9 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan masih banyaknya siswa yang memperoleh nilai hasil belajar di bawah kriteria ketuntasan minimum pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Kabupaten Tasikmalaya wilayah B, C, E pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji model moderasi dari kompetensi pedagogik guru pada pengaruh curiosity terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan survei eksplanatori dengan angket skala numerik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 529 siswa dan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda dengan Moderat Regression Analysis (MRA) dan analisis transform data mean centered melalui SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan 1) Curiosity berada pada kategori sedang, kompetensi pedagogik guru berada pada kategori tinggi, dan hasil belajar siswa mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Kabupaten Tasikmalaya wilayah B, C, E pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sudah banyak yang di atas kriteria ketuntasan minimum. 2) Curiosity berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa. 3) Kompetensi pedagogik guru memoderasi pengaruh curiosity terhadap hasil belajar siswa. 4) Kompetensi pedagogik guru memoderasi secara positif (memperkuat) pengaruh curiosity terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Curiosity siswa perlu ditingkatkan untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang lebih optimal melalui terciptanya proses pembelajaran yang aktif yang diciptakan oleh guru di kelas. 2) Kompetensi pedagogik guru yang tinggi perlu dipertahankan untuk memperkuat pengaruh tingkat curiosity tehadap hasil belajar siswa melalui berbagai pelatihan yang diadakan oleh pemerintah. Kata kunci: Curiosity, Rasa Ingin Tahu, Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru, Hasil Belajar ABSTRACT This study was based on many students get the learning outcomes which was still less than the Minimum Criteria from the results of the final examination in economics subjects for students in 11th grade of IPS at public senior high school in Region B, C, E of Tasikmalaya Regency years 2018/2019. The purpose of this study to test the moderation model of teacher’s pedagogical competence on the effect of curiosity on learning outcomes in economic subjects. The method used in this study was the explanatory survey with a questionnaire using a numerical scale.The population in this study were 529 students. By using total sampling techniques, this study selected 502 students as a sample. For the data analysis, this study was used multiple linear regression analysis with Moderated Regression Analysis and mean centered tranform data analysis using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of the study show that: 1) Curiosity was in the moderate category, teacher’s pedagogical competence was in high category, and student’s learning outcomes was in high category. 2) Curiosity has positive influence toward student learning outcomes. 3) Teacher’s pedagogical competencies moderate the effects of curiosity on student’s learning outcomes. 4) Teacher’s pedagogical competencies moderate positively, which was as a moderating variable strengthen the effects of curiosity on student’s learning outcomes. The implications of this study are 1) Curiosity needs to be improved to achieve more optimal learning outcomes through the creation of an active learning process organized by teachers in the class. 2) The high level of teacher’s pedagogical competence needs to be maintained to strengthen the effects of curiosity on student’s learning outcomes through various trainings held by the goverment. Keywords: Curiosity, Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence, Learning Outcomes

    Pemberdayaan Industri Rumah Tangga Melalui Pembentukan Kelompok Home Industri Sehat di Kelurahan Air Bang Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Bengkulu

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    Edukasi kesehatan diberikan kepada individu, kelompok dan masyarakat untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah kesehatannya. Belum adanya instansi yang khusus menangani kelompok home industri secara berkesinambungan yang memberikan edukasi kesehatan. Masyarakat di Kelurahan Air Bang Kabupaten Curup banyak yang mempunyai usaha kecil rumahan yaitu  mengelola bahan makanan mentah menjadi makanan ringan yang dipasarkan di sekitarnya.Survey yang dilakukan penulis pada 20 orang usaha kecil rumahan ditemukan 19% kondisi lantai menggunakan lantai tanah, 40% membuang sampah sembarangan, 29% memiliki kandang ternak jarak kurang dari 10 meter dari rumah.  17% membuang limbah sembarangan, 04% menggunakan air yang kurang baik , 33% tempat penyimpanan barang makanan kurang bersih dan banyak debu serta ditemukan 04% pekerja anemia dan 60% pernah mengalami luka bakar ringan. Tujuan pengabmas ini adalah membentuk kelompok Home Industri Sehat agar dapat memelihara  kesehatan dan meningkatkan produktifitasnya. Metode pelaksanaan pengabmas ini adalah  pembentukan kelompok “Home Industri Sehat” dan sosialisasi rencana kegiatan pengabmas berkelanjutan dengan petugas puskesmas, dinas kesehatan dan kelurahan. Kesimpulan dari hasil kegiatan adalah terjalinnya kerjasama, terbentuknya kelompok “Home Industri Sehat” dan sosialisasi kegiatan pengabmas  untuk melaksanakan pembinaan kesehatan secara berkesinambungan

    Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Fresh, Wilted, and Dried Leaves of Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum L.) Planted in Yogyakarta

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of drying and distillation time on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of essential oil from holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) leaves. The leaves were subjected to different drying treatments to obtain fresh, wilted, and dried samples. The microstructure tissue of the various treatment samples was observed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Subsequently, essential oil was extracted using the water and steam distillation method for 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours. The distilled essential oil was tested for its physicochemical properties (specific gravity, refractive index, acid number, and solubility in alcohol), and the compound composition evaluation was carried out using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). The antioxidant activity was then determined using the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl- 2-picrylhydrazyl) method. The results showed that the fresh leaves distillation for 5 hours produced the highest oil yield of 0.62%. The physicochemical properties were 0.986 g/ml specific gravity, 1.339 refractive index, 1.8 mg KOH/g acid value, and 1:1 solubility in alcohol. The major component of the product was methyl isoeugenol (20.50%), bete-element (15.07%), eugenol (13.59%), germacrene D (14.2%), and ylangene (7.46). The results of the antioxidant activity test showed that the essential oil of holy basil could be included in the powerful natural antioxidant category, with an IC50 value of 7,895 ÎĽg/mL

    Tingkat Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Indonesia

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    This study aims to obtain information about the level of digital literacy of Indonesian students. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Based on the results of research conducted on 306 Indonesian students from several universities spread across the islands of Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and Riau, it was found that the positive response from respondents in the aspect of information literacy was 87.27%, Digital Scholarship 93.77%, Learning Skills 85 .50%, ICT Literacy 69.50%, Privacy Management 77.57%, Communication and Collaboration 79.83% and Media Literacy 78.57%. So it can be concluded that 81.71% of respondents are used to doing daily activities that lead to indicators of a person's high level of digital literacy. The current learning process must also utilize technology according to current needs. Everyone should be able to continue to improve their digital literacy skills. This is because digital technology is also very supportive of a person's process of self-development and seeking knowledge as much as possible without any limitations of space and time

    Pengukuran Produktivitas Relatif dan Analisis Tingkat Upah terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Sektor Industri di Jawa Barat

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    Pentingnya arti produktivitas dalam meningkatkan kesejateraan nasional telah disadari secara universal. Peningkatan produktivitas organisasi harus didahului dengan peningkatan kinerja sumber daya manusia. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja sumber daya manusia itu, gaji, upah, dan imbalan harus dikaitkan dengan prestasi dan tingkat produktivitas. Untuk mengenali tingkat produktivitas di masing-masing wilayah, dan bagaimana tingkat upah yang berlaku mempengaruhi produktivitas, terutama di sektor industri, maka diperlukan metode evaluasi yang sesuai dengan keperluan pengambil keputusan, baik untuk pemerintah daerah maupun investor. Metode evaluasi yang akan dikembangkan ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas relatif daerah (kabupaten dan kota) dan menganalisis pengaruh tingkat upah terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja sektor industri di Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat bahwa Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, merupakan kabupaten/kota yang mempunyai indeks produktivitas tertinggi setiap tahunnya. Sedangkan Kota Cirebon memiliki indeks produktivitas terendah. Selain itu perbandingan antara tingkat produktivitas dan tingkat upah yang diterima di setiap kabupaten/kota di Jawa Barat banyak mengalami kesenjangan

    Covid-19 Pandemic and the Implications for Needs Listening Teaching Materials

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    COVID-19 pandemic has caused many new impacts on the listening learning process. This research was conducted to determine the need for listening teaching materials to the conditions after the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted on 120 students who were taking listening courses, using a descriptive quantitative method using the SPSS version 22 application. The researcher conducted a validity and reliability test with the results of the r-count value on all question items above 0.312 and a significant value of 0.554 greater than the value-r table 0.312, so it can be concluded that the instrument is valid and feasible to use. The results of the study show that students nowadays prefer to use digital teaching materials compared to printed teaching materials, especially in listening learning. The form of digital teaching materials that they need the most to support the listening learning process is a digital module. It is felt that it can save time, energy, and costs, make it easier for students to understand the material in the listening learning process because the material is presented in an interesting and not boring way. Students hope that the module is made by combining two or more media.  

    Covid-19 Pandemic and the Implications for Needs Listening Teaching Materials

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    COVID-19 pandemic has caused many new impacts on the listening learning process. This research was conducted to determine the need for listening teaching materials to the conditions after the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted on 120 students who were taking listening courses, using a descriptive quantitative method using the SPSS version 22 application. The researcher conducted a validity and reliability test with the results of the r-count value on all question items above 0.312 and a significant value of 0.554 greater than the value-r table 0.312, so it can be concluded that the instrument is valid and feasible to use. The results of the study show that students nowadays prefer to use digital teaching materials compared to printed teaching materials, especially in listening learning. The form of digital teaching materials that they need the most to support the listening learning process is a digital module. It is felt that it can save time, energy, and costs, make it easier for students to understand the material in the listening learning process because the material is presented in an interesting and not boring way. Students hope that the module is made by combining two or more media.  


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the PBL learning model with role-playing techniques on students' problem-solving abilities. As well as knowing the implementation steps of applying the PBL learning model with role-playing techniques. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was obtained from student test results and observations during the learning process. Data analysis techniques were carried out in the following stages: normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. The results of this study show that there is an influence on students' problem-solving abilities with the problem-based learning model and role-playing techniques. Abstrak         Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran PBL dengan teknik bermain peran terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa. Serta mengetahui Langkah-langkah implementasi penerapan model pembelajaran PBL dengan teknik bermain peran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari hasil tes siswa dan hasil observasi selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji hipotesis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa dengan model pembelajaran problem based learning dengan teknik bermain peran.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran PBL dengan teknik bermain peran terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa. Serta mengetahui Langkah-langkah implementasi penerapan model pembelajaran PBL dengan teknik bermain peran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deksriptif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari hasil tes siswa dan hasil observasi selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji hipotesis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa dengan model pembelajaran problem based learning dengan teknik bermain peran

    Systematic, active, contextual, technological, integrative (SAKTI) framework in the development of critical listening teaching materials

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    This research is motivated by the limited availability of digital module teaching materials, especially in critical listening learning. This study aims to produce critical listening learning modules that are structured on the principles of systematic, active, contextual, technological, integrative (SAKTI). This principle is formulated by researchers from various critical listening learning theories and the development of teaching materials that are relevant to current needs. The digital teaching materials are arranged to contain materials, listening materials, exercises, and evaluations in one teaching material. The research was conducted by applying the research procedure proposed by Tomlinson in 2012. The module was developed using the Flip Pdf Professional Application Version, Quizzes, Canva, Google Form, Ms. Word, Dolby On, Nitro Pdf. The module consists of 3 main components, namely the introductory, core, and closing sections. This study uses R&D methods with stages Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, & Evaluations. Based on the results of product trials, it is known that the use of the designed product provides several advantages, among which it makes the learning process practical, can be used anywhere and at any time, helps guided or independent learning, helps online and offline learning, encourages students to actively complete each stage of learning and can be a means of obtaining new information for students