikapat Village, Sumbang district, Banyumas regency. The method is done by technical assistance and learning by doing in the application of science and technology and in business management ant sugar iodized. The target outcomes of this program is the increased skill of coconut sugar home industry in producing quality ant sugar iodized in accordance with SNI and health standards as well as high economic value, there by increasing income and public health, Resulth of Program to community Service basis on result of research, among others: (1) coconut sugar home industry on KSU Liga Sirem has been able to apply the technology of production of ant sugar iodized by two methods, first methods bases raw material from “ pure nira” and second methods based raw material from coconut sugar (reproduction), (2) The product of ant sugar iodized 30 –80 ppm of KIO3 solution produced by the coconut sugar home industry KSU Liga Sirem has been in accordance with quality standards set by SNI-SII.0268-95 and Depkes RI and also having a preference that preferred by consumers, (3) Improving of quality and packaging of ant sugar product can increase the value-added products Rp. 15.000/kg to Rp.20.000/kg. (4) the program has a positive impact on increasing income and public health in home industry of crystal coconut sugar at KSU Ligasirem of Sikapat Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regenc
Pemanfaatan Penggumpal Alami Ekstrak Buah Nenas Pada Pembuatan Tahu Dari Kedelai Varietas Slamet Utility of Natural Coagulant Extracted From Pineapple in Tofu Processed From Slamet Variety Soybean
The study aimed at obtaining the appropriate concentration of natural coagulant from pineapple extract, extraction ratio for the best quality tofu, and comparison of tofu quality. Split-Split Plot Design was used with main plot were soybean variety (V1=Slamet and V2= import soybeans). The subplot was concentration of pineapple extract (K1= 1%, K2=1.5%, K3=2% v/v) and extraction ratio of soybeans and water (R1 = 1:6, R2 = 1:7, and R3 = 1:8 w/v). Results of the research showed that the optimum extract concentration in soybeans tofu processing was 1% (v/v) and the optimum ratio was 1:6 (w/v). Based on yield and texture, tofu from Slamet variety soybeans was better than the imported soybean but based on chemical composition, tofu from Slamet variety was relatively similar to tofu from import soybean. The best quality of soybeans tofu was produced from Slamet soybean with 1% (v/v) concentration of the extract and 1:6 (w/v) extraction ratio, with physicochemical and organoleptic characteristic as followed: 26.664% (db) protein, 5.797% (db) lipid, 0.9% (db) ash, 74.501% (wb) water, 9.696% (wb) or 96.96 g/1000 ml yield, 21.75 mm/g/dt texture, and 6.55 pH
Desa Panembangan merupakan salah satu lokasi yang menjadi fokus kegiatan smart village. Lokasi ini bahkan dijadikan sebagai smart fisheries village karena memiliki potensi sektor perikanan dan pertanian yang baik. Adanya potensi tersebut menjadi dasar dibentuknya poklahsar (kelompok pengolahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan) dengan produk aneka olahan ikan. Poklahsar dalam kegiatannya tentunya tidak lepas dari beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi poklahsar adalah minimnya keterampilan mengenai Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik (CPPOB). Kegiatan pengabdian ini penting untuk dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menerapkan cara produksi pangan olahan yang baik untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi di poklahsar Desa Panembangan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan ceramah dan diskusi serta pemberian beberapa masukan bagi poklahsar dari gambaran tempat produksinya. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan terjadi peningkatan pemahaman dan peningkatan kualitas, kemanan dan higenitas produk di Poklahsar Desa Panembangan serta perbaikan kualitas produk.Panembangan Village is one of the locations that is the focus of smart village activities. This location has even been used as a smart fisheries village because it has good potential in the fisheries and agricultural sectors. This potential became the basis for the formation of a poklahsar (fishery product processing and marketing group) with various processed fish products. Poklahsar in its activities is certainly not free from several problems it faces. One of the problems faced by poklahsar is the lack of skills regarding Good Processed Food Production Methods (GMP). This service activity is important to carry out with the aim of implementing good processed food production methods to increase production capacity and quality in the Panembangan Village poklahsar. The method of implementing this activity is carried out by lectures and discussions as well as providing some input for the community groups from a description of the production site. Based on the results of the service activities that have been carried out, there has been an increase in understanding and improvement in the quality, safety and hygiene of products in the Panembangan Village Poklahsar as well as improvements in product quality
Banyumas is the centre of the crystal coconut sugar (Ant Sugar) producer very potensial in Central Java. In Banyumas, there are approximately 200 business units spread of “ant sugar” in the District of Cilongok and Sumbang. On the hand, Sumbang District includes areas that are endemic levels of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Diseases was quite high (39,3 percent) (Hadisaputro et al., 1997). Based on the properties and utilization, crystal coconut sugar is one product that is right for alternative food fortified with iodine. Based on this, then do devotion Program to community Service basis on result of research about application technology of production of crystal coconut sugar industry iodized in home industry coconut sugar of KSU Liga Sirem In Sikapat Village, Sumbang district, Banyumas regency. The method is done by technical assistance and learning by doing in the application of science and technology and in business management ant sugar iodized. The target outcomes of this program is the increased skill of coconut sugar home industry in producing quality ant sugar iodized in accordance with SNI and health standards as well as high economic value, there by increasing income and public health, Resulth of Program to community Service basis on result of research, among others: (1) coconut sugar home industry on KSU Liga Sirem has been able to apply the technology of production of ant sugar iodized by two methods, first methods bases raw material from “ pure nira” and second methods based raw material from coconut sugar (reproduction), (2) The product of ant sugar iodized 30 –80 ppm of KIO3 solution produced by the coconut sugar home industry KSU Liga Sirem has been in accordance with quality standards set by SNI-SII.0268-95 and Depkes RI and also having a preference that preferred by consumers, (3) Improving of quality and packaging of ant sugar product can increase the value-added products Rp. 15.000/kg to Rp.20.000/kg. (4) the program has a positive impact on increasing income and public health in home industry of crystal coconut sugar at KSU Ligasirem of Sikapat Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regenc
Crystal coconut sugar is sugar that made from coconut sap which is processed to  powder or crystal. This sugar has lower Glycemic Index and higher levels of fiber and vitamin B12 than cane sugar. Other advantages are that it is more soluble, has longer shelf life, more attractive in shape, easier to package and transport, has a unique taste and aroma, and can be fortified with other ingredients. Crystal coconut sugar can be used as a substitute for sugar cane in various beverage products. This paper aims to provide an overview of the process, excellence, and potential use of crystal coconut sugar in beverage products sourced from research journals and scientific books. Crystal coconut sugar has the potential to substitute cane sugar in tamarind syrup products, traditional drinks, instant powder drinks, instant chocolate drinks, coffee mixes, and ice cream
Tight competition in product sales means that business actors must be able to utilize various methods to increase their sales. This was also experienced by the Poklahsar (Fish Processors and Marketers Group) in Panembangan Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency. Even though this region is known for its smart fisheries villages program, in fact it still has problems in terms of product branding which is not yet strong and sales which are still not optimal. The aim of this service activity is to provide education about good product photos and create brand story telling of products in the Panembangan Village community group. This method is carried out by training and mentoring in product photography and creating product story telling. The results of this service activity are photos of new products owned by three community groups in Panembangan Village. Product photos are taken from the best possible angle. Taking product photos is also accompanied by practitioners who are experts in the field of photography. This service activity also resulted in the creation of brand story telling for products owned by the Panembangan Village Poklahsar. The importance of creating brand story telling is an effort to make the narrative as interesting as possible and lead to existing opinions so that potential buyers can later recognize the product as a need that they want to buy. Apart from strengthening existing products, brand story telling will also add interesting stories so that potential buyers feel they need the product and buy it. In this way, the two activities carried out will increase sales of products owned by the Panembangan Village Poklahsar. The follow-up plan for this activity is to carry out online marketing or digital marketing
Dampak Program Ibpe Bagi UKM Gula Kelapa di Kabupaten Banyumas Provinsi Jawa Tengah
IbPE program aims to increase the export growth of SMEs Coconat-Sugar through
increased production, increased sales, improved quality of coconut sugar accompanied by increased management of activity. This program was conducted by the method of training, mentoring and enhance production facilities according with a target of SMEs Ngudi Lestari and SMEs Lestari Jaya in Kalisalak Village, Kebasen sub-district, Banyumas district during the years 2014-2016. Based on the differences analysis in performance of SMEs was concluded there is an increased performance of SMEs based on the indicators of the amount of production, turnover, export, labor, and there is an increase in production management , human resource management, financial management.
Keyword : Coconut Sugar, Small Medium Enterprises, IbP
Pengaruh Penambahan Rempah Dan Bentuk Minuman Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Berbagai Minuman Tradisional Indonesia
Indonesia traditional beverages such as minuman jahe, kunyit asam, beras kencur, and minuman temulawak are usually made with the addition of spices. They can be served in the form of liquid or powder. This research was aimed to study the effect of the beverage type, addition of spices, and the form of product on their antioxidant activity. The type of sugar used in this study was palm sugar juice. Total phenolic contents were measured to indicate the level of antioxidants. Measurement of antioxidant activity was conducted by analyzing malonaldehyde from linoleic acid and capturing capacity of DPPH radical. The results showed that Indonesian traditional beverage could inhibit the oxidation of linoleic acid and capture free radicals. Free radical capturing capacity of curcuma beverage greater than other beverages, but the malonaldehyde (MDA) inhibitor effect was not different. Total phenolic content of curcuma tended to be higher than the other traditional beverages. The addition of spices could raise the level of total phenolic content in beverages and increase free radical trapping capacity. Drying the beverages into powder could reduce the levels of total phenolic content and but did not reduce the antioxidant activity