173 research outputs found
Design and Evaluation of User Interface Design of Mobile Heart Monitoring Application
Many mobile health applicationsincluding mobile heart monitoring applications are available on Apple App Store, and Google Play Store. However, when the user feels dissatisfied with the user interface design of the mobile heart monitoring application, it impacts user satisfaction level to the extent that the users do not use it anymore. User satisfaction level isa very important factor in usability to identify a mobile heart monitoring application whichis pleasant and comfortable forcontinuous use. This study recruited four cardiologists in a hospital in Palembang, Indonesia for evaluatingtheuser interface design ofa mobile heart monitoring prototype called HeartM. The prototype has several features including measuringpatient’s heart rate and blood pressurerate, treatment record, forum, and chat to ease communication between heart patients and their cardiologist. The focus of the user interface design evaluation are oncontent, visual and navigation aspects.This paper contributes to user interface design knowledge and design recommendations particularly for mobile heart monitoring applications
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis Android Dalam Meningkatan Kwalitas Pembelajaran Siswa SMA
The method of learning becomes one of the factors that is very influential, especially for students' academic achievement. Nowadays students are required to be more active in expanding the knowledge they not only get from teaching and learning activities in school, but they can also add knowledge such as from a learning application that they can learn by themselves to hone their understanding of subjects. In the subject of Natural Science (IPA), often the methods or methods used by teachers in teaching are still many that are difficult to understand by the students, the existing learning media less interest of students to study harder, and students sometimes consider easy subjects IPA. Learning Media in High School (SMA) visually displayed in the form of applications that can be accessed with Android-based phones is expected to improve the quality of learning, especially in science subjects
in Late Diagnosed Congenital Hearing Loss with Delayed Speech: A Case Report
Introduction : Hearing impairment in children happened in 6 per 1000 newborn in developing country. The etiology of most of those case is unknown as stated by WHO that 60% of children hearing loss caused by genetics. Aim : This condition could lead to delayed speech in children. Method : A-6-years-old children referred to ENT department with delayed speech and bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss to get a choclear implant. Result : Her condition suspected to be caused by rubella infection during pregnancy. She was already using hearing aid occasionaly and her mother complain that she still couldn’t hear effectively. The comprehensive management of infant with congenital hearing loss could be diagnosed early by applying hearing screening on all newborns at 1 month of age based on EHDI recommendation. This case represents the society low awareness and diagnostic tools limitation of congenital hearing loss prevention in Indonesia. Therefore, we suggest newborn hearing screening on all high-risked babies based on the risk factor stratification. Habilitation strategy for this patient includes auditory-verbal therapy. In order to maximize the benefit, parents are required to give maximum contribution to each therapy session. The therapy compliance becomes the important parameter in outcome optimization. Early diagnosis and intervention is the key to the management of congenital hearing loss. The EHDI programs provide recommended timeline for newborn hearing screenings, diagnostic examinations, and early interventions. The treatment consists of conventional hearing aid and cochlear implantation, combined with speech and language therapy in an appropriate educational environment, to promote development of communication and educational achievement
Pandemi infeksi virus corona 2019 (Covid-19) adalah masalah yang sedang dihadapi dilebih dari 200 negara di dunia. Indonesia juga terkena dampak buruk dari Covid-19 dimana tingkat kematiannya mencapai 4,68% pada awal Agustus 2020. Saat ini belum tersedia, rekomendasi tata laksana khusus pasien Covid-19, termasuk antivirus atau vaksin. Tatalaksana yang dapat dilakukan adalah terapi simtomatik dan oksigen. Selain itu, juga terdapat beberapa terapi berupa Terapi Konvalesen Plasma yang sedang dalam uji coba. Untuk Mengetahui Efektivitas Efikasi Pemberian Terapi Konvalesen Plasma pada Pasien Covid-19. Pencarian literature dilakukan pada empat database internet yaitu Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCO dan Cochrane Library berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yaitu studi terapi, Randomized Controlled Trial, Meta analysis dan Systematic Review. Validitas, Kepentingan dan Aplikabilitas artikel kemudiaan ditelaah lebih lanjut. Artikel yang akan ditelaah harus memiliki masalah, intervensi dan outcome yang sama dengan kasus. Terdapat lima studi terpilih yang menunjukkan bahwa Konvalesen Plasma darah dapat menurunkan mortalitas pada pasien covid-19 dibandingkan dengan terapi-terapi yang masih di uji hingga saat ini. Administrasi Konvalesen Plasma Darah dapat membantu mempersingkat rawat inap dan menurunkan mortalitas pada pasien Covid-19
Pelayanan Kefarmasian dan Pemahaman Penggunaan Obat Rasional (POR) di Kota Ternate
Pelayanan kefarmasian merupakan praktek yang diberikan oleh apoteker agar masyarakat dapat memahami penggunaan obat secara rasional (POR). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh pelayanan kefarmasian dengan pemahaman POR. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan survei cross-sectional. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebesar 97. Data dikumpulkan dari bulan Januari–Februari 2020 di Kota Ternate menggunakan kuesioner. Data di analisis menggunakan uji binary logistic. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelayanan kefarmasian tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan pemahaman POR (P0.05). Pelayanan kefarmasian seperti kelengkapan obat di apotek, kesiapan apoteker dalam membantu masyarakat dan kecepatan pelayanan yang tidak sesuai dapat menyebabkan kesalahan pemahaman penggunaan dan perbedaan harga obat paten-generik. Untuk itu perlu perhatian khusus mengenai kehadiran dan jumlah apoteker yang sesuai untuk memberikan pelayanan kefarmasian. Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Kefarmasian, Apoteker, POR, Apotek
The Comprehensive Management and Habilitation Strategy in Late Diagnosed Congenital Hearing Loss with Delayed Speech : A Case Report
Introduction : Hearing impairment in children happened in 6 per 1000 newborn in developing country. The etiology of most of those case is unknown as stated by WHO that 60% of children hearing loss caused by genetics. Aim : This condition could lead to delayed speech in children. Method : A-6-years-old children referred to ENT department with delayed speech and bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss to get a choclear implant. Result : Her condition suspected to be caused by rubella infection during pregnancy. She was already using hearing aid occasionaly and her mother complain that she still couldn’t hear effectively. The comprehensive management of infant with congenital hearing loss could be diagnosed early by applying hearing screening on all newborns at 1 month of age based on EHDI recommendation. This case represents the society low awareness and diagnostic tools limitation of congenital hearing loss prevention in Indonesia. Therefore, we suggest newborn hearing screening on all high-risked babies based on the risk factor stratification. Habilitation strategy for this patient includes auditory-verbal therapy. In order to maximize the benefit, parents are required to give maximum contribution to each therapy session. The therapy compliance becomes the important parameter in outcome optimization. Early diagnosis and intervention is the key to the management of congenital hearing loss. The EHDI programs provide  recommended timeline for newborn hearing screenings, diagnostic  examinations,  and  early interventions. The treatment consists of conventional hearing aid and cochlear implantation, combined with speech and language therapy in an appropriate educational environment, to promote development of communication and educational achievement
Aplikasi Belajar Membaca dan Mengucapkan Huruf Hijaiyah untuk Pocket Pc
Progress of Science and Technology should be followed with the Iman and Takwa (IMTAK), unfortunately , if there are still many people who can not read the letters hijaiyah which is the basis of the Qur'an. Society has now been busy with various activitas so they are difficult to study with Ustad or Ustadza about hijaiyah letters. To overcome this problem the authors make an application using a Pocket PC because it is easy to use, easy to carry and facilitate the public in learning letters hijaiyah. Making this application the writer use waterfall method which consists of systems engineering, software requirements analysis, design, programming, testing, and maintenance, while the programming language using Microsoft Visual Basic.NET. With this application can help people who can not read the letters hijaiyah quickly and easily understood, because the application is equipped with a sound that existed at the pictures hijaiyah the letter.
Keywords: VB.NET, Pocket P
The Effctiveness Of Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitor On Improving The Cardiac Remodelling Compared To Ace-Inhibitor On Patients With Chronic Heart Failure
Heart failure is one of the major cause of patient’s admittance to the hospital. Primary hypertension is one of the most universal comorbidities that precedes heart failure and is one of the more common risk factors held by the majority of the population. Right now, antihypertension that are generally used is from Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE-I) and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB). A new group of an antihypertensive agent called “Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitor (ARNI)” to further improve the patient condition. This study aims to evaluate the effectivity of ARNI against ACE-I regarding its cardiac reverse remodeling effect. Search strategy was done using electronic databases, which are Pubmed, Scopus, and Cochrane. Articles included are therapeutic study that is in line with the clinical question and fulfills the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Critical appraisal was done by assessing the article’s validity, importance, and applicability according to Oxford Center of Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 to two chosen articles. 2 articles are chosen and appraised. Both of the study are shown to be valid and shows that ARNI has a significantly better result on improving cardiac reverse remodeling via the left ventricle ejection fraction compared to ACE-I. However, the applicability of ARNI is still debatable in Indonesia as it was not covered by national insurance and there is no generic form. ARNI shows to be significantly better to reverse cardiac remodeling compared to ACE-I, but its applicability has to be improved to be implemented in Indonesia
This research aims to describe the factors that cause students to experience difficulties in mastering Sasak language vocabulary and the efforts made by teachers to overcome students' difficulties. The subjects in this research were 13 people, including 12 class VI students and a teacher who was the class teacher and person responsible for local content learning in class VI at the Dwijendra Mataram Elementary School. Data collection methods were carried out by means of interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is Miles and Huberman with data analysis components reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that there are 3 factors that cause students to experience difficulties in mastering vocabulary, lack of student interest, lack of support from the social environment, and differences in vocabulary used daily and in local content learning books. Apart from that, it was also found that the efforts made by teachers to overcome students' difficulties were by providing vocabulary notes and utilize cultural Saturday activities as a means to introduce Sasak language to students by creating activities that involve students and use Sasak language
Development of Android-based Learning Media in Improving the Quality of Senior High School Students' Learning
Learning methods become one of the factors that are very influential, especially for students' academic achievement. Nowadays students are required to be more active in expanding the knowledge they not only get from teaching and learning activities in school, but they can also add knowledge such as from a learning application that they can learn by themselves to hone their understanding of subjects. In the subject of Natural Science, often the methods or methods used by teachers in teaching are still many that are difficult to understand by students, the existing learning media less interest of students to study harder, and students sometimes consider easy subjects Natural Sciences. The aims of this research is make learning media in senior high school visually displayed in the form of applications that can be accessed with Android-based phones is expected to improve the quality of learning, especially in science subjects
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