20 research outputs found


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    Error correction and feedback are two indispensable factors in shaping literature technique and theory. In this case, these techniques were applied to students who took American Multicultural Literature at College of Languages, UNISSULA Semarang. The students were asked to make any literary criticism toward several literary works from different cultural backgrounds. Both teacher and students have significant roles in those preferences. If teacher and students both understand the purpose of certain correction techniques and agree their use, feedback is more likely to be productive. This article also covers action research by using two cycles. It finds that students can improve their capabilities and skills in writing of an intellectual diary. It can be seen from the result of observation both test-1 and test-2 which had the progress in index from 0.45 to 0.52. Hence collaborative writing and reader-response criticism has given great contribution toward students’ motivation in learning American literature

    American Conservative Movement of the Tea Party in 2009: a Concept of Founding

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    The awakening of American conservative movement like The Tea Party in the beginning of 2009 was a phenomenon as a reaction against Obamas Democratic presidency. American conservative movements have never been the same but they maintain a strong tradition. Historically, they have emerged and then died out. This research offers a concept of founding for dealing with social changes and the political transformation of The Tea Party phenomenon. It adopts descriptive qualitative methods and applies Event Structure Analysis supported by Founding and Social Change theories. In general, American conservative movements have never been successful; however they have affected policy changes within the government and the political parties in the United States. They are known to be inconsistent, yet it seems likely that they will continue to evolve


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    The existence of culture shock is undeniably true for foreign students studying in other countries. This phenomenon becomes more common nowadays. It also happened with some Thai students who are studying at University of Islam Sultan Agung Semarang and University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. The main objectives of this article are to find out the cultural transition and to analyze the influence of culture shock and campus programs in ELT for Thai Students. This research was under a mix-method combined between qualitative and quantitative research by using purposive sampling. Twentyfour (N=24) Thai university students participated in the study. The analysis technique applied an exploratory mixed-method research design by separating the result both quantitative and qualitative. The online interview along with questionnaires was used to collect information from the students by using zoom and Google form. Data collection was performed from October to December 2020. Based on the questionnaire and interview as the primary data collection, this mini research reveals two findings. Firstly, shock culture and campus programs have a great contribution to the cultural transition in ELT. Secondly, the Thai students coped with the shock by adapting their experiences in academic programs and campus traditions. Campus programs also played a critical role in lessening culture shock

    Islamic Academic Culture (BudAi) Model as A Strategy of Education and Civilization in Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Semarang: Theory and Practice

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    This study discusses about "How is the images of Islamic Academic Culture (BudAi) at Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula) Semarang?" which is then translated into three sub formulation of the problems, namely: 1. Why must it be Islamic Academic Culture (BudAi)? 2. What is the normative foundation for the philosophy of the policy? 3. And how significant is the implementation of the policy as a strategy for education and civilization in Unissula. This is a descriptive study which uses a qualitative approach that includes historical and sociological observation and documentation process. The qualitative data obtained and collected during the study were selected and placed in one order with the exposure of  argumentation. The results of this study states that in the implementation of Islamic Academic Culture (BudAi) policy both as the spiritual movement  and the reconstruction movement of science on the basis of Islamic values, Unissula is considered being succesful in changing the perspective and behavior of academicians from the leaders, the lecturers, the staffs and the students. The success is truly visible by taking a look at the  example of the spirit for prayer together movement, the smoking ban, the movement of Islamic dress as part of a spiritual movement.  Key words: Unissula, Islamic Academic Culture, The Reconstruction of The Knowledg

    AR and VR Content Integration: Project-Based Task Quality and Effect in Reading Comprehension

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    The learning media is evaluated in several aspects: the content, teaching methods, and preparation of the teaching and learning, as well as the effect on the student’s comprehension.This study aims to analyze the quality of the AR and VR content integration as PBT influences the students’ comprehension of reading. The mixed method was utilized in this study. Need analysis, situation analysis, and curriculum analysis were used to gather the preliminary data before assigning students of the Reading Course to conduct the project. The syllabus and guidelines for Project-Based Tasks were formulated based on the findings in the initial study. Modelling was required before the students independently work on the project. Experts evaluated the media. Then, the significance of the development project to the students’ improvement was also seen based on the statistical analysis of pre-and post-tests. Therefore, result of the expert evaluation and students pre and post-test result are major source of the data.Based on three aspects measured in learning media, course materials, teaching, and learning language, the result from the expert evaluation shows perfect scores are dominant in all aspects. The students’ scores also significantly improved in the post-test. It is highly recommended for teachers to combine AR and VR content development properly as the product of project-based tasks as the teaching and learning media.


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    Error correction and feedback are two indispensable factors in shaping literature technique and theory. In this case, these techniques were applied to students who took American Multicultural Literature at College of Languages, UNISSULA Semarang. The students were asked to make any literary criticism toward several literary works from different cultural backgrounds. Both teacher and students have significant roles in those preferences. If teacher and students both understand the purpose of certain correction techniques and agree their use, feedback is more likely to be productive. This article also covers action research by using two cycles. It finds that students can improve their capabilities and skills in writing of an intellectual diary. It can be seen from the result of observation both test-1 and test-2 which had the progress in index from 0.45 to 0.52. Hence collaborative writing and reader-response criticism has given great contribution toward students' motivation in learning American literature

    A narrative inquiry of language teachers’ perceptions and experiences in using WhatsApp during New Normal Post-Covid-19 era

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    The purpose of this inquiry is to explore and make sense of the stories of language teachers’ perceptions and experiences in using WhatsApp during New Normal Post-Covid-19 era. More specifically, the study is intended to understand the popularity and the usage of WhatsApp in the process of teaching and learning. To achieve the purpose of the study, a narrative inquiry is employed. Four language teachers of SMA Maarif Yogyakarta participated in this study and shared their perceptions and experiences in using WhatsApp as learning medium during New Normal Post-Covid-19 era. The online interview was used to collect information from the teachers by using Google Form. The findings of this narrative inquiry indicate that WhatsApp is a popular learning medium and the use of WhatsApp in distance online learning during New Normal Post-Covid- 19 era in SMA Maarif Yogyakarta is really effective compared to other learning media such as Google Classroom or Zoom and the language teachers give positive reactions regarding the application


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    Technology plays an important role in people’s day-to-day life and various aspects of life  including education also use technology. Artificial Intelligence is regarded as an example of the advancement of technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions of using Artificial Intelligence mobile applications to improve English listening skills. It was under phenomenological qualitative research characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, mainly education and technology. The online interview was used to gain information from students’ on the specific theme of artificial intelligence mobile applications in improving English listening skills. The survey consists of seven questions which become category such as 1. The Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence; 2. The Knowledge of Tune In, Joox Music, VOA Learning English Listening every day, and Netflix; 3. The Use of the Applications; 4. The Reason to Use the Applications; 5. The Use of Applications in Improving English listening Skills; 6. The Influence of the Applications toward The Users; 7. The Most Effective and Efficient Applications to Improve English Listening Skills. This survey was conducted at the Faculty of Psychology in Universitas Sarjanawiyata took part in this study. Participants were three females and two males. The results showed that the most effective and efficient Artificial Intelligence mobile application to improve English listening skills is Netflix

    The Impacts of Consumptive Behaviors toward American Society in Modern Era as Reflected in the Film The Joneses

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    In this research, the writers make research of consumptive behavior and its impacts. “The Joneses” film represents the impacts of consumptive behavior in American society in many aspects of life. The objective of this paper is to describe and find the impacts of consumptive behavior toward American society, as reflected in the film "The Joneses." In analyzing data, the writers use a qualitative method by gathering the data qualitatively. The result reveals kinds of consumptive behavior, factors of consumptive behavior, impacts of consumptive behavior, and things that influence consumptive behavior. Some of them are environment and internal motivation


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    Gamification is gaining momentum together with technology-infused training as an advancement to inspire and engage students in their learning process. The correlation between game play and increased motivation and interaction is shown by strong evidence. More and more games of learning appear, offering a promise to help learning a language. This research was designed in descriptive qualitative research; data was collected by short questions to be answered on the application of Kahoot online application in English classrooms. The aim in this research to analyze motivation of the students and to enrich the dynamics of the lessons introducing Kahoot in the English classroom in order to achieve improve the tasks related to vocabulary, aimed at defining vocabulary. The research design was qualitative research concerning phenomenological studies with a sample of 30 students of Junior High School of SMP Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. It used an open-ended questionnaire to collect the data of the students' perceptions. Data analysis of the questionnaires was analyzed qualitatively by interview. With the media Kahoot can improve student learning achievement as evidence that the results of learning English experience a significant increase in value. It is very helpful for students in addition to understanding English subject matter.Keywords:  education, kahoot, learning, motivation, smartphon