225 research outputs found


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    Islam Multikultural: Hikmah, Tujuan, Dan Keanekaragaman Dalam Islam

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    MULTICULTURAL ISLAM: LESSONS, OBJECTIVES, AND DIVERSITY IN ISLAM. Multiculturalism is a major challenge faced by religions in todays world, given any real religion emerged from the religious and cultural plurality. Indonesia has one of the worlds most multicultural prularis and even for the country consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic, religious, cultural, culture, and so forth. The diversity of culture is encapsulated in the motto Unity in Diversity, which means even different but still one. In the socio-historical, the presence of Islam in Indonesia can not be separated from a multicultural context as can be read in the history of Islam in the archipelago brought by Walisongo. Furthermore, making Islam multicultural topics or discourse is interesting and needs to be widely disseminated. This is at least three reasons. First, the circumstances of conflict. In the midst of circumstances that often conflict, multicultural Islam requires the establishment of the Islamic community who love peace, harmony and tolerance. Therefore, the goal to create and promote the establishment of the situation and the conditions of peace, order and harmony became an important agenda for the people of the world, including Indonesia. Second, the reality that diversity. The religions diversity, ethnic, ethnicity, and language becomes imperative to be addressed by all parties, especially the Muslim community in Indonesia. Therefore, social responsibility is not only on the government but also religious. In other words, peace-conflict societies also rely on contributions creation of a peaceful religious people, including the Muslims in this country. Robert N. Bellah, a sociologist of religion from the United States, said that through the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia, Islam has become a huge multicultural civilization, mighty and awesome to sur pass the greatness of the country the birth of Islam, the Arabian Peninsula. In this context, tolerance and mutual respect for religious differences, as revealed Wilfred Cantwell Smith, needs to be maintained and cultivated. Third, religious norms. As a noble teachings of religion would be a strong foundation for the clergy in general to create conditions so that no profanity. In this case, religious inter pretations is not expected based solely on the text, but also the context of that text can be captured according mean age meaning. The debate between the flow taaqquli are based on the power ratio/reason and the flow of taabbudi which relies on aspects of the text has been represented by two streams, namely Mutazilah and Ashariyah, the lessons of the past can be very interesting

    Peran Customer Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Pemediasi Antara Perceived Value dengan Affective Loyalty dan Behavioral Loyalty

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perceived value terhadap affective loyalty dan behavioral loyalty melalui customer satisfaction sebagai variabel pemediasi pada pengguna credit card co-branding Bank Aceh Syariah. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 159 orang karyawan bank tersebut yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan peralatan statistik analisis jalur. Penelitian menemukan bahwa perceived value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap affective loyality dan behavioral loyality pengguna kartu kredit co-branding Bank Aceh. Perceived value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction pengguna kartu kredit co-branding Bank Aceh. Customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap affective loyalty dan behavioral loyality pengguna kartu kredit co-branding Bank Aceh. Efek mediasi customer satisfaction dalam memediasi pengaruh Perceived Value Terhadap Affective Loyalty dan Behavioral Loyalty adalah mediasi parsial


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     Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji kumpulan cerita pendek si Palui dalam bahasa Banjar yang terbit teratur di Banjarmasin Post. Kumpulan cerita Palui karya Yustan Azidin (1933-1995) berjudul Si Palui Raja Pandusta digali dan dianalisis dari sudut pandang glokalisasi atau pribumisasi Islam, yakni bagaimana berbagai nilai dan praktik Islam yang universal dan global diserap dan diapropriasi oleh budaya lokal Banjar. Artikel ini juga mencoba menggali berbagai pesan dan kritik yang terkandung di dalam cerita-cerita itu dilihat dalam konteks sosio-politik masa Orde Baru. Dalam kajian ini ditemukan bahwa cerita-cerita itu dengan fasih menghadirkan bagaimana orang-orang Banjar menginternalisasi nilai-nilai Islam melalui kerangka budaya mereka sendiri dalam berbagai bentuk pertemuan dan ritual keagamaan, termasuk pandangan mereka terhadap perempuan dan poligami; bagaimana mereka merespon ideologi pembangunan pemerintah; dan bagaimana mereka memandang orang Jawa sebagai suku terbesar di Indonesia. Cerita-cerita itu juga berhasil menghadirkan humor, kebijaksanaan dan kritik terhadap masyarakat Banjar dan/atau pemerintah Orde Baru. The purpose of the article is to study a collection of short stories of si Palui in Banjarese language that was regularly published in Banjarmasin Post. The collection of the short stories written by Yustan Azidin (1933-1995) entitled Si Palui Raja Pandusta is explored and analyzed in terms of glocalization or indigenization of Islam, that is, how the universal and global Islamic values and practices are absorbed and appropriated in the Banjarese local culture. The article also explores the messages and criticisms contained in the short stories within the socio-political context of the New Order period. This study finds that these short stories eloquently represent how the Banjarese people internalize Islamic values through the framework of their own culture in various forms of religious gatherings and rituals, including their views of woman and polygamy; how they respond to the government’s ideology of development; and how they look at the Javanese, the biggest ethnic group in Indonesia. The stories successfully present humor, wisdom and criticisms of the Banjarese society and/or the government of the New Order

    Ahl Al-Kitab and Politic Context in Indonesia

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    This article presents about the concept of “ahl al kitab” on the context of political aspect in Indonesia. It aims to to show the existence of ‘ahl kitab’ in relation to the political aspect in Indonesia. The methodology applied was using normative approaches in order to be able to find out the extent of ‘Ahl al-Kitab’ on the context of political aspect in Indonesia. It is shown that Islam supports the existence of the other religions. The prophet Muhammad stated that Islam is a continuity of previous religions. Furthermore the discourse of ‘ahl al Kitab’ on political aspect in Indonesia is related to the existence of this statement as a position in between secular and Islamic nation. It is realized that the extent of ‘‘ahl al Kitab’ concept that covers all of religions in Indonesia still arises problem concerning the existence of religions and believe that schools are involved in educating about religion field of study.  In fact, the Moslem scholars in Indonesia attempt to extent the concept of ‘ahl al Kitab’ so that the existence of the other religions is accepted as officially recognized religions, including inter-faith marriage matters.


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    This paper presents a historical overview of the dynamics of inter-religious relations in South Kalimantan. Early conversion to Islam in the 16th century, and more intensive Islamization by the 18th century, can be seen as the formative period of Islam in this region. The encounter and clash between the new religion and the existing beliefs and practices were unavoidable. By the late 19th century, the clash seems to move to another target, namely the colonial power associated with Christianity. By this period, Islam was transformed from the court into a people movement against the colonial power. By the first half of the 20th century, the problem of the 18th century apparently reappeared but in another form, namely the clash between puritan and traditional Islam. The making of the Indonesian nation state by the second half of the 20th century pushed the Banjarese Muslims to be involved in the ideological debates, and even in a rebellion against the state. During the Soeharto period, Muslim-Christian tensions at the national politics also influenced this region. Finally, in the Reformation Era, the Muslims in the province face serious challenges of intra- and inter-religious plurality

    Kepercayaan Nasabah Sebagai Pemediasi antara Confidence Benefit, Social Benefit, dan Special Treatment Benefit dengan Loyalitas Nasabah Asuransi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh confidence benefit, social benefit dan special treatment benefit terhadap kepercayaan serta dampaknya pada loyalitas nasabah Asuransi Rama di Kota Banda Aceh. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 159 orang nasabah terdiri dari nasabah Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor dan Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri & Kesehatan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Penelitian menemukan bahwa confidence benefit, social benefit dan special treatment benefit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepercayaan dan loyalitas nasabah Asuransi Rama di Kota Banda Aceh. Semakin baik penilaian nasabah terhadap confidence benefit, social benefit dan special treatment benefit yang mereka terima semakin tinggi pula kepercayaan dan loyalitas mereka terhadap perusahaan asuransi tersebut. Kepercayaan juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah Asuransi Rama di Kota Banda Aceh. Keberadaan kepercayaan dapat berperan sebagai variabel perantara antara confidence benefit, social benefit dan special treatment benefit dan loyalitas nasabah. Karena itu, pimpinan perusahaan Asuransi Rama dipandang perlu meningkatkan kepercayaan nasabah terhadap perusahaan yang dipimpinnya


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    Pendidikan karakter siswa di sekolah telah dikembangkan selama ratusan tahun di Eropa, Amerika dan Asia, akan tetapi pendidikan karekter siswa berbasis kearifal lokal hingga hari ini belum ditemukan dalam bentuk konkrit. Signifikansi kajian ini karena membahas tentang pendidikan karakter berbasis kepada kearifan lokal di Aceh. Tujuan paper ini merespon fenomena karakter siswa di Aceh yang masih ditemukan sisi persinggunagn dengan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dan belum sesuai dengan regulasi Dinas Pendidikan. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan triangulasi melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara mendalam. Data kualitatif digunakan untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter berbasis kearifan lokal yang diterapkan di sekolah. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari Dinas Pendidikan, sekolah dan Majelis Adat Aceh. Selama melakukan kajian ini penulis mendapatkan tiga temuan utama tentang budaya sekolah yang dipraktekkan, pendidikan karakter siswa, dan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang telah menyatu dalam budaya sekolah serta membentuk karakter siswa. Hasil penelitian ini dipandang layak untuk diadopsi oleh pemegang kebijakan pendidikan dalam pembentukan karakter siswa di sekolah.  Pendidikan karakter siswa sangat menentukan output lulusan yang siap menghadapi persaingan secara jujur di masa mendatang.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Kearifan lokal, dan Ace

    Religion and Dialogue in Indonesia: From the Soeharto Period to the Present

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    The fact that Indonesia is a multi-religious country may lead us to question if there have been initiatives among di?erent religions to dialogue, and if so, who have been the main advocates of this dialogue, what were the issues being discussed and what are the results of the dialogue? This paper tries to answer these questions by analyzing the development of religious dialogue from the Soeharto period to the present. The historical overview will hopefully give us some lessons to learn for the future of dialogue in Indonesia and perhaps also in the neighboring countries.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v17i3.455

    State and Religion in Aceh: The Competences of Religious Education Teachers (Referring to ACT 14, 2005)

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    Studies on religious education teacher’s competences in Aceh could not be separated from studies on state’s intervention toward education. State hegemony occurs in the form of regulation formalization which regulates efforts for improving qualification and competence of teachers. The research showed that the presence of Act No. 14, 2005 and the Government Regulation No. 74, 2008 had been used as legal reference to encourage the improvement of Aceh religious education teachers’ qualification and competence. This is a qualitative study in which triangulation in data collection was used. The data was then collected through documentations, observations, and deep interviews. This work emphasizes that improving teachers’ competences in Islamic education system in Aceh was in accordance to and did not contradict with national education system and moreover strengthen the content of Act No. 14, 1005 and Government Regulation No. 74, 2008. Qualification and competence of religious education teachers in Aceh underwent improvement better than previous term. However, teachers experienced that socialization process and implementation of regulation has yet to receive upmost attention. The study also suggests that religious education teachers’ qualifications and competences will significantly contribute to the development of religious education quality, thus Islamic education transforms intently in national and state relations order
