345 research outputs found

    Rate of convergence for a Galerkin scheme approximating a two-scale reaction-diffusion system with nonlinear transmission condition

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    We study a two-scale reaction-diffusion system with nonlinear reaction terms and a nonlinear transmission condition (remotely ressembling Henry's law) posed at air-liquid interfaces. We prove the rate of convergence of the two-scale Galerkin method proposed in Muntean & Neuss-Radu (2009) for approximating this system in the case when both the microstructure and macroscopic domain are two-dimensional. The main difficulty is created by the presence of a boundary nonlinear term entering the transmission condition. Besides using the particular two-scale structure of the system, the ingredients of the proof include two-scale interpolation-error estimates, an interpolation-trace inequality, and improved regularity estimates.Comment: 14 pages, table of content

    Large-time behavior of a two-scale semilinear reaction-diffusion system for concrete sulfatation

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    We study the large-time behavior of (weak) solutions to a two-scale reaction-diffusion system coupled with a nonlinear ordinary differential equations modeling the partly dissipative corrosion of concrete (/cement)-based materials with sulfates. We prove that as tt\to\infty the solution to the original two-scale system converges to the corresponding two-scale stationary system. To obtain the main result we make use essentially of the theory of evolution equations governed by subdifferential operators of time-dependent convex functions developed combined with a series of two-scale energy-like time-independent estimates.Comment: 20 page

    Error control for the FEM approximation of an upscaled thermo-diffusion system with Smoluchowski interactions

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    We analyze a coupled system of evolution equations that describes the effect of thermal gradients on the motion and deposition of NN populations of colloidal species diffusing and interacting together through Smoluchowski production terms. This class of systems is particularly useful in studying drug delivery, contaminant transportin complex media, as well as heat shocks thorough permeable media. The particularity lies in the modeling of the nonlinear and nonlocal coupling between diffusion and thermal conduction. We investigate the semidiscrete as well as the fully discrete em a priori error analysis of the finite elements approximation of the weak solution to a thermo-diffusion reaction system posed in a macroscopic domain. The mathematical techniques include energy-like estimates and compactness arguments

    Modeling micro-macro pedestrian counterflow in heterogeneous domains

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    We present a micro-macro strategy able to describe the dynamics of crowds in heterogeneous media. Herein we focus on the example of pedestrian counterflow. The main working tools include the use of mass and porosity measures together with their transport as well as suitable application of a version of Radon-Nikodym Theorem formulated for finite measures. Finally, we illustrate numerically our microscopic model and emphasize the effects produced by an implicitly defined social velocity. Keywords: Crowd dynamics; mass measures; porosity measure; social network

    Large-time asymptotics of moving-reaction interfaces involving nonlinear Henry's law and time-dependent Dirichlet data

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    We study the large-time behavior of the free boundary position capturing the one-dimensional motion of the carbonation reaction front in concrete-based materials. We extend here our rigorous justification of the t\sqrt{t}-behavior of reaction penetration depths by including non-linear effects due to deviations from the classical Henry's law and time-dependent Dirichlet data.Comment: 19 page

    Upscaling of the dynamics of dislocation walls

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    We perform the discrete-to-continuum limit passage for a microscopic model describing the time evolution of dislocations in a one dimensional setting. This answers the related open question raised by Geers et al. in [GPPS13]. The proof of the upscaling procedure (i.e. the discrete-to-continuum passage) relies on the gradient flow structure of both the discrete and continuous energies of dislocations set in a suitable evolutionary variational inequality framework. Moreover, the convexity and Γ\Gamma-convergence of the respective energies are properties of paramount importance for our arguments