87 research outputs found

    Educational and Research Programs to Develop Sustainable Watershed Management

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    Analisis K-Means Cluster untuk Identifikasi Kawasan Pengelolaan Sampah di Kabupaten Tapin Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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    Population growth of Tapin Regency is projected to grow until it reaches more than 200,000 in 2025. In current conditions, the government can only manage a small amount of solid waste in certain urban settlement areas. Limited service coverage of waste management systems causing a serious threat for environmental quality. The research was intended to determine and identify zone for planning and developing the waste management system in a larger scale area to improve waste management services in Tapin Regency. The research methods using PCA (principal component analysis) then K-Means cluster to obtain waste management zone in that area. The results have shown that waste management zones can be classified into 3 types zone. Zone type 1 consisted of 25 villages located in a urban area that has the highest vulnerability of solid waste generation. Zone type 2 consisted of 36 villages and located relatively close to the rural-urban area which has the highest population growth rate. Zone type 3 consisted of 36 villages located very far from the urban area which has the lowest vulnerability of solid waste generation. Zone type 1 and 2 were determined as priority clusters for developing waste management services which have 73.3% coverage of all area. Waste management systems coverage in zone type 3 implemented by the addition of community participation programs

    Land use Conflict in Gunung halimun Salak National Park Lebak District

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    ABSTRACTDevelopment for conservation, agriculture and settlements have equal importance for humankind. Reality showed, conflict is occured because of each goal use its own knowledge and values. The conflict was found in the forest area of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park. The study aimed to identify the landuse conflict between conservation with agriculture, settlement, include mining, and identify the strategic issues that arised from the conflict. This study was conducted in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park at Lebak regency. The study using qualitative and quantitative approach. Spatial multicriteria analysis was employed to identify the areas of conflict. List of issue derived from three sources: observing landuse conflict map, discussion with the expert and stakeholder’s strategic document. The strategic issues is classifyed based on level of agreement among experts.The result showed that conflict which had been occurred between conservation and agriculture of 22,061.11 ha (49%); between conservation and settlement of 1,830.36 Ha (4%); and between conservation and mining of 26,007.86 Ha (58 %). Analysis of strategic issues leads to 11 issues were grouped to three agendas, namely (1) Tenure and environmental damage, (2) disaster mitigation and food security, and (3) infrastructure development for agriculture and settlement.Keywords: Gunung Halimun Salak district Lebak, landuse conflict, landuse preferences, multicriteria analysis.ABSTRAKPembangunan untuk tujuan konservasi, pertanian dan permukiman memiliki nilai penting yang setara demi kesejahteraan manusia. Kenyataan menunjukan bahwa ketiga tujuan tersebut kerap berbenturan dan menimbulkan konflik karena masing-masing menggunakan pengetahuan dan nilainya sendiri-sendiri. Konflik tersebut dijumpai di kawasan hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konflik penggunaan lahan antara konservasi dengan pertanian, permukiman termasuk pertambangan, serta mengidentifikasi isu strategis yang muncul dari konflik yang terjadi. Penelitian dilakukan di kawasan hutan Taman nasional Gunung Halimun salak di Kabupaten Lebak. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis spasial multikriteria digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan area-area yang mengalami konflik. Isu-isu digali dari pengamatan peta konflik, wawancara narasumber ahli dan kajian dokumen strategis. Perumusan isu strategis didasarkan pada tingkat kesepakatan diantara para narasumber. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadi konflik penggunaan lahan antara konservasi dengan pertanian seluas 22.061,11 ha (49%); antara konservasi dengan permukiman seluas 1.830,36 Ha (4%); dan antara konservasi dengan pertambangan seluas 26.007,86 Ha (58 %). Terdapat 11 isu strategis yang dirumuskan menjadi 3 kelompok isu dan diajukan sebagai agenda bersama pengelolaan konflik penggunaan lahan, yaitu: (1) Isu lingkungan dan penyelesaian tenurial, (2) Isu mitigasi bencana dan ketahanan pangan, dan (3) Isu pengembangan infrastuktur pertanian dan permukiman.Kata kunci: TNGHS Kabupaten Lebak, konflik penggunaan lahan, preferensi penggunaan lahan, analisis multikriteria

    Kelembagaan Kemitraan Hulu Hilir untuk Pasokan Air DAS Cidanau, Provinsi Banten

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    Kemitraan hulu hilir DAS Cidanau telah dibangun sejak tahun 2005 dengan pendekatan pembayaran jasa lingkungan (PJL). Stakeholder yang terlibat adalah PT Krakatau Tirta Industri (KTI) sebagai pemanfaat air baku dari sungai Cidanau untuk tujuan komersil membayar kepada penyedia jasa lingkungan (komunitas petani hutan) di hulu DAS terhadap perannya melakukan konservasi lahan. Komunitas hutan harus mempertahankan tegakan pohon sesuai dengan jumlah dan masa kontrak yang disepakati keduanya. Kemitraan ini difasilitasi oleh Forum Komunikasi DAS Cidanau (FKDC) yang anggotanya terdiri dari para pihak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan kelembagaan kemitraan untuk pasokan air DAS Cidanau. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan analisis data secara umum mengacu pada analisis pengembangan institusi (IAD) yang dikembangkan oleh Ostrom (2008). Informan/responden ditentukan secara sengaja (pur posive sampling) dan penentuan informan kunci dilakukan dengan teknik snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status kepemilikan lahan masyarakat yang masuk dalam mekanisme PJL mayoritas adalah hak milik pribadi (private property), dengan mata pencaharian pada umumnya merupakan petani yang menjual hasil tanamannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Pada periode pertama kontrak (2005-2009) ada dua kelompok yang terputus kontrak dari empat kelompok tani yang menjalin kemitraan, yakni Kelompok Tani Karya Bersama dan Agung Lestari, sedangkan pada periode kedua (2010-2014) ada lima kelompok tani yang menjadi anggota PJL termasuk kelompok tani yang memperpanjang kontrak pada periode pertama yakni Karya Muda II. Untuk mewujudkan kelembagaan kemitraan DAS Cidanau selain pembenahan aturan main, hal penting yang harus dilakukan adalah penguatan kelembagaan FKDC. Agar kinerja pemutusan kontrak pada desa Cibojong dan Kadu Agung tidak terjadi pada kelompok tani lainnya, diperlukan : a) pendekatan individual untuk kelompok tani yang heterogen, b) pembentukan lembaga keuangan alternatif desa, c) adanya peluang penjarangan dengan jumlah dan diameter pohon tertentu, dan d) pengkajian jumlah pembayaran yang diberikan pada petani penyedia jasa lingkungan

    Bioremediasi Tanah Bertekstur Klei Terkontaminasi Minyak Bumi: Aplikasi Teknik Biopile Dengan Penambahan Pasir

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    Problem encountered in the application of biopile technique for bioremediation of clay textured soils contaminated with crude oil is limited rate of air flow through the soil. It is a challenge to solve the problem by adding the soil with sand. The addition of sand is also indispensable for the well growth and activity of bacteria in the bioremediation process. This study aims to evaluate the addition of sand on bioremediation of a clay textured soil contaminated with crude oil using biopile technique at pilot scale of 2 tons capacity. The results showed a decline of 76% soil TPH concentration, from 4.22% to 1.00%, within 63 days. Total population of bacteria during the bioremediation process ranged from 1.00 x106 to 1.43 x 1011 CFUs.g-1 soil. At the end of the experiment, a loss in the types and content of some easily degrading hydrocarbon substances was observed


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    The Infuence of landuse change causes change of the condition of flow discharge. However, the impact of this landuse change is that the rainfall has more potential to be overland flow than infiltration. The aims of this research are: (1) to assess the patterns of rainfall of 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014; (2) to assess the land use changes of 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014; (3) to analyze the design discharge under land use predictions of 2028; and (4) to arrange land use planning that the peak discharge less than peak discharge of Karian Dam. Data were analysed by grid interpolation, Rational, CA-Markov. The results showed that land use of 2000–2014 change from forest to agriculture dry land area about 18.89 km2, from dry land farming to rice field area about 12.84 km2, from dry land agriculture to plantation area about 10.27 km2 and forests to plantations about 6.24 km2. The total area of land uses change of 85.39 km2 (30.2%), but the land use type which remain as existing land uses are 197.48 km2 (69.8%). Flood discharge predictions is not eligible for the best land use pattern because it exceeded the design of flood discharge of Karian Dam. The actual flood discharge is still qualify, flood discharge based on Spatial Pattern and scenarios four to synchronize the flood discharge based on Spatial Pattern is qualify for the best land use pattern. scenarios four for spatial pattern is the best land use planning to be applied that are regarded as the reference of land use in Ciberang watershed Lebak Regency of 2014-2034


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    The impact of critical land create reduction quality of soil characteristics, which can interfere with the function of conservation, production, economic, and social life of the community. The objectives of this research are to analyzing and mapping of critical land, reviewing relevance of critical land distribution to the spatial pattern and making direction of rehabilitation in regional development in Kendal. The analytical methode which is used in this study were selecting parameters of critical land  and overlay using GIS to map the distribution of critical land. The result of this research is the critical land area in modification parameter is 34.317,87 ha, and parameter of P. 4/V-Set/2013 is 19.535,96 ha. General direction for land rehabilitation is vegetative conservation activity and technical civil conservation for erosion and sedimentation control. Direction for regional development in forest area is to develop PHBM through activity of agroforestry, community forest, ecotourism and medicinal plant cultivation in the forest. Direction on the farm cultivation area, especially on abandoned land and yards, is by optimization of community forest, by planting activities using perennials plant, MTPS and fruits plant, to control critical land, soil conservation and water management as well as increase community incomes by selling products from community forests

    Land Use Planning of Way Betung Watershed for Sustainable Water Resources Development of Bandar Lampung City

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    Way Betung watershed is one of the important water resources in Lampung Province and it provides a clean water for Bandar Lampung City through a regional water supply company (PDAM). By the increase of population and economical activities of Bandar Lampung City, the need of clean water also increase, however by the time, the conditions of Way Betung watershed as water resources are declining. Therefore, to improve or to restore WayBetung watershed, a high cost is needed. The research was aimed: (a) to study the effects of Way Betung watershed land use change on the water resources of Bandar Lampung City, (b) to arrange the sustainable development of Way Betung watershed in order to maintain the availability of water resources. The sustainable developments of water resources of Way Betung watershed were arranged in five alternatives/scenarios and each alternative was related toits erosion (USLE method) and its run off volume (SCS method). The results showed that land use changes of Way Betung watershed (1991-2006) were likely to increase daily maximum discharge (Q max), to decrease daily minimum discharge (Q min), to increase fluctuation of river discharge, and to increase yearly run off coeffcient. The best sustainable development of water resources of Way Betung watershed, Lampung Province, was alternative/scenario-4 (forest as 30% of watershed areas + alley cropping in the mix garden). This alternative will decrease erosion to the level lower than tolerable soil loss and also decrease fluctuation of monthly run off.Keywords: Land use change, run off coefficient, water resources, watershe

    PDRB Hijau dalam Perkembangan Wilayah di Kota Depok

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    Depok City has become one of the cities with high economic growth in West Java Province. This high growth, however, also has impact on the environment. This study aimed to review the level of regional development and linkages among economic sectors and calculate Green GRDP for regional development directions. Scalogram method and input output analysis were applied to indicate the level of regional development and identify the key sectors. The value of green GRDP was obtained from the calculation of natural resource depletion and calculation of environmental degradation. The research showed that 65.08% of villages in Depok City were in the form of hinterland. The sector of electricity, gas, and drinking water was the key  sector of economic development in Depok City. Furthermore, the Green GRDP value only had a difference of 4.47% or Rp2,610.78 billion, compared to Brown GRDP. However, if the GRDP difference was compared to the original local government revenue, this would consume all of the income. The analysis resulted green GRDP was more relevant to be applied as an economic indicator because better description the level of overall welfare
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