62 research outputs found
Perdebatan Realisme-Antirealisme dalam Filsafat Agama Kontemporer
This article starts from the ontological problem in the discourse on the philosophy of religion, namely between the realist and anti-realist poles. The two are differentiated from the way of understanding the world, where realists believe that there is a world that is independent of mind and consciousness (mind-independent world) while anti-realists believe that the world, including perspectives on it, is completely dependent on the intentionality of the subject, so it is only a construction of mind and consciousness. Regarding religion, for realists, religion and its substance truly refer to objective reality, while anti-realists believe that religion is fictitious because it is only a construction of the mind and consciousness, not referring to objective reality. This debate also implies a disagreement between theism and atheism, especially in the context of the ontological status of religion and the epistemic status of religion. This article wants to explain that a believer is definitely a realist. This realist attitude is confirmed through an ontological commitment to the existence of God. However, the semantic construction of divinity is in the domain of mind and consciousness. The object of representation exists in a world independent of the mind, while the content of the representation exists within the influence and determination of the mind. This has consequences for the subject's plurality of meanings of the world. Regarding the theism-atheism dialogue pattern, this article offers a more analytical dialogue pattern, namely dialogue that is not theologically centric. This means that the debate is more directed at how to talk about God, not just about God's existence
A new embedding technique based on psychovisual threshold for robust and secure compressed video steganography
Videos are often compressed to reduce storage and transmission payload at the expense of lower quality due to bandwidth-related issues. Most video steganography techniques do not provide robustness against compression technique. Thus, it is vital to develop a steganography technique that can be resistant against compression. This research proposed a new embedding technique in video steganography based on object motion and modified entropy. The object motions in the video frame were determined by horizontal and vertical motion vectors. The video frames that had object motion were computed by modified entropy. The proposed scheme embedded data along with the object motion by modifying Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients in the video frames. Six DCT coefficients were selected in the middle frequency using DCT-psychovisual effects of hiding messages. The experimental results showed that the scheme achieved good robustness of message recovery in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) and Normalised CrossCorrelation (NC). The recovered message of the proposed steganography scheme can survive video compression
Responsive, Integrity, Morality and Fairness Law Enforcement as Social Change Instrument
This article reviews the essence of law enforcement as social change instrument. Law in the context of Indonesia that embrace democratic system is upholding the justice values in it that fairness principles for all Indonesian people. As positive law in a legal state, law enforcement is required to be professional, proportional, good, fair, and wisely so in accordance with the rules of expediency, kindness and equality in the law itself. The outcomes of the research indicate that law and community cannot be separated, for law the community is a resource that gives life (to nature) and move the law. The communities live the law with the values, ideas, concepts. And also contribute the community to implement the law
Tinjauan Reformasi Pendidikan Islam di Islamic Centre Bin Baz : Studi Kasus Pengaruh Pendidikan Islam
This research aims to analyze the impact of the Islamic education reform implemented at the Bin Baz Islamic Centre. The main focus of the research is to identify the development of students in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. In order to achieve these objectives, the research proposes the need for reform in the curriculum and teaching methods applied at the institution. A qualitative approach with a descriptive method is chosen as the methodological framework to provide an in-depth understanding of the influence of educational reform. Data analysis follows the Miles and Huberman model. Data collection is carried out through observations, interviews, and document analysis. The qualitative approach, with a focus on the role of informants as data sources, allows the research to investigate complex aspects within the context of Islamic education reform. The results of this research emphasize the urgency of education in shaping a holistic understanding, not only within the family environment but also involving the significant role of schools and colleges. In terms of the curriculum, it has been implemented effectively, accompanied by careful teaching strategies to achieve optimal teaching effectiveness. However, the research also identifies some challenges, particularly in the context of learning the Indonesian language, where some students are not fully engaged, exhibiting behaviors of sleeping or playing alone. Therefore, the author compiles this scholarly work to be viewed as an effort to enhance student engagement and, consequently, the quality of education at the institution
Go Drone: Rancang Bangun Drone Pengantar Paket Secara Otomatis Berbasis Android
The shipping system is currently less efficient in shipping speed and not environmentally friendly, so it takes a long time to receive packages and increase air pollution. In this study create a new transportation that can accelerate the delivery of goods and environmentally friendly namely that is delivery drones. The advantages of using a drone are fuel-friendly, time efficiency. In this study fuzzy methods and mapping in the control system of the drone are used. In this study produce drones that can deliver goods automatically following a predetermined path.Sistem Pengiriman barang saat ini kurang efisien dalam kecepatan pengiriman serta tidak ramah lingkungan, sehingga perlu waktu yang lama untuk menerima paket dan menambah polusi udara. Pada penelitian ini membuat sebuah transportasi baru yang dapat mempercepat pengiriman barang serta ramah lingkungan yaitu drone pengantar barang. Keunggulan dari penggunaan drone adalah ramah bahan bakar, efisiensi waktu. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode fuzzy dan mapping dalam sistem kontrol dari drone. Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan drone yang dapat mengantarkan barang dengan otomatis mengikuti jalur yang telah ditentukan
A study on the welfare of the animals in zoo negara / Liyana Muhd Fuad ...[et al.]
In recent times, there have been many complaints made regarding the welfare of zoo animals by both the public and NGO's upon Zoo Negara. This forms the basis of the research in the light of animal suffering, standards of a zoo and the adequacies of the legislation and execution of laws. This paper sets out to examine the sufficiency of local laws and its enforcement in protecting the welfare of the animals of Zoo Negara as the national zoo of Malaysia. The primary legislation that provides for wildlife in Malaysia is the Protection of Wildlife Act 1972 which is only applicable in West Malaysia, which applies to the targeted area of research, Zoo Negara. Loopholes or shortcomings of the said Act are found throughout the research and has been affirmed by most of the people interviewed for the purpose of this paper. However, problems may surface as to the matter of jurisdiction or limitations of power to compel or take legal action on established zoos. Where rulings based on the old legislation may have been efficient in earlier days, it would be absurd to say the same for its implications 30 years down the road. At the time of research however, the writers were pleased to hear that the Act is soon to be revised. It has been said that the title in itself could be altered, with what is believed to be additional provisions and amendments supplying to a wider scope of laws. Therefore, it may be rightfully presumed that the current Protection of Wildlife Act is questionable and rather ineffective in its content and enforcement in providing protection of welfare for the zoo animals in Zoo Negara
Fitness to practise for doctors and medical students with mental issues in Malaysia / Muhammad Darwiis Abdullah … [et al.]
Mental illness is expected to become the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysians by 2020. Doctors and medical students are more prone to mental illness compared to the general population. However, they are often reluctant to and resist seeking help because of stigma and a (strong) sense of shame. This can lead to detrimental consequences for themselves and their patients. That said, a doctor with a mental illness receiving appropriate treatment and who is in a stable condition may still be permitted to practise provided patient safety is not compromised. Determining this is a key responsibility of a healthcare regulator like the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). Using some prominent cases to illustrate this point, this article reviews the MMC guideline on ‘Managing Impaired Registered Medical Practitioners’. In the absence of similar local guidelines for medical students, we also allude to the UK General Medical Council’s guideline on ‘Supporting Medical Students with Mental Health Conditions’. The article recommends that doctors and medical students with mental illness should seek help; outlines a number of factors to consider in deciding whether a doctor should continue practising; and explores alternative career paths in instances where they should not. The article concludes that appropriate support goes a long way for doctors and medical students who grapple with mental health issues in that there is hope and a way through a seemingly devastating situation
Responsive, Integrity, Morality and Fairness Law Enforcement as Social Change Instrument
This article reviews the essence of law enforcement as social change instrument. Law in the context of Indonesia that embrace democratic system is upholding the justice values in it that fairness principles for all Indonesian people. As positive law in a legal state, law enforcement is required to be professional, proportional, good, fair, and wisely so in accordance with the rules of expediency, kindness and equality in the law itself. The outcomes of the research indicate that law and community cannot be separated, for law the community is a resource that gives life (to nature) and move the law. The communities live the law with the values, ideas, concepts. And also contribute the community to implement the law
Background and Purpose: Parents play a crucial role in children's educational attainment. Their perception influences their action in giving better formal education to their children. However, the scenario is different for the Indigenous community in Malaysia where formal education is deemed least important and there is a huge gap for Indigenous education attainment compared to the stream population. This paper aims to elucidate the parent perception of formal education effectiveness among the Indigenous community or Orang Asli (in the Malay language) in Terengganu, Malaysia.
Methodology: The research using qualitative methods involved three Indigenous villages in the state of Terengganu. Data were collected through interviews, focus group discussions and observation. The informants consisted of Indigenous parents, teachers and the officers of the Department of Orang Asli Development (JAKOA).
Findings: Results showed that parents' perceptions are generally stereotyped and unable to stimulate students’ interest. The common problem in teaching and learning is related to parents’ educational background, socioeconomic background, expectations, marital age, surrounding condition and awareness.
Contributions: This study has given the real picture of Indigenous parents' perceptions toward formal education. The implications of Indigenous parents’ education problems are significantly associated with degrading interest among students in education, issues of attendance and students' academic performance.
Keywords: Orang Asli, formal education, academic attainment, parent’s perception, Terengganu.
Cite as: Mohd Noor, M. I., Abdullah, M. F., Tedong, P. A., Ahmad Zaini, A., Abd Kadir, N. A., & Abdullah, M. T. (2023). Indigenous parents’ perception of the effectiveness of formal education in Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 384-405. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss1pp384-40
Northern Property Development / Syed Muhammad Faris Syed Fuan ... [et al.]
Each entrepreneur prepares business plan before they start our
business. Within this business plan each entrepreneur can see and
identify the business, which the business will able, or not. This business plan becomes a guideline for entrepreneur to manage our business. Besides that, business plan is important for entrepreneur to plan and arrange the steps to exceed others competitors to provide a new project. Within business plan we can know the entire problem which we had to handle and take the suitable and right action. And then, each entrepreneur can know the source that we need in order to provide the
business properly. Business plans also useful because it can be a
guideline to us to operate our business.
As an opening capital, the business plan also uses to make a loan
from bank and other financial agency. It also can attract and give
confidence to investor to invest in our company. Finally, business plan is very important to us because it can help and assist some information before we operate a business
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