24 research outputs found

    UltraDark.jl: A Julia package for simulation of cosmological scalar fields

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    UltraDark.jl is a Julia package for the simulation of cosmological scalar fields. Scalar fields are proposed solutions to two of the fundamental questions in cosmology: the nature of dark matter and the universe's initial conditions. Modeling their dynamics requires solving the Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equations, which is analytically challenging. This makes simulations essential to understanding the dynamics of cosmological scalar fields. UltraDark.jl is an open, performant and user friendly option for solving these equations numerically.Comment: 6 pages. Accepted to JOSS. Code archived at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1097886

    Ultraspinning limits and super-entropic black holes

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    By employing the new ultraspinning limit we construct novel classes of black holes with non-compact event horizons and finite horizon area and study their thermodynamics. Our ultraspinning limit can be understood as a simple generating technique that consists of three steps: i) transforming the known rotating AdS black hole solution to a special coordinate system that rotates (in a given 2-plane) at infinity ii) boosting this rotation to the speed of light iii) compactifying the corresponding azimuthal direction. In so doing we qualitatively change the structure of the spacetime since it is no longer possible to return to a frame that does not rotate at infinity. The obtained black holes have non-compact horizons with topology of a sphere with two punctures. The entropy of some of these exceeds the maximal bound implied by the reverse isoperimetric inequality, such black holes are super-entropic.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures; minor corrections as in published version, updated reference

    Ultraspinning limits and rotating hyperboloid membranes

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    We apply the hyperboloid membrane limit to the general Kerr-AdS metrics and their recently studied super-entropic cousins and obtain a new class of rotating black holes, for which the rotational parameters in multiple directions attain their maximal value---equal to the AdS radius. These new solutions have a potential application in the description of holographic fluids with vorticity. They also possess interesting thermodynamic properties: we show that---despite the absence of Misner strings---the Bekenstein--Hawking entropy/area law is still violated, raising a question about the origin of this violation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX 4-

    Simulations of multi-field ultralight axion-like dark matter

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    As constraints on ultralight axion-like particles (ALPs) tighten, models with multiple species of ultralight ALP are of increasing interest. We perform simulations of two-ALP models with particles in the currently supported range [arXiv:1307.1705] of plausible masses. The code we modified, UltraDark.jl, not only allows for multiple species of ultralight ALP with different masses, but also different self-interactions and inter-field interactions. This allows us to perform the first three-dimensional simulations of two-field ALPs with self-interactions and inter-field interactions. Our simulations show that having multiple species and interactions introduces different phenomenological effects as compared to a single field, non-interacting scenarios. In particular, we explore the dynamics of solitons. Interacting multi-species ultralight dark matter has different equilibrium density profiles as compared to single-species and/or non-interacting ultralight ALPs. As seen in earlier work [arXiv:2011.09510], attractive interactions tend to contract the density profile while repulsive interactions spread out the density profile. We also explore collisions between solitons comprised of distinct axion species. We observe a lack of interference patterns in such collisions, and that resulting densities depend on the relative masses of the ALPs and their interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Scalar dark matter vortex stabilization with black holes

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    Galaxies and their dark-matter halos are commonly presupposed to spin. But it is an open question how this spin manifests in halos and soliton cores made of scalar dark matter (SDM, including fuzzy/wave/ultralight-axion dark matter). One way spin could manifest in a necessarily irrotational SDM velocity field is with a vortex. But recent results have cast doubt on this scenario, finding that vortices are generally unstable except with substantial repulsive self-interaction. In this paper, we introduce an alternative route to stability: in both (non-relativistic) analytic calculations and simulations, a black hole or other central mass at least as massive as a soliton can stabilize a vortex within it. This conclusion may also apply to AU-scale halos bound to the sun and stellar-mass-scale Bose stars.Comment: Accepted by JCAP. 22 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary animations at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7675830 or https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHrf0iQS5SY7Xt2sjqskF3kmHd00Hrdf

    Dynamical friction in self-interacting ultralight dark matter

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    We explore how dynamical friction in an ultralight dark matter (ULDM) background is affected by dark matter self-interactions. We calculate the force of dynamical friction on a point mass moving through a uniform ULDM background with self-interactions, finding that the force of dynamical friction vanishes for sufficiently strong repulsive self-interactions. Using the pseudospectral solver UltraDark.jl\texttt{UltraDark.jl}, we show with simulations that reasonable values of the ULDM self-interaction strength and particle mass cause O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) differences in the acceleration of an object like a supermassive black hole (SMBH) traveling near the center of a soliton, relative to the case with no self-interactions. For example, repulsive self-interactions with λ=10−90\lambda = 10^{-90} yield a deceleration due to dynamical friction ≈70%\approx70\% smaller than a model with no self-interactions. We discuss the observational implications of our results for SMBHs near soliton centers and for massive satellite galaxies falling into ultralight axion halos and show that outcomes are dependent on whether a self-interaction is present or not.Comment: 17 pages; animations available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7927475 or https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHrf0iQS5SY6COihRVYJkz31smUyDvFw

    Commuter Count: Inferring Travel Patterns from Location Data

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    In this Working Paper we analyse computational strategies for using aggregated spatio-temporal population data acquired from telecommunications networks to infer travel and movement patterns between geographical regions. Specifically, we focus on hour-by-hour cellphone counts for the SA-2 geographical regions covering the whole of New Zealand. This Working Paper describes the implementation of the inference algorithms, their ability to produce models of travel patterns during the day, and lays out opportunities for future development.Comment: Submitted to Covid-19 Modelling Aotearo