9 research outputs found

    Modified Pro-Self Pain Control to Increase Activity in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    Background: Barriers to performing activities of daily living are common complaints of patients with cancer. One of the factors causing these barriers is pain. A modified pro-self pain control is a method used to enhance the patients' ability to cope with pain to increase their activity.Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the modified pro-self pain control to increase activity in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy.Methods: The present study employed an experimental design. Patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=24) and the control group (n=24). The patients in the control group were given a standard hospital intervention, while the patients in the intervention group were given the modified pro-self pain control for nine days. The data were collected using the instrument of KATZ index and analyzed using the independent t-test.Results: The result of this study showed that there was a higher increase of activity among the patients in the intervention group than in the control group. Independent t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the intervention group and the control group (p=0.00).Conclusion: The modified pro-self pain control was found more effective to increase the activity in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy than that of the standard hospital intervention

    Pengaruh Medan Magnet Terhadap Kemudahan Intensitas Cahaya Melewati Medium Air

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    Telah dilakukan pengukuran pengaruh medan magnet dan kemudahan intensitas cahaya melewati medium air. Pengukuran intensitas cahaya dilakukan dengan lux meter dengan dibantu oleh penyinaran dari senter untuk mengetahui intesitas cahaya. Permasalahan dari sumber air meliputi kuantitas dan kualitas air yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan manusia yang terus meningkat dan terlebih untuk konsumsi. Pada metode penelitian ini dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian kumparan yang berfungsi sebagai penghantar medan listrik yang dihasilkan oleh magnet. Pencemaran yang terdapat dalam air, dapat diendapkan dengan pemisahan ion terlarut. Medan magnet dapat mempercepat penurunan tingkat kesadahan air. Jika tingkat kesadahan air menurun, maka intensitas cahaya yang dihasilkan akan semakin besar

    Related party lending and rural bank risk: Evidence during the Covid-19 period

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    This study aims to investigate bank lending behaviors during the Covid-19 period and further to examine the effect of related party lending (RPL) on the rural bank risk. We posit there is significant change on the lending growth and related party lending proportion during this period. We utilize 730 rural banks in Indonesia using panel data approach from 2019 to 2022. Utilizing panel data estimations to test the impact of RPL on risk and to further investigate its interaction with the COVID-19 using system GMM, we document that RPL is negatively associated with rural bank risk proxied by loan loss provision as ex-ante credit risk and positively associated with Z-Score as bank default risk. Moreover, the COVID-19 weaken the relationship between related party lending and rural bank risk. These results provide new insight into understanding risk management implementation for minimizing these risks. We also adopt several proxies and a split sample analysis to check for the robustness. Finally, we seek for lesson learned from the crisis and propose some implication for bank and relevant authorities. © 2023 Elsevier B.V

    The Effects of Fama-French Five Factor and Momentum Factor on Islamic Stock Portfolio Excess Return Listed in ISSI

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Fama-French five-factor and momentum factor on Islamic stock portfolio excess returns listed in the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI).Methodology – This study used return data from ISSI group, starting from January 2013 to December 2017, which are then formed into time series data with excess monthly stock portfolio. This study adapted the Fama and French (2015) methodology using 2x3 and 2x2 to form the portfolio and applied Ordinary Least Square (OLS) with monthly data frequency to test the relevance of the model to the expected stock return of 183 companies.Findings – The results showed that the risk premium, the book-to-market ratio which is proxied by High Minus Low (HML), the investment that is proxied by Conservative Minus Aggressive (CMA), and the momentum which is proxied by Up Minus Down (UMD) has a positive effect on the excess return of the company's stock portfolio registered in Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) during the period. While, the size and profitability variable do not affect the expected stock return.Research limitations – The results of this study provides relevant information about the relationship between risk and stock return using Fama and French five-factor model and momentum. However, future researchers can expand the scale of the research by adding research periods and using daily return research data. It is intended that the results are more representative of the actual market conditions at the moment.Originality – Researches on the factors that influence the selection of Islamic stock portfolios based on excess return using Fama-French five-factor including the momentum factor are still limited. This study contributes to the asset pricing development by investigating factors influencing performance of ISSI's portfolio excess return using five-factor model and momentum factor

    Formulation of Nanoemulsion Mouthwash Combination of Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon Citratus) and Kaffir Lime Oil (Citrus Hystrix) for Anticandidiasis Against Candida Albicans Atcc 10231

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    Candidiasis is a fungal infection disease that still become health problem in Indonesia, especially oral candidiasis that largerly caused by Candida albicans abnormal growth on oral cavity. Lemongrass oil and kaffir lime oil have been proven to have antifungal activity against Candida albicans. The composition of limonen, α-terpineol, sitronelil acetate, terpineol, β-pinene, on kaffir lime oil and citronelal on lemongrass oil make the combination of both oils have the potential as an alternative theraphy for oral candidiasis. It formulates in the form of nanoemulsion mouthwash. Nanoemulsion is chosen because it has some advantages like clear, stable, and increasing the antifungal activity of lemongrass oil and kaffir lime oil. The study begins with plants determination, essential oils charecterization tests (solubility, refractative index, and specific gravity), and essential oil content analysis by GC-MS. Nanoemulision formulates by water titration method. Optimization of oil mix and VCO do to get a clear and stable nanoemulsion. The best formula is characterized (transmittance, particle size, viscosity, zeta potential, and stability test), then analyze the essential oil chemical compounds in the optimum formula and test the inhibitory effect of the formula by microdilution method. Inhibiton data analysis use One Way ANOVA. Based on the results of the study, 0.4 % oil mix, 3.6 % VCO, 17.3 % tween 80, 8.7 % PEG 400 dan 70 % water is the best formula that can form a nanoemulsion system with an average particle size 21,4 nm, low viscosity, low zeta potential and stable during freez-thaw storage. Nanoemulsion significantly has inhibitory effect more effective than positive control