31 research outputs found
Spore Micromorphology and Anatomy of the Fern GenusHistiopterisJ. Sm. (Dennstaedtiaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia
More recent classifications used mainly morphological data when Histiopteris was included as one of the genera in the family Dennstaedtiaceae. A study on spore micromorphological and anatomical studies of Histiopteris J. Sm. from Peninsular Malaysia was undertaken to provide spore micromorphological and anatomical information of the stipes, lamina and rhizomes for the genus. These information would become the source of reference and comparison for other members within the family Dennstaedtiaceae and would deem necessary in future classification considerations of Histiopteris when similar studies are carried out for all genera of the Dennstaedtiaceae in the near future
A review of facilities information requirements towards enhancing building information modelling (BIM) for facilities management (FM)
Building Information Modelling (BIM) for facilities management (FM) benefits the owner the most by increasing the value of information in their possession and the amount of Return on Investment (ROI). Research and application of BIM in FM are lagging behind similar efforts in design and construction. Information management is a major threat facing FM practice where the multidisciplinary activities demand extensive information requirements. Lack of accurate transmission of building information from the earlier stages of a building project to FM professionals leads to a significant loss in the quality of building information for operational needs, significant costs and rework, impedes the promotion of an automated FM practice integrated and a life-cycle oriented construction. This paper reviews current literature to gain an overview of the significant challenges to the demand and supply of critical data for FM in a BIM model. It also sought to understand efforts addressing these challenges to provide direction for facility information management at the project and organisational level
British Association of dermatologists guidelines for biologic therapy for psoriasis 2020 – a rapid update
The overall aim of the guideline is to provide up‐to‐date, evidence‐based recommendations on the use of biologic therapies targeting TNF (adalimumab, etanercept, certolizumab pegol, infliximab), IL12/23p40 (ustekinumab), IL17A (ixekizumab, secukinumab), IL17RA (brodalumab) and IL23p19 (guselkumab, risankizumab, tildrakizumab) in adults, children and young people for the treatment of psoriasis; consideration is given to the specific needs of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
Detecting intratumoral heterogeneity of EGFR activity by liposome-based in vivo transfection of a fluorescent biosensor
Despite decades of research in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling field, and many targeted anti-cancer drugs that have been tested clinically, the success rate for these agents in the clinic is low, particularly in terms of the improvement of overall survival. Intratumoral heterogeneity is proposed as a major mechanism underlying treatment failure of these molecule-targeted agents. Here we highlight the application of fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM)-based biosensing to demonstrate intratumoral heterogeneity of EGFR activity. For sensing EGFR activity in cells, we used a genetically encoded CrkII-based biosensor which undergoes conformational changes upon tyrosine-221 phosphorylation by EGFR. We transfected this biosensor into EGFR-positive tumour cells using targeted lipopolyplexes bearing EGFR-binding peptides at their surfaces. In a murine model of basal-like breast cancer, we demonstrated a significant degree of intratumoral heterogeneity in EGFR activity, as well as the pharmacodynamic effect of a radionuclide-labeled EGFR inhibitor in situ. Furthermore, a significant correlation between high EGFR activity in tumour cells and macrophage-tumour cell proximity was found to in part account for the intratumoral heterogeneity in EGFR activity observed. The same effect of macrophage infiltrate on EGFR activation was also seen in a colorectal cancer xenograft. In contrast, a non-small cell lung cancer xenograft expressing a constitutively active EGFR conformational mutant exhibited macrophage proximity-independent EGFR activity. Our study validates the use of this methodology to monitor therapeutic response in terms of EGFR activity. In addition, we found iNOS gene induction in macrophages that are cultured in tumour cell-conditioned media as well as an iNOS activity-dependent increase in EGFR activity in tumour cells. These findings point towards an immune microenvironment-mediated regulation that gives rise to the observed intratumoral heterogeneity of EGFR signalling activity in tumour cells in vivo
Comparative analysis of nutritional composition and droplet size of coconut milk due to dilution and emulsification
The high-fat content of coconut milk leads to instability of the emulsion and becomes the major limitation for its application in the food and beverage industries. It is also high in calories, which becomes a major debate among the consumers. Dilution and emulsification are important processes that are used to reduce the effect of high fat during the preservation process. In this study, water, sodium caseinate, and maltodextrin were added to the coconut milk. A sonicator and a high-shear homogenizer were used to homogenize the droplet. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dilution and emulsification on the nutritional quality and stability of the emulsion. The nutritional composition was determined using proximate analysis. The stability of the emulsion was determined based on the properties of the droplets via particle size and microscopic analyses. The dilution process reduced the fat content; however, the addition of additives altered the nutritional quality of the emulsion, especially protein and carbohydrate content. It was also found that the emulsification process improves the particle size of the droplet as it creates a uniform size of the droplet and reduces the primary particle size to less than 6 μm. However, only the sonicated coconut milk has high stability with a creaming index of 0%
Investigation of thermal comfort at different temperature settings for cooling in university building
This paper presented the results of a study conducted on thermal comfort in a postgraduate office of the Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT, UTM, Kuala Lumpur). The aim of the study was to verify the thermal comfort associated with different air conditioning (AC) thermostat set point temperatures in the cooling (CL) mode. The relevant temperature set points were 20 °C, 24 °C, and 28 °C, as well as the Japanese so-called 'cool biz mode' set point of 28 °C. The thermal sensation vote (TSV) in relation to these CL modes were -0.4, 0.0, 0.8, and -0.1, respectively. These results indicated that at the CL mode of 28 °C, the occupants felt slightly warmer compared to the CL modes of 20 °C, 24 °C, and the cool biz mode. The results of the linear regression analysis indicated the thermal comfort range as 25.3 °C to 26.2 °C, which was close to the range of 25.6 °C to 26.1 °C indicated by employing Griffiths' method
Comparing the efficacy and tolerability of biologic therapies in psoriasis:an updated network meta-analysis
The rapid expansion of psoriasis biologics has led to an urgent need to understand their relative efficacy and tolerability to inform treatment decisions better and, specifically, to inform guideline development.
To update a 2017 meta‐analysis on the comparative efficacy and tolerability of biologic treatments for psoriasis.
We searched the MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases for randomized controlled trials (RCTs), published up to 7 September 2018, of 11 licensed, NICE‐approved biologics targeting tumour necrosis factor (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, certolizumab pegol), interleukin (IL)‐12/IL‐23p40 (ustekinumab), IL‐17A (secukinumab, ixekizumab), IL‐17RA (brodalumab) and IL‐23p19 (guselkumab, tildrakizumab, risankizumab). A frequentist network meta‐analysis ascertained direct or indirect evidence comparing biologics with one another, methotrexate or placebo. This was combined with hierarchical cluster analyses to consider efficacy (≥ 90% improvement in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI 90) or Physician’s Global Assessment 0 or 1; PASI 75; Dermatology Life Quality Index improvement) and tolerability (drug withdrawal due to adverse events) outcomes at 10–16 weeks, followed by assessments of study quality, heterogeneity and inconsistency.
We identified 62 RCTs presenting data on direct comparisons (31 899 participants). All biologics were efficacious compared with placebo or methotrexate at 10–16 weeks. Hierarchical cluster analyses revealed that adalimumab, brodalumab, certolizumab pegol, guselkumab, risankizumab, secukinumab, tildrakizumab and ustekinumab were comparable with respect to high short‐term efficacy and tolerability. Infliximab and ixekizumab clustered together, with high short‐term efficacy but relatively lower tolerability than the other agents, although the number of drug withdrawal events across the network was low, so these findings should be treated with caution.
Using our methodology we found that most biologics cluster together with respect to short‐term efficacy and tolerability, and we did not identify any single agent as ‘best’. These data need to be interpreted in the context of longer‐term efficacy, effectiveness data, safety, posology and drug acquisition costs when making treatment decisions.</p
Risk of serious infections during use of biologic therapies for psoriasis: a systematic review
British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for biologic therapy for psoriasis 2017
The overall aim of the guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations on the use of biologic therapies (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, ixekizumab, secukinumab and ustekinumab) in adults, children and young people for the treatment of psoriasis; consideration is given to the specific needs of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Biologic therapies have now been in use for over 10 years, and with accrued patient-years exposure and clinical experience, many areas that were covered in previous versions of the guideline are now part of the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and/or routine care so that specific recommendations are redundant (see Toolkit A: Summary of licensed indications and posology for biologic therapy, in Supporting information 2). Therefore, in this update we focus on areas where there has been a major change in the evidence base or clinical practice, where practice is very varied and/or where clear consensus or guidelines are lacking (see section 3.1 in Supporting information 1)