9 research outputs found

    Kinerja Keuangan Bank Dan Stabilitas Makroekonomi Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah Di Indonesia

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    This paper investigated the determinants of the profitability of syaria banking in Indonesia for 2008-2010.The objects were Bank Muamalat, Bank Mega Syariah, Bank BNI Syariah, Bank BRI Syariah, and BankSyariah Mandiri. The profitability of syaria bank as dependent variable was measured by ratio of the net profitto total asset of the syaria bank. Meanwhile, the independent variabels were Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR),Finance to deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Finance (NPF), Inflation (INF) and Economic Growth (GR).The method used to analyze in this research was panel data. The result of analysis was that CAR variable hadnegative and significant effect to profitability of syaria banking in Indonesia for 2008-2010. Besides economicgrowth variable had positive and signficant effect to profitability of syaria banking in Indonesia for 2008-2010. The existence of economic growth effect to banking profitability showed that there was theory of growththat led to finance in Indonesian economy

    Analisis Volatilitas Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Rupiah terhadap Dolar

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    This research aims to analyze the volatility of exchange rate (Rp/US)ontheIndoneβˆ’sianeconomy.TheMethodofanalyzeusesAutoregressiveConditionalHeteroscedasticiy(ARCH)/GeneralizedAutoregressiveConditionalHeteroscedasticiy(GARCH)thatwasdevelopedbyArize,(1995)andZainal(2004).Theresultshowthatvolatilityofexchangerate(Rp/US) on the Indone-sian economy. The Method of analyze uses Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticiy(ARCH)/Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticiy (GARCH) that wasdeveloped by Arize, (1995) and Zainal (2004). The result show that volatility ofexchange rate (Rp/US) has extreme point at 1997/1998. At that time, economic crisiswas happen on the Indonesian economy, where the value of exchange rate volatilityRp/US$ have reached at point 0,250

    Penyaluran Kredit Bank Ditinjau Dari Jumlah Dana Pihak Ketiga Dan Tingkat Non Performing Loans

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    This research aimed to analyze the effect of money deposit on the bank and non performing loans on creditallocation from Bank Rakyat Indonesia in 2000-2009. The method of analyze was dynamic regression modelby Error Correction Model (ECM) approach version Domowitz and Elbadawi. Our empirical results showedthat only non performing loan on the short term had a significant effect to credit allocation from Bank RakyatIndonesia on the short term and long term. The variable money deposit of the bank did not have a significanteffect on credit allocation from Bank Rakyat Indonesia both on short term and long term period

    Interaction of Islamic Banking Sector with Indonesian Economic Growth for 2000-2010

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    This paper aims to analyze the dinamics interaction of islamic banking sector with Indonesian economic growth for 2000-2010. The methode of analyze used in this research is granger causality and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Besides that we use stationary test to chek wether the data have unit root or not. We use time series data of total islamic bank fnancing, fxed invesstment, trade and gross domestic product. We found that in the short run there is evidence of bidirectional relationship between fnancing of islamic bank, fxed investment, trade and economi growth. Where as in the long run there is relationship between islamic banking with economic growth on Indonesian economy. To improve the role of islamic banking on Indonesian economy, Bank Indonesia must push islamic banking to expand their activity on riil sector and rural area

    Pentingnya Kepatuhan Pajak dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Hidup Masyarakat

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    Pajak merupakan instrumen negara yang memiliki peranan penting dalammenopang pembiayaan negara. Besar kecilnya penerimaan negara dari pajakakan sangat ditentukan oleh tingkat kepatuhan pajak. Tulisan ini ingin mengkajisecara konseptual keterkaitan kepatuhan pajak dengan kesejahteraan hidupmasyarakat. Dari berbagai kajian yang ada, memberikan kesimpulan bahwakepatuhan pajak dapat memiliki peranan yang signifikan dalam meningkatkankesejahteraan hidup masyarakat

    Studi Pengaruh Pendidikan Pajak dan Rasa Keadilan terhadap Pencapaian Kepatuhan Pajak Pelaku USAha Sektor UMKM Bidang Kerajinan Tangan Kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendidikan perpajakan dan keadilan pajakterhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak pelaku USAha sektor UMKM. Obyek penelitian ini adalah pelakuusaha sektor UMKM bidang kerajinan tangan yang tersebar pada berbagai kabupaten/kota diPropinsi Jawa Timur yang berjumlah 100 orang. Metode pengambilan sampelnya dilakukandengan cara multistage sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. Sedangkan metodeanalisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier dengan teknik Ordinary Least Square (OLS).Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam kurun waktu Maret-April 2015. Hasil penelitian ini memberikankesimpulan bahwa pendidikan pajak dan keadilan pajak berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap kepatuhan pajak pelaku USAha sektor UMKM kerajinan tangan di kabupaten/kotaPropinsi Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan pada hasil tersebut, maka intensitas kegiatan dalampendidikan pajak bagi masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan guna menjaga keberlanjutan kepatuhanpajak pelaku USAha sector UMKM. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan sosialisasipajak secara langsung yang lebih intensif kepada pelaku USAha sektor UMKM

    Analisis Pengaruh Foreign Direct Investment, Nilai Tukar, Dan Government Expenditure Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia

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    Economic growth is one of the macro-economic indicators that show the level of welfare of a country. The factors that affect to economic growth is foreign direct investment, exchange rate and government expenditure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of foreign direct investment, exchange rate and government expenditure to economic growth in the short run and long run. Data collection technique used documentation. Data were analyzed using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and cointegration test. The results of this study were (1) there is no short run impact of variables foreign direct investment, exchange rate and the government expenditure to economic growth in Indonesia in 1986β€”2015 and (2) there is a long run effect of variables foreign direct investment, exchange rate and government expenditure to economic growth in Indonesia in 1986β€”2015.Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan salah satu indikator makro ekonomi yang menunjukkan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat suatu negara. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah foreign direct investment, nilai tukar Rupiah dan government expenditure. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh foreign direct investment, nilai tukar Rupiah dan government expenditure terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan uji kointegrasi. Hasil penelitian ini, meliputi (1) tidak terdapat pengaruh jangka pendek antara variabel foreign direct investment, nilai tukar Rupiah, dan government expenditure terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia tahun 1986β€”2015 dan (2) terdapat pengaruh jangka panjang antara variabel foreign direct investment, nilai tukar Rupiah, dan government expenditure terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia tahun 1986β€”2015

    Does Internationalization Moderate the Effect of SMEs Size, Age, and Other Financial Determinants on Investment Opportunities Set? Evidence From Indonesia

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly considering International expansion as one of the sustainable growth strategic options. This study aims to reveal how the effect of Internationalization as a moderator of SMEs size, age, and other financial determinants toward investment opportunity set of SMEs that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2006 to 2020. Market to book asset ratio used as a proxy of investment opportunity set of SMEs. This study is one of the most important in the context of Indonesian SMEs as there were limited previous studies that have explored the Internationalization factor. A total of 102 SMEs companies with 156 data observations were studied. A moderation regression analysis was used to test whether the determinants of the investment opportunity set were statistically significant. Surprisingly, the study found that the degree of Internationalization has a moderating effect that weakens the relationship between SMEs age and size on investment opportunities set (market value ratio)