15,615 research outputs found

    Universal properties of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional lattices

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    Based on an exact treatment of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional lattices, we obtain the large distance behavior of the one-particle density matrix, and show how it determines the occupation of the lowest natural orbital in the thermodynamic limit. We also study the occupation λη\lambda_{\eta} of the natural orbitals for large-η\eta at low densities. Both quantities show universal behavior independently of the confining potential. Finite-size corrections and the momentum distribution function for finite systems are also analyzed.Comment: Revtex file, 5 pages, 5 figures. Content and references added. Published versio

    Channel Coding and Lossy Source Coding Using a Constrained Random Number Generator

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    Stochastic encoders for channel coding and lossy source coding are introduced with a rate close to the fundamental limits, where the only restriction is that the channel input alphabet and the reproduction alphabet of the lossy source code are finite. Random numbers, which satisfy a condition specified by a function and its value, are used to construct stochastic encoders. The proof of the theorems is based on the hash property of an ensemble of functions, where the results are extended to general channels/sources and alternative formulas are introduced for channel capacity and the rate-distortion region. Since an ensemble of sparse matrices has a hash property, we can construct a code by using sparse matrices, where the sum-product algorithm can be used for encoding and decoding by assuming that channels/sources are memoryless.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 42 page

    Quantum disordered phase in a doped antiferromagnet

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    A quantitative description of the transition to a quantum disordered phase in a doped antiferromagnet is obtained with a U(1) gauge-theory, where the gap in the spin-wave spectrum determines the strength of the gauge-fields. They mediate an attractive long-range interaction whose possible bound-states correspond to charge-spin separation and pairing.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, chris-preprint-1994-

    Flavor changing nucleon decay

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    Recent discovery of neutrino large mixings implies the large mixings in the diagonalizing matrices of 5ˉ\bf\bar 5 fields in SU(5)SU(5) grand unified theory (GUT), while the diagonalizing matrices of 10\bf 10 fields of SU(5)SU(5) are expected to have small mixings like Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. We calculate the predictions of flavor changing nucleon decays (FCND) in SU(5)SU(5), SO(10)SO(10), and E6E_6 GUT models which have the above features for mixings. We found that FCND can be the main decay mode especially for GUT with higher rank unification group. Recent report for P→π0μ+P\rightarrow \pi^0\mu^+ process implies E6E_6 or SO(10)SO(10) GUT if the signal is from the nucleon decay.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures v2:references are added v3:references, figures and texts are improved v4:final version to be published in PL

    Construction of Slepian-Wolf Source Code and Broadcast Channel Code Based on Hash Property

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    The aim of this paper is to prove theorems for the Slepian-Wolf source coding and the broadcast channel coding (independent messages and no common message) based on the the notion of a stronger version of the hash property for an ensemble of functions. Since an ensemble of sparse matrices has a strong hash property, codes using sparse matrices can realize the achievable rate region. Furthermore, extensions to the multiple source coding and multiple output broadcast channel coding are investigated.Comment: The proofs of Lemmas 4 and 9 are revised. Some proofs are simplified. Some typos are fixed. A part of this paper has been published in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2010) and Proceedings of 7th Asia-Europe Workshop "CONCEPTS in INFORMATION THEORY" (AEW7), 2011, 39 page

    Construction of Multiple Access Channel Codes Based on Hash Property

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the construction of codes for a general discrete stationary memoryless multiple access channel based on the the notion of the hash property. Since an ensemble of sparse matrices has a hash property, we can use sparse matrices for code construction. Our approach has a potential advantage compared to the conventional random coding because it is expected that we can use some approximation algorithms by using the sparse structure of codes.Comment: This paper has been presented in part at Proc. 2011 IEEE Internal Symposium on Information Theory and submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 39 page
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