2,090 research outputs found

    Stable, finite energy density solutions in the effective theory of non-abelian gauge fields

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    We consider the gauge fixed partition function of pure SU(Nc)SU(N_c) gauge theory in axial gauge following the Halpern's field strength formalism. We integrate over 3(Nc2−1)3 (N_c^2-1) field strengths using the Bianchi identities and obtain an effective action of the remaining 3(Nc2−1)3 (N_c^2-1) field strengths in momentum space. We obtain the static solutions of the equations of motion (EOM) of the effective theory. The solutions exhibit Gaussian nature in the zz component of momentum and are proportional to the delta functions of the remaining components of momentum. The solutions render a finite energy density of the system and the parameters are found to be proportional to fourth root of the gluon condensate. It indicates that the solutions offer a natural mass scale in the low energy phase of the theory.Comment: 6 pages Minor changes in the manuscript and two figures adde

    A Multi-objective Perspective for Operator Scheduling using Fine-grained DVS Architecture

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    The stringent power budget of fine grained power managed digital integrated circuits have driven chip designers to optimize power at the cost of area and delay, which were the traditional cost criteria for circuit optimization. The emerging scenario motivates us to revisit the classical operator scheduling problem under the availability of DVFS enabled functional units that can trade-off cycles with power. We study the design space defined due to this trade-off and present a branch-and-bound(B/B) algorithm to explore this state space and report the pareto-optimal front with respect to area and power. The scheduling also aims at maximum resource sharing and is able to attain sufficient area and power gains for complex benchmarks when timing constraints are relaxed by sufficient amount. Experimental results show that the algorithm that operates without any user constraint(area/power) is able to solve the problem for most available benchmarks, and the use of power budget or area budget constraints leads to significant performance gain.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS

    Relay-Linking Models for Prominence and Obsolescence in Evolving Networks

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    The rate at which nodes in evolving social networks acquire links (friends, citations) shows complex temporal dynamics. Preferential attachment and link copying models, while enabling elegant analysis, only capture rich-gets-richer effects, not aging and decline. Recent aging models are complex and heavily parameterized; most involve estimating 1-3 parameters per node. These parameters are intrinsic: they explain decline in terms of events in the past of the same node, and do not explain, using the network, where the linking attention might go instead. We argue that traditional characterization of linking dynamics are insufficient to judge the faithfulness of models. We propose a new temporal sketch of an evolving graph, and introduce several new characterizations of a network's temporal dynamics. Then we propose a new family of frugal aging models with no per-node parameters and only two global parameters. Our model is based on a surprising inversion or undoing of triangle completion, where an old node relays a citation to a younger follower in its immediate vicinity. Despite very few parameters, the new family of models shows remarkably better fit with real data. Before concluding, we analyze temporal signatures for various research communities yielding further insights into their comparative dynamics. To facilitate reproducible research, we shall soon make all the codes and the processed dataset available in the public domain

    MILDSum: A Novel Benchmark Dataset for Multilingual Summarization of Indian Legal Case Judgments

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    Automatic summarization of legal case judgments is a practically important problem that has attracted substantial research efforts in many countries. In the context of the Indian judiciary, there is an additional complexity -- Indian legal case judgments are mostly written in complex English, but a significant portion of India's population lacks command of the English language. Hence, it is crucial to summarize the legal documents in Indian languages to ensure equitable access to justice. While prior research primarily focuses on summarizing legal case judgments in their source languages, this study presents a pioneering effort toward cross-lingual summarization of English legal documents into Hindi, the most frequently spoken Indian language. We construct the first high-quality legal corpus comprising of 3,122 case judgments from prominent Indian courts in English, along with their summaries in both English and Hindi, drafted by legal practitioners. We benchmark the performance of several diverse summarization approaches on our corpus and demonstrate the need for further research in cross-lingual summarization in the legal domain.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 2023 (Main Conference

    Unbounded safety verification for hardware using software analyzers

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    Demand for scalable hardware verification is ever-increasing. We propose an unbounded safety verification framework for hardware, at the heart of which is a software verifier. To this end, we synthesize Verilog at register transfer level into a software-netlist, represented as a word-level ANSI-C program. The proposed tool flow allows us to leverage the precision and scalability of state-of-the-art software verification techniques. In particular, we evaluate unbounded proof techniques, such as predicate abstraction, k-induction, interpolation, and IC3/PDR; and we compare the performance of verification tools from the hardware and software domains that use these techniques. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to perform unbounded verification of hardware using software analyzers

    CONTRASTE: Supervised Contrastive Pre-training With Aspect-based Prompts For Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction

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    Existing works on Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) explicitly focus on developing more efficient fine-tuning techniques for the task. Instead, our motivation is to come up with a generic approach that can improve the downstream performances of multiple ABSA tasks simultaneously. Towards this, we present CONTRASTE, a novel pre-training strategy using CONTRastive learning to enhance the ASTE performance. While we primarily focus on ASTE, we also demonstrate the advantage of our proposed technique on other ABSA tasks such as ACOS, TASD, and AESC. Given a sentence and its associated (aspect, opinion, sentiment) triplets, first, we design aspect-based prompts with corresponding sentiments masked. We then (pre)train an encoder-decoder model by applying contrastive learning on the decoder-generated aspect-aware sentiment representations of the masked terms. For fine-tuning the model weights thus obtained, we then propose a novel multi-task approach where the base encoder-decoder model is combined with two complementary modules, a tagging-based Opinion Term Detector, and a regression-based Triplet Count Estimator. Exhaustive experiments on four benchmark datasets and a detailed ablation study establish the importance of each of our proposed components as we achieve new state-of-the-art ASTE results.Comment: Accepted as a Long Paper at EMNLP 2023 (Findings); 16 pages; Codes: https://github.com/nitkannen/CONTRASTE

    How COVID-19 has Impacted the Anti-Vaccine Discourse: A Large-Scale Twitter Study Spanning Pre-COVID and Post-COVID Era

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    The debate around vaccines has been going on for decades, but the COVID-19 pandemic showed how crucial it is to understand and mitigate anti-vaccine sentiments. While the pandemic may be over, it is still important to understand how the pandemic affected the anti-vaccine discourse, and whether the arguments against non-COVID vaccines (e.g., Flu, MMR, IPV, HPV vaccines) have also changed due to the pandemic. This study attempts to answer these questions through a large-scale study of anti-vaccine posts on Twitter. Almost all prior works that utilized social media to understand anti-vaccine opinions considered only the three broad stances of Anti-Vax, Pro-Vax, and Neutral. There has not been any effort to identify the specific reasons/concerns behind the anti-vax sentiments (e.g., side-effects, conspiracy theories, political reasons) on social media at scale. In this work, we propose two novel methods for classifying tweets into 11 different anti-vax concerns -- a discriminative approach (entailment-based) and a generative approach (based on instruction tuning of LLMs) -- which outperform several strong baselines. We then apply this classifier on anti-vaccine tweets posted over a 5-year period (Jan 2018 - Jan 2023) to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the anti-vaccine concerns among the masses. We find that the pandemic has made the anti-vaccine discourse far more complex than in the pre-COVID times, and increased the variety of concerns being voiced. Alarmingly, we find that concerns about COVID vaccines are now being projected onto the non-COVID vaccines, thus making more people hesitant in taking vaccines in the post-COVID era.Comment: This work has been accepted to appear at the 18th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 202
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