31 research outputs found
Konsep diri mahasiswa dan orientasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan (studi kasus mahasiswa fakultas ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik universitas airlangga)
Perilaku seseoranmg antara lain ditentukan oleh bagaimana orang lain mendefiniskan dirinya; dan bagaimana pula diri seseorang itu mendefinisikan dirinYa sendiri. Definisi diri (konsep diri) seseorang itulah yang pada akhirnya banyak mempengaruhi bentuk peran-perilaku kongkrit dalam interaksinya dengan orang lain, termasuk menentukan peranperan dirinya dan oranmg lain yang diharapkannya pada masamasa mendatang.
Poia perilaku mahasiswa dalam kesehariannya, baik di kampus maupun di luar kampus antara lain dapat dijelaskan dengan konsep di atas. Artinya, poia perilaku mahasiswa dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain --baik dengan sesama mahasiswa atau dengan orang non-mahasiswa--akan banyak ditelusuri dan dijelaskan dengan cara mengetahui apakah dan bagaimanakahmahasiswa yang bersangkutan itu memandang dan/atau mendefinisikan (status kemahasiswaaannya). Mahasiswa yang menkonsepsikan status kemahasiswaaannya sebagai sesuatu yang sangat berharga dan merupakan kesempatan baik untuk mengembangkan potensi dirinya, serta banyak diharapkan oleh anggota keluarga sudah barang tentu akan melnpunyai dampak perilaku --baik langsung atau tidak--belajarnya;
misalnya: semangat belajar, mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi menyelesaikan studinya dengan cepat, aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan kemahasiswaan yang dipandangnya akan bisa membantu mengembangkan potensi yang ada pada diriflya
The social resilience of fishermen to oral diseases during the covid-19 pandemic in puger jember east java
Background: Puger fishermen are able to survive and develop (resilience) in carrying out their activities in the form of natural disturbances and various diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral diseases are the lowest of the seven diseases recorded at the Puger Health Center. This disease can make patients exposed to COVID-19 worse, but the Puger area is included in the green zone. The Purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of knowledge, behavior and health services to the social resilience ability of Puger fishermen.Method: It used a quantitative approach with the method of structural equation modelling (SEM). Confirmatory factor analysis tests and path analysis were conducted to analyze the effect among variables according to the research purpose. Questionnaires were distributed to fishermen who were sampled as respondents. Respondents amounted to 111 people. It used is simple random sampling.Result: The knowledge has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resilience with a significance level (β= 0.001 p: 0.314>0.05), behavior has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resiliance with a significance level (β= 0.005 p: 0.649>0.05) and Health service has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resilience with a significance level (β= 0.003 p: 0.218>0.05).Conclusion: Puger Fishermen has social resilience ability to oral diseases underpinned by knowledge, behavior as well as health service. These variables have a positive correlation with resilience. Yet the level is not quite significant
The social resilience of fishermen to oral diseases during the covid-19 pandemic in puger jember east java
Background: Puger fishermen are able to survive and develop (resilience) in carrying out their activities in the form of natural disturbances and various diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral diseases are the lowest of the seven diseases recorded at the Puger Health Center. This disease can make patients exposed to COVID-19 worse, but the Puger area is included in the green zone. The Purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of knowledge, behavior and health services to the social resilience ability of Puger fishermen.Method: It used a quantitative approach with the method of structural equation modelling (SEM). Confirmatory factor analysis tests and path analysis were conducted to analyze the effect among variables according to the research purpose. Questionnaires were distributed to fishermen who were sampled as respondents. Respondents amounted to 111 people. It used is simple random sampling.Result: The knowledge has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resilience with a significance level (β= 0.001 p: 0.314>0.05), behavior has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resiliance with a significance level (β= 0.005 p: 0.649>0.05) and Health service has a positive effect, but it is not significant to social resilience with a significance level (β= 0.003 p: 0.218>0.05).Conclusion: Puger Fishermen has social resilience ability to oral diseases underpinned by knowledge, behavior as well as health service. These variables have a positive correlation with resilience. Yet the level is not quite significant
An empirical analysis of social media usage, political learning and participation among youth: a comparative study of Indonesia and Pakistan
Youth participation in political matters has gained attention among people around the globe where youth involvement in certain political activities has been witnessed (of public in Indonesia and Pakistan). Keeping in view this scenario, the current study aimed to identify the sway of social media in enhancing youth involvement in political learning, political participation and political efficacy. This quantitative study was conducted through online and offline survey in both countries at the time of general elections. The data was gathered from both countries in systematic manner where the data was collected from Pakistan (General Elections, 2018) firstly and then from Indonesia (National Elections, 2019). A total of four hundred respondents (200 from each country) gave their opinions through structured questionnaires. The results revealed that the youth being considered as millennial has a significant role in contributing to the discourse of politics. The results show that the use of social media facilitates youth to participate in political activities and those activities enhance their knowledge, provide a chance to participate and build the capacity of political efficacy. It is to conclude that youth has actively engaged and use to discuss the political matters on social media to sensitize the public. As such, the role of youth, to some extent, has changed the political situations in both countrie
The ethnography of police: Communication barriers in Mesuji conflict, Indonesia
This research examines the experiences of police working in conflict areas, how they adapt to situations that are prone to conflict, including their views on the conflicting parties, namely the community, companies and local governments as well as the communication barriers they experience with the new culture. This research focuses on the stories of the duties of Bintara, namely the police with the lowest rank in the police structure in conflict areas in Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The stories of Bintara who served in this conflict area are very interesting to study and analyze after conducting long research on their lives. This study uses an ethnography approach with qualitative methods, where in-depth interviews and observation are data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that there is no non-commissioned officer who wants to be placed in a tense area because of the conflict, threats to life that always loom, skin diseases, no clean water source, poisoned food, and communication barriers with the community are one cause, namely stereotypes and prejudices against conflict area communities. The stories of the police on duty as a result of this research are full of tension and life threats are explored in ethnography
Perspective of Social Network within Training Needs Assessment Apparatus Resources in Jember Government
To achieve optimum productivity, organizations should ensure human resource chooses the appropriate personnel with employment and working conditions that enable them optimally. The study is to explore the perspective of Social Network within Training Needs Assessment of the apparatus. Aligned of the theory of Training Need assessment analysis found any flaws in the process of collecting and obtaining information about the organization expressed or implied needs that can be met in the training plan. Deficiencies in Training Need assessment models are also believed as a result of inequality of social resources and a lack of attention to the influence of social networks on the benefits of information about training needs. By entering a social network that is the transactional content, has the Nature of the links, and the structural characteristic in the model Training Need assessment will make it easier and as consideration in planning future training, In such conditions, community personnel resources will be easier to achieve opportunities for initiation, creation and innovation in training tailored to the needs of their roles, responsibilities and functions. So each organization must prepare a program which contains activities that can enhance the capabilities and professionalism of the human resources of the apparatus so that the organization can survive and develop in accordance with the organization's environment
Konsep Diri Mahasiswa dan Orientasi Pekerjaan yang Diinginkan (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Airlangga)
Perilaku seseoranmg antara lain ditentukan oleh bagaimana orang lain mendefiniskan dirinya; dan bagaimana pula diri seseorang itu mendefinisikan dirinYa sendiri. Definisi diri (konsep diri) seseorang itulah yang pada akhirnya banyak mempengaruhi bentuk peran-perilaku kongkrit dalam interaksinya dengan orang lain, termasuk menentukan peranperan dirinya dan oranmg lain yang diharapkannya pada masamasa mendatang. Poia perilaku mahasiswa dalam kesehariannya, baik di kampus maupun di luar kampus antara lain dapat dijelaskan dengan konsep di atas. Artinya, poia perilaku mahasiswa dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain --baik dengan sesama mahasiswa atau dengan orang non-mahasiswa--akan banyak ditelusuri dan dijelaskan dengan cara mengetahui apakah dan bagaimanakahmahasiswa yang bersangkutan itu memandang dan/atau mendefinisikan (status kemahasiswaaannya). Mahasiswa yang menkonsepsikan status kemahasiswaaannya sebagai sesuatu yang sangat berharga dan merupakan kesempatan baik untuk mengembangkan potensi dirinya, serta banyak diharapkan oleh anggota keluarga sudah barang tentu akan melnpunyai dampak perilaku --baik langsung atau tidak--belajarnya; misalnya: semangat belajar, mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi menyelesaikan studinya dengan cepat, aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan kemahasiswaan yang dipandangnya akan bisa membantu mengembangkan potensi yang ada pada diriflya
Problems of employee commitment from the perspective of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
This study is about the Problems of Employee Commitment: Study on a Company from the Perspective of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of nonlinearity between the policy of material needs fulfillment and the decline in employee commitment in Maspion. This study used qualitative research method in which data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews, reviewed from the perspective of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to determine whether the company has fulfilled the needs of the employees. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs was used to explain the peculiar phenomenon occurred in Maspion. Peculiar here means unlike the linear positivist logic. Therefore, the results of this study was "not proven or no longer significant or other factors may affect the linearity" between material/physical needs and non-material needs in Maspion from the perspective of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
An empirical analysis of social media usage, political learning and participation among youth: a comparative study of Indonesia and Pakistan
Youth participation in political matters has gained attention among people around the globe where youth involvement in certain political activities has been witnessed (of public in Indonesia and Pakistan). Keeping in view this scenario, the current study aimed to identify the sway of social media in enhancing youth involvement in political learning, political participation and political efficacy. This quantitative study was conducted through
online and offline survey in both countries at the time of general elections. The data was gathered from both countries in systematic manner where the data was collected from Pakistan (General Elections, 2018) firstly and then from Indonesia (National Elections, 2019). A total of four hundred respondents (200 from each country) gave their opinions through structured questionnaires. The results revealed that the youth being considered as millennial
has a significant role in contributing to the discourse of politics. The results show that the use of social media facilitates youth to participate in political activities and those activities enhance their knowledge, provide a chance to participate and build the capacity of political efficacy. It is to conclude that youth has actively engaged and use to discuss the political matters on social media to sensitize the public. As such, the role of youth, to some extent, has changed the political situations in both countries