6 research outputs found

    Tunable space-time crystal in room-temperature magnetodielectrics

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    We report the experimental realization of a space-time crystal with tunable periodicity in time and space in the magnon Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC), formed in a room-temperature Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) film by radio-frequency space-homogeneous magnetic field. The magnon BEC is prepared to have a well defined frequency and non-zero wavevector. We demonstrate how the crystalline "density" as well as the time and space textures of the resulting crystal may be tuned by varying the experimental parameters: external static magnetic field, temperature, thickness of the YIG film and power of the radio-frequency field. The proposed space-time crystals provide a new dimension for exploring dynamical phases of matter and can serve as a model nonlinear Floquet system, that brings in touch the rich fields of classical nonlinear waves, magnonics and periodically driven systems

    Long-distance supercurrent transport in a room-temperature Bose-Einstein magnon condensate

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    The term supercurrent relates to a macroscopic dissipation-free collective motion of a quantum condensate and is commonly associated with such famous low-temperature phenomena as superconductivity and superfluidity. Another type of motion of quantum condensates is second sound - a wave of the density of a condensate. Recently, we reported on an enhanced decay of a parametrically induced Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of magnons caused by a supercurrent outflow of the BEC phase from the locally heated area of a room temperature magnetic film. Here, we present the direct experimental observation of a long-distance spin transport in such a system. The condensed magnons being pushed out from the potential well within the heated area form a density wave, which propagates through the BEC many hundreds of micrometers in the form of a specific second sound pulse - Bogoliubov waves - and is reflected from the sample edge. The discovery of the long distance supercurrent transport in the magnon BEC further advances the frontier of the physics of quasiparticles and allows for the application of related transport phenomena for low-loss data transfer in perspective magnon spintronics devices

    Experimental observation of Josephson oscillations in a room-temperature Bose-Einstein magnon condensate

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    The alternating current (ac) Josephson effect in a time-independent spatially-inhomogeneous setting is manifested by the occurrence of Josephson oscillations - periodic macroscopic phase-induced collective motions of the quantum condensate. So far, this phenomenon was observed at cryogenic temperatures in superconductors, in superfluid helium, and in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of trapped atoms. Here, we report on the discovery of the ac Josephson effect in a magnon BEC carried by a room-temperature ferrimagnetic film. The BEC is formed in a parametrically populated magnon gas in the spatial vicinity of a magnetic trench created by a dc electric current. The appearance of the Josephson effect is manifested by oscillations of the magnon BEC density in the trench, caused by a coherent phase shift between this BEC and the BEC in the nearby regions. Our findings advance the physics of room-temperature macroscopic quantum phenomena and will allow for their application for data processing in magnon spintronics devices