77,704 research outputs found
A version of the volume conjecture
We propose a version of the volume conjecture that would relate a certain
limit of the colored Jones polynomials of a knot to the volume function defined
by a representation of the fundamental group of the knot complement to the
special linear group of degree two over complex numbers. We also confirm the
conjecture for the figure-eight knot and torus knots. This version is different
from S. Gukov's because of a choice of polarization.Comment: 5 pages, added more comment
6j-symbols, hyperbolic structures and the Volume Conjecture
We compute the asymptotical growth rate of a large family of
-symbols and we interpret our results in geometric terms by relating them
to volumes of hyperbolic truncated tetrahedra. We address a question which is
strictly related with S.Gukov's generalized volume conjecture and deals with
the case of hyperbolic links in connected sums of . We answer
this question for the infinite family of fundamental shadow links.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Published on Geometry & Topology 11 (2007
Kashaev's invariant and the volume of a hyperbolic knot after Y. Yokota
I follow Y. Yokota to explain how to obtain a tetrahedron decomposition of
the complement of a hyperbolic knot and compare it with the asymptotic behavior
of Kashaev's link invariant using the figure-eight knot as an example.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures, submitted to the Proceedings of "Physics and
Combinatorics" Workshop, Nagoya 199
The colored Jones polynomial, the Chern--Simons invariant, and the Reidemeister torsion of the figure-eight knot
We show that from the asymptotic behavior of an evaluation of the colored
Jones polynomial of the figure-eight knot we can extract the Chern--Simons
invariant and the twisted Reidemeister torsion associated with a representation
of the fundamental group of the knot complement to the two-dimensional complex
special linear group.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure
Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect
A brief review is given on the spin Hall effect, where an external electric
field induces a transverse spin current. It has been recognized over 30 years
that such effect occurs due to impurities in the presence of spin-orbit
coupling. Meanwhile, it was proposed recently that there is also an intrinsic
contribution for this effect. We explain the mechanism for this intrinsic spin
Hall effect. We also discuss recent experimental observations of the spin Hall
effect.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Advances in Solid State Physics,
Vol 45(2005), edited by B. Kramer, changes in Sections 3 and 4.
Spin Hall Effect in p-type Semiconductors
The spin Hall effect is a phenomenon of inducing spin current by an external
electric field. We recently proposed that this effect can occur in p-type
semiconductors without relying upon any disorder scattering [S. Murakami et
al., Science 301, 1348 (2003)]. This intrinsic effect is due to the ``Berry
phase in momentum space'', representing topological structure of the Bloch band
structure. We explain how the Berry phase brings about the spin Hall effect,
and review several interesting aspects of this effectComment: 6 pages, 1 figure, prepared for Proceedings of International
Symposium on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Spintronics 2004 (Atsugi,
Japan, March 1-4, 2004
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