93 research outputs found

    Anomalous Fermi level behavior in GaMnAs at the onset of ferromagnetism

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    We present the systematic study of the resonant tunneling spectroscopy on a series of ferromagnetic-semiconductor Ga1-xMnxAs with the Mn content x from ~0.01 to 3.2%. The Fermi level of Ga1-xMnxAs exists in the band gap in the whole x region. The Fermi level is closest to the valence band (VB) at x=1.0% corresponding to the onset of ferromagnetism near the metal-insulator transition (MIT), but it moves away from the VB as x increasing or decreasing from 1.0%. This anomalous behavior of the Fermi level indicates that the ferromagnetism and MIT emerge in the Mn-derived impurity band.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table (minor revision

    Valence-band structure of ferromagnetic semiconductor (InGaMn)As

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    To clarify the whole picture of the valence-band structures of prototype ferromagnetic semiconductors (III,Mn)As (III: In and Ga), we perform systematic experiments of the resonant tunneling spectroscopy on [(In_0.53Ga_0.47)_1-x Mn_x]As (x=0.06-0.15) and In_0.87Mn_0.13As grown on AlAs/ In_0.53Ga_0.47As:Be/ p+InP(001). We show that the valence band of InGaMnAs almost remains unchanged from that of the host semiconductor InGaAs, that the Fermi level exists in the band gap, and that the p-d exchange splitting in the valence band is negligibly small in (InGaMn)As. In the In0.87Mn0.13As sample, although the resonant peaks are very weak due to the large strain induced by the lattice mismatch between InP and InMnAs, our results also indicate that the Fermi level exists in the band gap and that the p-d exchange splitting in the valence band is negligibly small. These results are quite similar to those of GaMnAs obtained by the same method, meaning that there are no holes in the valence band, and that the impurity-band holes dominate the transport and magnetism both in the InGaMnAs and In_0.87Mn_0.13As films. This band picture of (III,Mn)As is remarkably different from that of II-VI-based diluted magnetic semiconductors.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum-level control in a III-V-based ferromagnetic-semiconductor heterostructure with a GaMnAs quantum well and double barriers

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    We investigate the spin-dependent tunneling properties in a three-terminal III-V-based ferromagnetic-semiconductor heterostructure with a 2.5-nm-thick GaMnAs quantum well (QW) and double barriers. We successfully control the quantum levels and modulate the spin-dependent current with varying the voltage of the electrode connected to the GaMnAs QW. Our results will open up a new possibility for realizing three-terminal spin resonant-tunneling devices.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    GaMnAs-based magnetic tunnel junctions with an AlMnAs barrier

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    We investigate the spin-dependent transport of GaMnAs-based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) containing a paramagnetic AlMnAs barrier with various thicknesses. The barrier height of AlMnAs with respect to the Fermi level of GaMnAs is estimated to be 110 meV. We observe tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratios up to 175% (at 2.6 K), which is higher than those of the GaMnAs-based MTJs with other barrier materials in the same temperature region. These high TMR ratios can be mainly attributed to the relatively high crystal quality of AlMnAs and the suppression of the tunneling probability near at the in-plane wave-vector k||=0.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Let


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Artificial control of the bias-voltage dependence of tunnelling-anisotropic magnetoresistance using quantization in a single-crystal ferromagnet

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    A major issue in the development of spintronic memory devices is the reduction of the power consumption for the magnetization reversal. For this purpose, the artificial control of the magnetic anisotropy of ferromagnetic materials is of great importance. Here, we demonstrate the control of the carrier-energy dependence of the magnetic anisotropy of the density of states (DOS) using the quantum size effect in a single-crystal ferromagnetic material, GaMnAs. We show that the mainly twofold symmetry of the magnetic anisotropy of DOS, which is attributed to the impurity band, is changed to a fourfold symmetry by enhancing the quantum size effect in the valence band of the GaMnAs quantum wells. By combination with the gate electric-field control technique, our concept of the usage of the quantum size effect for the control of the magnetism will pave the way for the ultra-low-power manipulation of magnetization in future spintronic devices.UTokyo Research掲載「磁性をデザインする新たな手法を開拓」 URI: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/utokyo-research/research-news/pioneering-new-methods-for-designing-magnetism.htmlUTokyo Research "Pioneering new methods for designing magnetism" URI: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/utokyo-research/research-news/pioneering-new-methods-for-designing-magnetism.htm

    Sudden restoration of the band ordering associated with the ferromagnetic phase transition in a semiconductor

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    The band ordering of semiconductors is an important factor in determining the mobility and coherence of the wave function of carriers, and is thus a key factor in device performance. However, in heavily doped semiconductors, the impurities substantially disturb the band ordering, leading to significant degradation in performance. Here, we present the unexpected finding that the band ordering is suddenly restored in Mn-doped GaAs ((Ga,Mn)As) when the Mn concentration slightly exceeds B0.7% despite the extremely high doping concentration; this phenomenon is very difficult to predict from the general behaviour of doped semiconductors. This phenomenon occurs with a ferromagnetic phase transition, which is considered to have a crucial role in generating a well-ordered band structure. Our findings offer possibilities for ultra-high-speed quantum-effect spin devices based on semiconductors.UTokyo Research掲載「半導体の基礎物理学で新たな発見」 URI: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/utokyo-research/research-news/new-discovery-in-semiconductor-physics.htmlUTokyo Research "New discovery in semiconductor physics" URI: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/utokyo-research/research-news/new-discovery-in-semiconductor-physics.htm