99 research outputs found
Kontribusi Daya Ledak Tungkai Dan Kelentukan Togok Ke Belakang Terhadap Kemampuan Smash Dalam Permainan Bola Voli Pada Mahasiswa FIK UNM
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; (1) Apakah ada kontribusi daya ledak tungkai terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa FIK UNM; (2) Apakah ada kontribusi kelentukan togok ke belakang terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa FIK UNM; (3) Apakah ada kontribusi daya ledak tungkai dan kelentukan togok ke belakang secara bersama-sama terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa FIK UNM. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa FIK UNM dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 20 orang. Teknik penentuan sampel adalah dengan teknik “random sampling”. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis uji deskriptif regresi dan korelasi dengan menggunakan sistem SPSS Versi 21 pada taraf signifikan 95% atau α0,05.
Hasil penellitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Ada kontribusi daya ledak tungkai terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa FIK UNM, terbukti berdasarkan uji regresi dan korelasi diperoleh nilai signifikan
0,000 (P<0,05) dan berkontribusi sebesar 30,2%; (2) Ada kontribusi kelentukan togok ke belakang terhadap kemampuan smash dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa FIK UNM, terbukti berdasarkan uji regresi dan korelasi diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 (P<0,05) dan berkontribusi sebesar 15%; (3) Ada kontribusi daya ledak tungkai dan kelentukan togok ke belakang secara bersama-sama terhadap
kemampuan smash dalam permainan bola voli pada mahasiswa FIK UNM, terbukti berdasarkan uji regresi dan korelasi diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 (P<0,05) dan berkontribusi sebesar 32.3%
In a family sometimes painful actions arise from involuntary causes (not intentionally), not on the wishes of the husband, such as because the husband is poor or poor so he does not have a living to fulfill his wife's rights in the form of food, clothing and home at a certain time, which makes the wife ask to part with her husband through the divorce (fasakh) path. Regarding the problem of the wife asking for fasakh This thesis discusses the Islamic Legal Review of the Implementation of Parking Levy Collection in the City of Palopo. The data collection method is carried out through observation and interviews with a descriptive-qualitative approach. The results showed that in the implementation of the parking levy collection in Palopo City, there are still parking attendants who impose their own rules such as requests for tariffs exceeding the provisions; and there are still objects and parking attendants that were untouched by the Palopo City Transportation Department. This is if viewed from the perspective of Islamic law there are pillars or conditions in the wadi'ah contract (agreement) that are not fulfilled, namely the ijab qabul between the parking attendant and the vehicle owner, as well as the existence of illegal parking attendants who collect parking funds/money for the parking attendant's personal self and do not contribute to the Palopo City Area Original Income. Therefore, in order to minimize the presence of illegal parking attendants and official parking attendants who do not comply with the provisions, the Palopo City Transportation Office as the Holder of the levy for parking services on public roadsides in Palopo City to strive to carry out guidance and supervision of partner objects and parking agents and potential parking objects that have not been recorded by giving verbal and written feedback, provide an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of parking attendants and legalize objects and parking attendants that are not yet the objects of government- assisted parking
This paper discusses Indonesian women since time immemorial has been active in various economic activities to support the household economy. In the current information age the gait of Indonesian women in careers is getting more advanced and has occupied various business sectors. Besides it also appears as a comrade is a general perception that tends to degrade women's dignity, such as violence, and deviations from the normative culture of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, to maximize the potential of women in social aspects, it is necessary to create a new social order for women through empowering women resources that are crippled in the formation of three attitudes: attitude and behavior towards God's, attitudes and behavior towards self, and attitudes and behavior toward values -Community values
Education is a unique human activity in a community aims to humanize human, as an important instrument for the empowerment of communities, especially for marginalized communities. In addition, education is also an effort to get gender justice in society. Thus, formal education is a means to socialize as well as to transfer values and norms that prevail in society, including values and norms of gender and cultural diversity. All norms and values are transferred through the text books used as well as the atmosphere developed in learning process
The large needs of the community for chili make chili a strategic commodity that needs special attention from the government. In the 2015-2019 National Medium- Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for Food and Agriculture, chili is included as one of the 8 main food commodities along with rice, corn, soybeans, sugar, beef, shallots and oil palm. This shows that chili is a commodity that has an important role in national development planning. In 2013, chili was ranked fifth as the biggest contributor to inflation by 0.31 percent. This percentage rose to 0.43 percent in 2014. Chili also ranks fourth as the largest contributor to inflation nationally. Based on BPS data, national chili production continues to increase every year. In 2010, chili production reached 1.33 million tons. The analytical method that will be carried out is fermentation of coconut coir waste and bean sprout extract using Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4) for 14 days and testing of potassium levels with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), FTIR test, as well as the application of chili seeds with variations of POC 1ml, 3ml , 5ml, 10ml, 15ml, 20ml, data processing, data analysis, reporting and publication of Output Types in the form of prototypes. Status / Identity Outcome Outcome: Product registered as a Simple Patent with No. Application for S15201909925. The additional output is the National Journal Not Accredited with the name of the journal "Journal of Science and Technology Makassar UTS" Number ISSN: 2633-2294 with the status "Accepted". The proposed research TKT namely The concepts and important characteristics of a technology have been proven analytically and experimentally. The research results obtained are a good 10ml POC volume for chilli plants and the resulting Potassium content 169,771mg / kg (ppm)
This paper discusses Indonesian women since time immemorial has been active in various economic activities to support the household economy. In the current information age the gait of Indonesian women in careers is getting more advanced and has occupied various business sectors. Besides it also appears as a comrade is a general perception that tends to degrade women's dignity, such as violence, and deviations from the normative culture of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, to maximize the potential of women in social aspects, it is necessary to create a new social order for women through empowering women resources that are crippled in the formation of three attitudes: attitude and behavior towards God's, attitudes and behavior towards self, and attitudes and behavior toward values -Community values
Education is a unique human activity in a community aims to humanize human, as an important instrument for the empowerment of communities, especially for marginalized communities. In addition, education is also an effort to get gender justice in society. Thus, formal education is a means to socialize as well as to transfer values and norms that prevail in society, including values and norms of gender and cultural diversity. All norms and values are transferred through the text books used as well as the atmosphere developed in learning process
Pendampingan Masyarakat Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Sentra Produksi Jagung Hibrida di Desa Morome Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara
The aim of assistance is to improve the economy of the Morome Village community by increasing the production of hybrid maize. Implementation is carried out using the Integrated Crop Management (PTT) system method, which is an innovative and dynamic approach in an effort to increase production and farmer income through participatory assembly of technology components with farmers. The results of the assistance showed an increase in the production of dry-shelled hybrid maize 4,250 kg/hectare with an RC ratio of 2, with a profit of IDR 6,905,000/hectare. Integrated crop management is highly recommended to continue to be applied in all maize areas as an effort to develop hybrid maize production
Islamic education has been growing and developing along with the existence of Islam in Indonesia as an effort of Islamization, and as a process of growth and development of Islamic society in Indonesia. One form of Islamic education that was developed since the existence of Islam in the archipelago is Islamic boarding school. The current form of pesantren, in its history, is the development of the Prophet's period of education. namely: Khuttab and Khalaqah. In the development of pesantren, it has two functions, as a value transformation with amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar (classical function) and community development, as a means of improving living standards and community welfare (development function). As'adiyah pesantren since its foundation plays a role in the development of education in southern and eastern archipelago and serves as a printers of Islamic scholars and preservers. In this pesantren, becoming a scholar or kiai, santri are required to master various religious disciplines. Therefore, to reach the title of kiai (young kiai), not all santri can get it. A senior santri must first take a memorizing test from a kiai. The test results determine whether the kiai admit it or not. If it has been recognized by the kiai that the person is already worthy of being a young kiai. As'adiyah Boarding School's role is so great and make the government and community of Wajo district put hope to this pesantren to become one of change agent and community development. Thus, the demand is also for this pesantren, to be more responsive to the needs and challenges of the times
Peternak Ayam Ras Petelur
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are one of the economic strength pillars of the community because their management involves the community directly, both in providing production facilities, labors, and its marketing chain. However, some SMEs failed in the middle of their business road or are unable to develop. This condition also occurs in SME of Al-Barkah Laying HenFarm. The purpose of implementing this program is to increase business capacity both from the production and management aspects of the Al-Barkah layer chicken business. The method used in overcoming these problems and achieving goals is by providing direct training, guidance, and application of science and technology. All activities were carried out jointly by the owners and employees of UKM Partners, guided by the implementation team. After implementing the program, the SME partner now: (1) understands and can conduct business planning; (2) can carry out business effectiveness and efficiency; (3) can increase understanding of the importance of order in the livestock business process; (4) Understands the importance of hygiene and cage sanitation; and (5) can increase the chicken health, egg production, and farmer income. The conclusion from the program implementation is that the Al-Barkah layer chicken business has increased production by 15% and an increase in business efficiency by 12% as a result of improvements in production and business management aspects
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