111 research outputs found
SPR: Empowerment of Smallholder Livestock Farmer Community :
The School for Smallholder Livestock Farming (SPR) as a participatory learning program for smallholder livestock farmers in Indonesia has three main objectives, namely (1) changing the mindset and character of livestock farmers from individual-traditional farmers to professional mutually cooperative collective livestock entrepreneurs, (2) building mutual cooperation collective businesses in livestock and other commodities, and (3) strengthening science and technology as a basis for farmers to cultivate livestock business-oriented. This research aims to investigate the changes that occur in the community of smallholder farmers after participating in the SPR-IPB program and measure the level of effectiveness of the SPR program. The research used mixed methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data collection was carried out in three locations in the community of smallholder farmers. Respondents are farmers who have graduated from the SPR program and have joined the Indonesian SPR Alumni Solidarity Association (SASPRI). The research time is one full month, in December 2022. The results of this research show that the SPR program can achieve its three goals and change the actions of farmers at the community level
A Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Exon 4 of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Associated with Production Traits in Bali Cattle
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is one of the gene candidates that can be used in selection strategy by using DNA markers (marker assisted selection). Gene candidate strategy is a molecular biology techniques to identify quantitative trait loci directly, with the assumption that genetic variation associated to quantitative trait variation. This study was designed to identify any new mutations in exon 4 that can cause the IGF-1 gene polymorphism and then affect the production traits on Bali cattle. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery was conducted by using the direct sequencing technique. Genetic variation of the genes candidate was identified by using PCR-RFLP technique. The results of this study indicate the presence of a new SNP in exon 4 of IGF-1 gene caused by the T/C transition, which can be identified using Rsa1 restriction enzyme. Genotypic polymorphism of IGF-1/Rsa1 has a significant influence on birth weight, weaning weight and average daily gain of Bali cattle. CC genotype had a birth weight rate, weaning weight and average daily gain of: 15.64±1.83; 83.15±9.00, and 0.439±0.07 respectively, higher than the TT and CT genotype. IGF-1/Rsa1 can be used as a genetic marker for selection of birth weight, weaning weight, and daily body weight gain
Production performance research was carried out on three Grand Parent Stock (GPS) broiler strains, namely Indian River, Ross and Cobb. The data was obtained from the results of production performance audits of broiler GPS breeders during the laying period of 25 – 65 weeks. Variables measured include laying lifeability, egg/hen house production, rate peak production/hen house, hatching egg/hen house production, fertility, hatchibilty, and saleable chick/henhouse. Data were analyzed quantitatively using t-test, analysis of variance (Anova) and Duncan. This study showed that the Indian river strain had higher production characteristics in terms of vitality, egg production, peak production, hatching egg production, and saleable chicks. Ross strains have higher production characteristics at rates of peak production, fertility, hatchability, and saleable chicks. The cobb strain has the lowest production performance compared to the other strains. Comparison between the strains and the principle standard shows that the actual hatchability and saleable chicks were lower than the standard in the Indian Rivers strain. The Ross strain had an actual value greater than the standard for fertility, hatchability and saleable chicks. Whereas the actual values for the Cobb strain for viability, egg production, peak production, hatching egg production, and saleable chicks were lower than the standard
This study aims to compare the performance of broiler GPS flocks from 4 GPS strains in Indonesia (Cobb, Ross, Indian River, Hubbard). This research was conducted from November 2022 to March 2023. Data were collected from some breeding companies' audit results conducted by the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health. The results showed that the broiler GPS flock performance in the young age group showed a significance value of <0.05, and there was a significant difference in the HDP variable indicator. The average HDP weight for the Ross, Cobb, Indian River, and Hubbard GPS strains was 78.05±3.28, 74.00±3.30, 78.99±3.37 and 75.85±3.61, respectively. The average egg and hatchling weight was also significantly different among each strain, but only on the variable factor of the breeding company. There were no significant differences among the strain factor variables and primary product variables, such as the average number of DOC PS per hen by breeding company and strain. On average, a female GPS line in the young age group period for the Ross, Cobb, Indian River, and Hubbard strains produced 15.14 ± 2.2, 14.92 ± 4.6, 15.35 ±1.47, and 13.78 DOC, respectively. There is no mutual interaction between the performance of HDP flocks, egg weight, and hatching weight of DOC PS from variable factors of the breeding companies with each strain. Factorial interactions only occur in the primary product variable, meaning each broiler GPS strain reared by each breeder company in Indonesia has different performances
Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Pembiayaan USAha Pembibitan Ternak Sapi
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas kebijakan pemerintah terhadap pembiayaan pembibitan sapi, melihat faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penyaluran skim kredit, dan merumuskan saran dan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas penyaluran dan penyerapan skim kredit kredit USAha pembibitan sapi/KUPS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode evaluasi deskriptif untuk mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh dari pelaksanaan program kredit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis gap untuk mengevaluasi realisasi penyaluran dan target yang telah ditetapkan, analisis kesisteman untuk mengetahui efektivitas program, analisis persepsi responden untuk memperoleh umpan Balik masyarakat dan analisis regulatory impact assessment untuk menentukan saran dan rekomendasi untuk program kredit tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas program kredit lebih rendah daripada tujuan pencapaiannya. Tanggapan masyarakat terhadap kebijakan ini sangat besar tetapi terdapat banyak kendala yang dihadapi oleh pelaku USAha pembibitan. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi adalah perbankan, pemerintah, dan pelaku USAha pembibitan itu sendiri. Rekomendasi terhadap program skim kredit ini adalah (1) meningkatkan dukungan dari bank, (2) pengurangan program pemerintah yang tumpang tindih, (3) meningkatkan kemampuan petani dalam mengakses bank, dan (4) meningkatkan penyaluran kredit dengan menggunakan program pola dua subsidi
This research aimed to compare the productivity of GPS strains, namely Ross, Cobb, Hubbard, and Indian River in hens and males at 21 weeks of age. The research data was obtained from the results of an audit of the breeding company by the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture, from November 2022 to March 2023. The results showed that the comparison of hen productivity in the four strains, namely (1) the Indian River strain had a high body weight compared to other strains, (2) the Hubbard strain has a higher depletion rate than the other strains, but this depletion rate does not reflect bad or bad genetics, but it reflects a high degree of selection, and (3) the Indian River strain has a higher uniformity level than other strains. The productivity of roosters is (1) the Indian River strain has a high body weight compared to other strains, (2) the Indian River strain has a higher depletion rate than the other strains, however, this depletion rate does not reflect bad or bad genetics, but it reflects high selection rate, and (3) Indian River strain has a higher uniformity level than other strains
Y Chromosome Microsatellites Variation in Bali Cattle (Bos sondaicus) Population
Seven Y chromosome specific microsatellites were typed in a sample of 36 unrelated males from Bali cattle breed. Analysis variation of microsatellites marker in Bali cattle were determinate from PCR products by using 7 primer pairs that flanking microsatellites (INRA008, INRA057, INRA062, INRA124, INRA126, DYS 199, and INRA 189). PCR products were separated by 10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and silver staining method was used to detect allele polymorphism at each locus.  From two different geographical breed origin showed that Bali cattle from Bali island has higher heterozygous (h=0.33) level than Lombok island (h=0.30), but the number of allele was few (only two alleles) in all of locus. It is indicated that Bali cattle from two geographical origins were not significant in genetic variation. We know that Y chromosomal microsatellite in general has tend to specific allele in breed comparing to autosomal chromosome, because allele come from only male or Y sex chromosome and it contrary to autosomal chromosome where allele is contributed from male and female. FAO has specified that minimum four distinct alleles per locus for proficient judgment of genetic differences between breeds and this study we only used one breed, so it may not significantly to discriminate in Bali cattle population. For next study we need more Y chromosomal microsatellite marker to discriminate more Indonesian breeds related to tracing the genetic potential and because males animal has roles in genetic spreading which can have an enormous impact on highly selected domestic animal populations. (Animal Production 11(3): 149-154 (2009) Key Words : Bali cattle , Y chromosome, microsatellite, allel
Production of Superior Pigs by Injecting the Sows with Gonadotropin Prior to Mating
Abstract. An experiment was conducted to produce superior pigs with improved growth phenotypes and survival during postnatal growth by injecting the sows with gonadotropin prior to mating. The experiment consisted of 2 stages. In the first stage, 12 sows were divided into 2 groups i.e., sows injected with NaCl0.95% as a control (NSO) and sows injected with PG600 (SO) prior to mating. Parameters measured were growth phenotypes and survival at birth and during pre-weaning period. In the second stage, 24 of weaned pigs (age 8 weeks) from the first stage were selected (6 males and 6 females from NSO group and 6 males and 6 females from SO group) to be used for measurement of growth performance. The experimental pigs were raised and observed until the age of 28 weeks (7 month). The body weights were measured monthly. The results of the experiment showed that improvement of uterine environment by gonadotropin injection of the sows prior to mating dramatically improved birth weight with a very homogenous birth weight within litter size. Improved birth weight and within-litter variation of birth weight improved pre-weaning growth performance and survival that finally dramatically increased weaning weight and total weight of weaned pigs per sow. After weaning, pigs born to SO sows grew faster and had around 10 kg higher body weight as compared to control at the age of 7 month.  It was concluded that superior pigs could be produced by improving endogenous secretion of pregnant hormone during pregnancy. Key words: Birth weight, growth phenotypes, survival, prenatal growth, postnatal growth Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan anak-anak babi unggul dengan fenotipe pertumbuhan dan daya hidup yang lebih baik selama pertumbuhan pascalahir dengan cara menyuntik induk babi dengan gonadotropin sebelum pengawinan. Penelitian terdiri atas dua tahapan. Penelitian tahap pertama, 12 ekor induk babi dikelompokkan ke dalam 2 kelompok, 1) kelompok kontrol, yaitu induk yang disuntik dengan NaCl 0.95% (NSO) dan 2) kelompok yang disuntik dengan PG600 sebelum pengawinan (SO). Parameter yang diukur ialah fenotipe pertumbuhan dan daya hidup anak pada saat lahir dan selama periode prasapih. Tahap kedua, 24 anak babi lepas sapih dari percobaan tahap pertama (umur 8 minggu) dipilih (6 jantan dan 6 betinadari kelompok NSOdan 6 jantan dan 6 betina dari kelompok SO) untuk digunakan dalam pengukuran kinerja pertumbuhan pascasapih. Babi percobaan dibesarkan dan diamati sampai umur 28 minggu (7 bulan). Bobot badan diukur setiap bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan lingkungan uterus dengan cara penyuntikan induk dengan gonadotropin sebelum pengawinan secara dramatis memperbaiki bobot lahir anak dengan bobot lahir per induk yang lebih seragam. Perbaikan bobot lahir dan keseragaman bobot lahir memperbaiki kinerja pertumbuhan prasapih dan kelangsungan hidup anak yang pada akhirnya secara dramatis meningkatkan bobot sapih dan total bobot anak yang disapih per ekor induk. Setelah penyapihan, anak babi yang dilahirkan oleh induk yang disuntik gonadotropin tumbuh lebih cepat dengan bobot badan yang lebih tinggi sekitar 10 kg dibandingkan dengan kontrol pada umur 7 bulan. Disimpulkan bahwa anak babi unggul dapat dihasilkan melalui perbaikan sekresi endogen hormon kebuntingan selama kebuntingan. Kata kunci: Bobot lahir, fenotipe pertumbuhan, daya hidup, pertumbuhan prenatal, pertumbuhan pascalahi
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Analysis for Production Traits of Birth Weight and Weight 360 days in Backcross Sheep
Four half-sib families (n = 382) consisting predominantly of ITT x Merino x Merino backcross progeny, including some F2 progeny were used to analyze QTL for two production traits (Birth weight = BW1 and Body weight at 360 days = BW360). The study exploited differences in weight performance between the Merino and ITT sheep. A total of 141 informative microsatellite markers were used in a genome-wide scan covering the 26 autosomal sheep chromosomes. QTL analysis was conducted online using QTL Express. This study reports the effect of QTL for birth weight on Chromosomes 5 (p < 0.05) at 112cM (0cM-128cM). Location of candidate genes for birth weight was predicted at the region of flanking markers MCM527-BMS1247. A QTL for BW360 days existed on Chromosome 18 (p < 0.01) at 104cM (25.0-125cM). Location of candidate genes related to production traits for body weight 360 days was predicted at the segment of flanking markers of CSSM018-TMR1. Only the QTL on Chromosome 18 retained significance (p < 0.01) under experiment-wide significance testing. This QTL region is being examined for candidate genes by investigating to the homologous human chromosomal segments. Key words: Quantitative trait loci, production traits, birth weight, weigh 360, backcross shee
Identifikasi Genetik Menggunakan Marker Mikrosatelit Dan Hubungannya Dengan Sifat Kuantitatif Pada Sapi
The occurrence of genetic changes in Bali and Brangus cattle crossing and it\u27s relationship to quantitative traits (e.g. growth and birth weight) were identified using microsatellite markers. Sixteen microsatellite loci were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, the amplified products were then separated on vertical discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and silver-staining method was applied to detect the fragment. The evaluation to the stability and allele inheritance pattern were checked using Chi-Square segregation analysis. The results of this research showed that allele numbers average detected in Brangus and Bali cattle and their progeny were 2.31, 2.56, and 2.75 respectively. At most microsatellite loci, the allele distributions incline to concentrate and to form bimodal trend. Of 16 micro satellite loci tested, 5 microsatelitte markers namely INRA 037, HEL 9, CSSM 66, INRA 035 and ETH 225 indicated a significant response to average daily gain. In terms of birth weight, a significant response was shown by INRA 037
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