1,389 research outputs found
Respond to the current situation, , financial institutions Islamic non-bank are developing technology-based service provision in order to maintain the company's stability in the current millennial era, people who tend to use technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of implementing risk management strategies in service development through information technology in non-Islamic banking financial institutions. The methodology used is through a research library study. The results show that risk management strategies in the development of digital technology services are needed to fence and protect users and non-Islamic bank financial institutions, because the current risks are so complex, both financial and non-financial in the era of disruption and the state of the Covid 19 virus outbreak with users millennial society
The Ngali-Renda conflict is habituated. It has taken for years. It has grown in its severity. It is not the case that the people of Ngali and Renda and the government do nothing in dealing with the conflict. However, the conflict is still there and waiting its trigger to appear. This research is significant in that it analyzes the traditional factors and interventions of the conflict. Applying qualitative research and historical, socio-cultural and phenomenological approaches showed that the Ngali-Renda conflict transformed from ndempa (empty-handed fighting) to lewa (armed fighting). Ndempa implied the spirit of honesty, openness and patriotism. It occurred every year in rest period of cultivation and took one or two month. Although ndempa was kapoda ade (serious and violent), it was kadihi ade (no intention to do harm) and for play and pleasure. On the contrary, lewa was more violent and caused casualties because the fighters used big knifes, arrows and firearms
The Ngali-Renda conflict is habituated. It has taken for years. It has grown in its severity. It is not the case that the people of Ngali and Renda and the government do nothing in dealing with the conflict. However, the conflict is still there and waiting its trigger to appear. This research is significant in that it analyzes the traditional factors and interventions of the conflict. Applying qualitative research and historical, socio-cultural and phenomenological approaches showed that the Ngali-Renda conflict transformed from ndempa (empty-handed fighting) to lewa (armed fighting). Ndempa implied the spirit of honesty, openness and patriotism. It occurred every year in rest period of cultivation and took one or two month. Although ndempa was kapoda ade (serious and violent), it was kadihi ade (no intention to do harm) and for play and pleasure. On the contrary, lewa was more violent and caused casualties because the fighters used big knifes, arrows and firearms.
Konflik Ngali-Renda merupakan konflik yang sudah biasa terjadi. Konflik ini merupakan konflik kekerasan. Masyarakat Ngali-renda maupun pemerintah telah berupaya untuk mengatasi konflik tersebut, namun belum menampakkan hasil. Penelitian ini memiliki ati penting untuk melihat faktor-faktor tradisional dan penanganan konflik yang telah dilakukan. Tampak dalam penelitian ini bahwa konflik Ngali-Renda merupakan transformasi konflik dari ndempa (perkelahian tanpa senjata) menjadi lewa (perkelahian dengan senjata). Ndempa memiliki makna semangat kejujuran, keterbukaan, dan patriotisme. Tradisi ini merupakan tradisi tahunan, yang dilakukan setelah musim tanam dan berlangsung selama satu hingga dua bulan. Walaupun ndempa disebut kapoda ade (sungguh-sungguh dan keras) namun kadihe ade (tidak berniat untuk menyakiti), dan hanya untuk tujuan permainan dan kesenangan. Sementara lewa lebih keras dan meÂnyebabÂkan korban luka karena pelaku menggunakan pedang, panah, serta senjata api
A quality bank is able to meet its financial performance weight ratio, as a form of achievement within a certain period of time. This paper uses the financial ratio method with the financial statement data of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. The purpose of this paper is to dissect financial statement items, look for relationships between components in financial statements so that the information can be used in making company decisions. The results of the paper show that the state of the performance of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri based on the 2014-2016 financial reports is in quite good condition. The financial ratios show, among others, the liquidity ratio of current assets (current ratio) shows a value of 7.75, which means that 1 rupiah of current debt is secured by Rp.7.75 rupiah of current assets, the previous year which was Rp.6.84 and Rp.6.80, -. Then the solvency ratio shows that the long-term liabilities are quite solvable. This situation can be seen from the Debt to Total Asset Ratio which is always below 50% from 2014-2016. The results of the profitability analysis also always experience developments from year to year.Keyword: Annualt Report, Ratio Analysis, Financial Peformanc
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu
The aims of this research are : 1) to find out and analyze the simultaneous influence of leadership and career development on employee\u27s performance at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu ; 2) to find out and analyze the influence of leadership on employee\u27s performance at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu ; 3 ) to find out and analyze the influence of career development on employee\u27s performance at PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu. This research is descriptive that explains the influence of leadership and career development on employee\u27s at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu with 39 respondents who are selected through purposive sampling method. The results show that: 1) leadership and career development simultaneously have significand and positive influence on employee\u27s performance at PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu ; 2 ) leadershif partially has positive and significant influence on employee\u27s performance at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu ; 3 ) career development partially has positive and significant influence on employee\u27s performance at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Palu
KRITIK SOSIAL DALAM FILM (Analisis Isi Pada Film Marsinah Karya Slamet Rahardjo Djarot )
This film is adopted from real story of Marsinah, an activist and a labor in a watch company in Sidoarjo who demands a change in workforce bureaucracy.
Research problems in this research are how often does social critical arises? Who is the critical target? And what is critical theme containing in social critical of Marsinah Film. While, the purpose is to know the frequency of social critical arising in Slamet Rahardjo Djarot’s Marsinah film.
This research uses content analysis method using descriptive statistical instrument. Purpose of this research design is to present message frame accurately. This research uses scene, which is an important part in film, as analysis unit. Data collecting technique uses coding sheet with category structure of critical target and critical theme and then research uses CR formula developed by R. Holsty to count research value. While for reliability test, PI Index Scott is used.
Research result shows that from 98 total scene, social critical arises in 22 scenes or 22.4% of Slamet Rahardjo Djarot’s Marsinah film.
22 scenes or 22.45% arise in critical target category, with 12 scenes (12.25%) for government indicator and 10 scenes (10.20%) for company indicator. For critical theme category, 2 scenes (02.04%) are for labor wage indicator and 14 scenes (14.29%) for injustice to labor indicator. Whereas, indicator of harshness to labor are 6 scenes (06.12%). All of them are total of film.
Conclusion of this valuation shows that the frequency of social critical arising in Slamet Rahardjo Djarot’s Marsinah film is 44.9 or less than a half of scene amounts existing in the film (98 scenes). It is because each critical theme is related to critical targets and conversely each critical target contains theme in it. This result is obtained through the calculation of each category arising in film
The purpose of this paper is to determine the deconstruction of the role Islamic banks in the SMEs sector in order berkemajuan stretching the domino effect on employment. In order to facilitate the systematic writing of this journal using the literature review methodology . The results of this paper's study show that the effort to advance SMEs is very necessary, seeing the potential and role that is very urgent for our nation, especially related to the absorption of labor that is able to contribute the most to the Indonesian national economy. The more moldy effort, the more labor intensive, thus will reduce unemployment which is a major challenge for the country. SMEs must continue to be encouraged with full support from the government.In conducting and developing its business, it is crowded with entrepreneurs who need capital access support in order to maintain the suistainable of their business. The function of Islamicbanks for SMEs is very much needed as an intermediary institution that collects public funds and channels them back in the form of financing products with various contracts that are in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law
Pertumbuhan Kerangka Karang Acropora di Perairan Sengigi Lombok
Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mengetahui laju petumbuhan kerangka karang Acropora (Acropora nobilis dan Acropora nosuta) 2) mengidentifikasi kondisi perairan Senggigi. Pengukuran pertumbuhan karang dilakukan selama empat bulan dengan metode Alizarin red meliputi pertumbuhan panjang dan pertambahan bobot. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan pertumbuhan pada kedua jenis karang, dilakukan uji t sedangkan kondisi perairan dilakukan uji laboratorium dan dibahas secara diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertumbuhan panjang kerangka Acropora nobilis mencapai 17.79 mm atau 0.148 mm/hari dan Acropora nosuta mencapai 14.28 mm atau 0.12 mm/hari. Sedangkan pertambahan bobot kerangka Acropora nobilis mencapai 513.1 mg atau 4.27 mg /hari dan Acropora nosuta mencapai 264.9 mg atau 2.21 mg /hari. Uji statistik menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan laju pertumbuhan antara kerangka karang Acropora nobilis dan Acropora nosuta. Kondisi fisika kimia perairan Sengigi selama penelitian rata-rata sangat baik karena masih pada kisaran batas toleransi untuk persyaratan pertumbuhan karang pada umumny
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