14 research outputs found
Improving Student Citizenship Education Learning Outcomes through Cooperative Learning Types of Group Investigations in Class X.3 State Senior High School Makassar
This research is a class action research (classroom action research) which aims to improve student-learning outcomes in class X.3 State Senior High School Makassar through a cooperative learning type investigation group (Group Investigation). The subjects of this study amounted to 39 people, consisting of 14 males and 25 females. This research was conducted in two cycles. From cycle I to cycle II, the cooperative learning model of group investigation type (Group Investigation) is used by continuously improving the quality of group learning implementation. As for the results of the research conducted over two cycles, it can be concluded that: 1) Group investigation type cooperative learning (Group Investigation) can improve student learning outcomes in Class X.3 State Senior High School Makassar in Civics Learning, 2) Student learning outcomes increase based on the achievement of scores which has exceeded the criteria of success with a very good category. The achievement is that the deficiencies in the first cycle can be overcome so that there is an increase in student activity which is indicated by an increase in student learning outcomes in the high category. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this study is that the application of the group investigation type learning model (Group Investigation) can improve student learning outcomes in Civics subjects in class X.3 State Senior High School Makassar.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X.3 SMAN 10 Makassar melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe investigasi kelompok (Group Investigation). Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 39 orang, terdiri dari 14 orang laki-laki dan 25 orang perempuan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Dari siklus I ke siklus II menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe investigasi kelompok (Group Investigation) dengan senantiasa meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan belajar kelompok. Adapaun hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan  selama dua siklus dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1) Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe investigasi kelompok (Group Investigation) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa Kelas X.3 SMA Negeri 10 Makassar dalam Pembelajaran PKn, 2) Hasil belajar siswa meningkat didasarkan pada pencapaian skor yang telah melampaui kriteria keberhasilan dengan kategori sangat baik. Adapun pencapaiannya yaitu kekurangan yang terdapat pada siklus I sudah dapat diatasi sehingga terjadi peningkatan keaktifan siswa yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang berada pada kategori tinggi. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan model pembelajaran tipe investigasi kelompok (Group Investigation) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn kelas X.3 SMA Negeri 10 Makassar
Sinthesis of Bentonite-Fe2O3 Composite and the Application in Photodegradation of Phenol Solution
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik komposit bentonit-Fe2O3 hasil sintesis dan mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyinaran terhadap kemampuan komposit bentonit-Fe2O3 dalam fotodegradasi fenol. Aktivasi bentonit dengan menggunakan HCl dan dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD dan komposit bentonit-Fe2O3 disintesis menggunakan metode impregnasi dan dikarakterisasi menggunakan instrumen XRD dan SEM-EDX. Fotodegradasi fenol konsentrasi 10 ppm pada variasi waktu penyinaran 60 menit ; 120 menit ; 180 menit ; 240 menit ; 300 menit. Pengukuran hasil fotodegradasi fenol menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada Panjang gelombang 270 nm. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan XRD pada bentonit teraktivasi menunjukkan kesesuaian puncak 2θ dengan montmorillonit. Pada difraksi bentonit-Fe2O3 terdapat puncak baru yang terindikasi Fe2O3 menunjukkan bahwa komposit bentonit-Fe2O3 telah tersintesis. Karakterisasi morfologi menggunakan SEM-EDX menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan partikel Fe2O3 yang ditandai dengan hasil EDX dengan persentase Fe sebesar 12,77 % dan O sebesar 57,76 %. Komposit bentonit-Fe2O3 mampu mendegradasi fenol pada konsentrasi 10 ppm sebesar 45,70 % pada waktu optimum 180 menit. Sedangkan padakonsenntrasi yang sama kemampuan fotodegradassi bentonit adalah sebesar 1,22 %,. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan fotodegradasi bentonit-Fe2O3 lebih besar dibandingkan bentonit.Kata Kunci : Komposit bentonit-Fe2O3, Fotokatalis, Fotodegradasi, Fenol.ABSTRACTThis research is an experimental study that aims to determine the characteristics of the synthetic bentonite-Fe2O3 composite and to determine the effect of irradiation time on the ability of bentonite-Fe2O3 composite in phenol photodegradation. Activation of bentonite using HCl and characterized by XRD and bentonite-Fe2O3 composite was synthesized using impregnation method and characterized by XRD and SEM-EDX instruments. Photodegradation with concentration of phenol at 10 ppm and irradiation time variation at 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 minutes. Measurement of photodegradated phenol using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 270 nm. The results of characterization by XRD on activated bentonite showed that the suitability of the 2θ peak with montmorillonite. In that bentonite-Fe2O3 diffraction there is a new peak indicated by Fe2O3 indicating that the bentonite-Fe2O3 composite has been synthesized. Morphological characterization using SEM-EDX showed that the formation of Fe2O3 particles was indicated by the EDX results with the percentage of Fe of 12.77% and O of 57.76%. Bentonite-Fe2O3 composite was able to degrade phenol at a concentration of 10 ppm by 45,70% at an optimum time of 180 minutes. Meanwhile, at the same concentration, the photodegradation ability of bentonite is 1.22%. This show that the photodegradation ability of bentonite-Fe2O3 is greater than of bentonite. Keyword :Bentonite-Fe2O3 composite, Photocatalyst, Photodegradation, Phenol
The Effect of Civics Learning on Self-Control for Fifth Grade Students at SDN 118 Matajang, Camba District, Maros Regency
The main problem in this study is whether Civics learning influences the Self Control of fifth-grade students at SDN 118 Matajang, Camba District, Maros Regency. This type of research is ex post facto research with quantitative methods. This study aims to determine the effect of Civics learning on the Self Control of the fifth-grade students of SDN 118 Matajang, Camba District, Maros Regency, amounting to 38 people. The research instruments used to collect data were Observation, Documentation, Questionnaire, and Test. The results showed that the data were analyzed using descriptive, correlation, and the Coefficient of Determination Test. Data were analyzed using the technique. Descriptive statistical analysis found that the pretest's average value (mean) was 66.18 and was in a low category, namely 53. While the average (mean) of the post-test was 90.11 and was in the high category, namely 95. In correlation analysis using Correlation Coefficient Interpretation, it can be seen that the correlation of the two variables is in a Strong category because the value of T Count 0.616 is greater than the r-table 0.329 at a significant level of 5%. For the Coefficient of Determination test, the coefficient of determination is 0.379, which means Civics Learning affects Self-Control, which is 37.9%. Then obtained Tcount Table or 0.616 0.329 so it can be concluded that the proposed hypothesis is accepted (Ha). This means that Civics learning affects the Self Control of students at SDN 118 Matajang, Camba District, Maros Regency
Efektifitas Pembelajaran PPKn dengan Pendekatan Saintifik pada SMP Negeri 40 Makassar
The study aims at obtaining the description of the effectiveness of PPKn learning using scientific approach at SMPN 40 Makassar viewed from its implementation including (1) observing, (2) questioning, (3) experimenting, (4) associating, and (5) communicating. This study is descriptive qualitative research that describes the result of the study by describing the actual data obtained from the effectiveness of PPKn learning using scientific approach at SMPN 40 Makassar. The data source is selected by employing purposive sampling technique. Data is collected through interview, observation, and documentation. Data is analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis by conducting data reduction, data presentation, conclusion or verification. The results of the study of the effectiveness of PPKn learning using scientific approach at SMPN 40 Makassar indicate that (1) the scientific approach in PPKn learning at SMPN 40 Makassar at the stage of observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating had been conducted effectively, (2) the scientific approach is yet to make the PPKn learning effective at SMPN 40 Makassar, proved by the implementation of learning activity using scientific approach that there are constraints face by the teacher and students, the students are not active yet in following the learning process, and it has yet to achieve PPKn learning objective using scientific approach.Keywords : Effectiveness of learning, scientific approach
Penerapan Metode Simulasi Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PKn Pada Murid Kelas IV SD Negeri Mangasa Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa
This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the learning result of Civics by using Simulation method. The subject of this research is fourth grade students of SD Negeri Mangasa Kec. Somba Opu Kab. Gowa with 24 students consisting of male students as many as 15 people and 9 female students. Data collection through students activity observation sheets was analyzed qualitatively, and students' learning outcomes were analyzed quantitatively. The increase of student learning result quantitatively can be seen from the average of student learning outcomes in the first cycle is 62.91 with the percentage of learning completeness 45.83% increase in cycle II to 75.41 with the percentage of learning mastery reach 87.5%. While the average student learning outcomes before the holding of classroom action research is 59.37. Qualitatively, it can be seen from the student activity during the learning process from cycle I to cycle II has increased. This can be seen from the number of students who pay attention to the explanation of the teacher in cycle I 69.79% increased to 81.25 in cycle II, students who are active in discussions with the group about the role to be played in cycle I 68.75% increased to 81.25 % in cycle II, students who actively play a role in cycle I 64.58% increased to 87.5% in cycle II, students who pay attention to other groups in role play in cycle I 66.66% increased to 86.45% II, and students who concluded the subject matter in cycle I 12.5% increased to 20.83% in cycle II.Keywords: Simulation Method, Learning Outcomes, Studen
The Influence of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teachers in Instilling Moral Ethics to Build National Character in Madrasah Aliyah Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa
Abstract. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the description of PPKn Teachers in Instilling Moral Ethics at MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa. (2) to know the description of Moral Ethics to Build National Character in MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa. (3) to determine the influence of PPKn teachers in instilling moral ethics to build national character in MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa. The research method used in this research is quantitative research. The population in this study were students of class X IIS 2 MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa consisting of 18 men and 6 women with a total of 24 people. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The results showed that the significant value: from the Coefficient table obtained a significance value of, 000 0.05, so it can be concluded that the variable X has an effect on the variable Y. Likewise the t value: it is known that the t value is 4.281 table, 2.064, so it can be concluded that variable X affects variable Y.Keywords: PPKn Teacher, Moral Ethics and National Character.Abstrak.  Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui gambaran Guru PPKn dalam Menanamkan Etika Moral di MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa . (2) untuk mengetahui gambaran Etika Moral untuk Membangun Karakter Bangsa di MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa . (3) untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Guru PPKn dalam Menanamkan Etika Moral Untuk Membangun Karakter Bangsa di MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IIS 2 MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa yang terdiri dari 18 laki-kali dan 6 perempuan dengan total 24 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angket dan dokumentasi. Sementra teknik analis data yang digunakan ialah yaitu analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai signifikan : dari tabel Coefficient diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar ,000 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel X berpengaruh terhadap variabel Y. Begitupun nilai t : diketahui nilai t hitung sebesar 4,281 tabel, 2,064, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel X berpengaruh terhadap variabel Y.Kata Kunci: PPKn Teacher, Moral Ethics and National Character
Pengaruh Pendekatan Parenting Style terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V pada Pembelajaran PKN di UPT SPF SDN Kaccia Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar
The problem in this research is how the parenting style approach influences the learning motivation of class V students in PKN learning at UPT SPF SDN Kaccia, Tamalate District, Makassar City. This research aims to find out and describe the influence of parenting style on the learning motivation of class V students in PKN learning at UPT SPF SDN Kaccia, Tamalate District, Makassar City. The type of research used in this research is mixed methods. Based on the research results, it shows that there is an influence between parenting style and learning motivation obtained from the completed questionnaire. This can be seen from the simple linear regression equation, namely Y 56.99 + 0.433, meaning that every increase in the regression coefficient X 0.433 illustrates that every 1% increase in parenting style will cause an increase of 0.433 in student learning motivation. That 5 out of 10 parents apply a parenting pattern between authoritarian and democratic or situational parenting. Meanwhile, the rest use a permissive parenting style in the sense of not providing too much support and implementing low levels of control over the child. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that there is a positive influence of parenting style on the learning motivation of class V students in PKN learning at UPT SPF SDN Kaccia, Tamalate District, Makassar City
Application of Picture Media in Improving Children's Speaking Ability at Zivana Monte Sori Makassar City
The problem in this study is whether the application of media images improves children's speaking skills at Zivana Monte Sori Makassar City. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the application of media images can improve speaking skills in children at Zivana Monte Sori, Makassar City. Research was conducted using a type of classroom action research (CAR). The research procedure consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Based on the results of research conducted at Zivana Monte Sori, Makassar City, the results of children's speech development were obtained, as evidenced by an increase in the average child's speaking ability during pre-action cycle I. The results showed that children who developed very well (BSB) were 4 children (16%), then in the second cycle of action the results were 10 children (40%) who developed very well (BSB), and in the third cycle the results were 16 children (64%) who developed very well (BSB). This means that the average increase in children's speaking ability through the media of images during pre-action, Cycle I, Cycle II, and Cycle III is very significant in its improvement.
The Effect of the Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm Approach in Improving the Disciplinary Attitudes of Third Grade Students of SD Inpres Bontoala I Gowa Regency
In terms of obeying the rules, students in uniform, whether according to the regulations, clothes are inserted, and wear a belt and black shoes. The researcher also observed students' self-control and whether students listened when the teacher explained. Another thing that was observed was students' awareness when learning, whether they worked seriously to get good grades. Interviews conducted by researchers with class teachers related to student discipline in participating in learning at school. The type of research used is quantitative research. This means that this research aims to find data through experiments. The experiment format chosen in this research is a pre-experimental design. It is said to be a pre-experimental design because the design is not a real experiment because external variables will still affect the formation of the dependent variable. The subject and research sample are class III students totaling 33 people. Data collection techniques include initial tests, treatment, and final tests. The data used in this study are descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical data analysis. From the results of the calculation on the pretest, the average value of the discipline level of the students of SD Inpres Bontoala I, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency, after using the Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm Approach is 60.45. And from the posttest calculation, the average value of the discipline level of SD Inpres Bontoala I students in Pallangga District, Gowa Regency, after using the Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm Approach is 84.54
The Integration of Pancasila Values in Building Students’ Character as An Effort to Prevent Lost Generation At SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar
This study aims to describe the integration of Pancasila values in building the character of students as an effort to prevent the Lost Generation and the inhibiting factors in integrating Pancasila values in the school environment of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Research findings: 1. The integration of Pancasila values is carried out through various main activities at the school, namely: (1) through moral habituation or moral culture within the school, (2) during the Civics Education (PPKn) learning process, and (3) through extracurricular activities conducted at the school. 2. Inhibiting factors in integrating Pancasila values at the school include both internal and external factors. Internal factors are caused by inadequate funding and resources from the school, while external factors involve a lack of support from students' parents and the social environment