450 research outputs found
People as social humans need a language to communicate with others.They need it since language is a device for communication. In society, language isremarkably varied. One of the varieties of language is register. Register is alanguage used in particular field, profession, and situation. The language offootball commentary, pimp, and radio broadcaster are considered as examples ofregister language. The study of register can be conducted from many aspects suchas, the vocabulary, syntactic features, phonology characteristics, register variable,etc. In this study, the researcher conducted the register used in live text footballcommentary on Euro 2012 final football match between Spain and Italy. There arethree problems of the study which were proposed: (1) What the registers are usedin live text commentary, (2) What the meanings of registers are used in live textcommentary, (3) What the linguistic features of register are used in live textcommentary on Euro 2012 final football match between Spain and Italy. Ă‚Â This study used qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear andsystematic description about the phenomena being studied. The data were onlytaken from live text commentaries which were uploaded on BBC sport website. Ă‚Â This study revealed that the registers used in live text commentarycommonly have different meaning when it relates to other field, profession andsituation. Some registers are unfamiliar words which do not exist in other fieldoutside the football. This study also revealed that live text football commentaryusually uses features such as, syntactic reduction and passive voice. From bothfeatures, the commentator uses the syntactic reduction more frequently. Thereduction and passive voice are not due to the insufficient competence of thecommentator. Nevertheless, there are some reasons behind such as, to build extraspeed in delivering the event.Ă‚Â The researcher suggests the English Department students conduct thedeeper study about register since this study did not cover all aspects of registeryet. He also hopes that the next researcher will conduct the comparison studyabout register used in live text commentary with that used in live oralcommentary.Ă‚Â Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Register, Live text commentar
Lampung indigenous people have valuable local wisdom that has the values of character education. The purpose of this research is to form a form of support to the government that continues to campaign for character education as an effort to restore the original character of the moral Indonesian nation and this study also aims to discover how the values of character education in the local wisdom of Lampung indigenous people namely Nengah Nyappur. This research uses descriptive-qualitative method to explore various data with library research. Nengah Nyappur as one of the elements of the philosophy of life of the people of Lampung has a character value in the form of tolerance, courtesy, and cooperation. These three character values are rooted in the daily lives of the indigenous people of Lampung.
Referring to the presidential regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education, Education Units and School/Madrasah Committees consider the adequacy of educators and education personnel, availability of facilities and infrastructure, local wisdom and opinions of community leaders and or religious leaders outside the School/Madrasah Committee. The third point about local wisdom feels the need for writers to review as one of the bases of character education, the writer offers local wisdom of Lampung. The findings of this study are that the values contained in Nengah Nyappur are still very relevant until now and can be applied in the family environment, community environment, and school environment
This study aims to find out how effective YouTube is as a promotional media in the Pasundan University and the general public in improving the Pasundan University brand image. This study uses qualitative research methods in descriptive form. The problem in this study is how effective the YouTube PR media can be a campus promotion tool and a means to improve the Pasundan University brand image. The results of this study indicate that the youtube promotional media can easily attract public interest to seek information on the public relations youtube channel, thereby indirectly making many people who know about Pasundan University and the brand image of Pasundan University also increase. There are several obstacles experienced by the Public Relations of the University of Pasundan in building the YouTube channel of Public Relations from the beginning until now, starting from the internal campus which still does not know much about the Public Relations YouTube channel of the University of Pasundan to the limited ideas for creating content on the YouTube Public Relations of the University of Pasundan
A Study on Register Used in Live Text Commentary on Euro 2012 Final Football Match “Spain Vs Italy”
People as social humans need a language to communicate with others.They need it since language is a device for communication. In society, language isremarkably varied. One of the varieties of language is register. Register is alanguage used in particular field, profession, and situation. The language offootball commentary, pimp, and radio broadcaster are considered as examples ofregister language. The study of register can be conducted from many aspects suchas, the vocabulary, syntactic features, phonology characteristics, register variable,etc. In this study, the researcher conducted the register used in live text footballcommentary on Euro 2012 final football match between Spain and Italy. There arethree problems of the study which were proposed: (1) What the registers are usedin live text commentary, (2) What the meanings of registers are used in live textcommentary, (3) What the linguistic features of register are used in live textcommentary on Euro 2012 final football match between Spain and Italy. This study used qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear andsystematic description about the phenomena being studied. The data were onlytaken from live text commentaries which were uploaded on BBC sport website. This study revealed that the registers used in live text commentarycommonly have different meaning when it relates to other field, profession andsituation. Some registers are unfamiliar words which do not exist in other fieldoutside the football. This study also revealed that live text football commentaryusually uses features such as, syntactic reduction and passive voice. From bothfeatures, the commentator uses the syntactic reduction more frequently. Thereduction and passive voice are not due to the insufficient competence of thecommentator. Nevertheless, there are some reasons behind such as, to build extraspeed in delivering the event. The researcher suggests the English Department students conduct thedeeper study about register since this study did not cover all aspects of registeryet. He also hopes that the next researcher will conduct the comparison studyabout register used in live text commentary with that used in live oralcommentary
Pembuatan Aplikasi Modul Interaktif Chemistry Magazine dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality pada Materi Termokimia Kelas XI SMA/MA Berbasis Android
Ilmu kimia dipandang sebagai salah satu ilmu yang cukup sulit dan kurang menarik untuk dipelajari oleh kebanyakan siswa. Diantara penyebab siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar kimia adalah kurangnya minat perhatian siswa pada proses pembelajaran dalam kimia. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi merupakan cara yang efektif dan efisien untuk meningkatkan minat serta kualitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar di sekolah. Selanjutnya, untuk mempermudah siswa agar memahami materi pelajaran terutama kimia tersebut dibuatlah media pembelajaran dimana modul dengan model magazine (majalah) dikombinasikan dengan aplikasi menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR). Aplikasi ini mengimplementasikan metode Marker Based Tracking dan Markerless Augmented Reality. Beberapa tahap perancangan aplikasi adalah seperti mengumpulkan data tentang modul, desain antarmuka, database, informasi yang ditampilkan dan build aplikasi kedalam bentuk Android package (Apk). Selanjutnya untuk membangun aplikasi ini digunakan tools seperti Unity 3D, Vuforia Object Scanner, Vuforia SDK, Android SDK, Java Development Kit, Adobe Photoshop, dan Adobe Premiere Pro. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi Augmented Reality berbasis Android yang dapat secara sukses menampilkan isi materi lebih lanjut pada modul yang telah tersedia berupa video penjelasan materi tentang termokimia.
The purpose of this study is to examine or reveal about the symbols and meanings of the symbols contained in the healing spell. The theory used in this research is the semiotic theory of the signifier and the signified and the symbol theory which analyzes the object representing a symbol. The method used is descriptive qualitative method, namely interviews with five informants as resource persons for spells which are solely to describe empirical facts or language phenomena that exist in life. The results of this study indicate that the symbols contained in the healing mantra are Tuan Putri seven, one hundred and ninety, kantan and reed, twigs, bidara leaves, iron chests, light of Allah, light of Muhammad, Hati tik Hati, points of heavy rain falling, rising and falling. laughter, betel nut, I'm elephant Ali's eyes stretched a few bones. etc
Penggunaan Metode Role Playing Terhadap Kemahiran Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VII Mts Nurul Ikhwan Desa Dagang Krawan Kec. Tanjung Morawa Kab. Deli Serdang
The Role Playing method is a way of mastering the subject matter through the development of students' imagination and appreciation. The development of imagination and appreciation is carried out by students by playing them as living figures or inanimate objects. The purpose of the Role Playing Method or role playing is to teach students about empathy. Students are invited to experience the world by seeing it from the perspective of others. Students to imagine themselves in the position of others in order to be able to explore the feelings and attitudes shown by others, in the sense of playing the role of other people who may be different from the characteristics that exist in themselves. This research is quantitative research. The population of this study were all students in the school concerned, totaling 102 students with a research sample of 20 students. The method used is the questionnaire method as the basis of the research. The conclusion from the whole is obtained from the results of the test with a calculation which is 80.2. This shows that learning Arabic using the role playing method can improve student learning outcomes where previously the average value obtained only reached 71.15 and after applying the role playing method it increased to 80.28, which means an increase of 9.13. Thus, the answers to the formulated problems are drawn. The use of the role playing method can improve student learning outcomes in Arabic subjects. So it is very suitable for use by the school concerned.Â
Penyelenggaraan kegiatan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing merupakan salah satu
cara yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta agar mahasiswa dapat
menerapkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh semasa kuliah untuk dapat diterapkan dalam
dunia nyata khususnya di lembaga pendidikan formal maupun non formal sebagai
calon pendidik. Kompetensi yang diupayakan untuk dapat dikuasai mahasiswa yaitu
kompetensi sosial, pedagogik, profesional, dan kepribadian. Kegiatan ini diharapkan
mampu memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi mahasiswa terutama pengalaman
mengajar, menguasai kelas, menyampaikan ilmu, peningkatan keterampilan, dan
mampu mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi selama proses pembelajaran.
Secara umum kegiatan PLT meliputi empat tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan,
pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan penyusunan laporan. Tahapan pelaksanaan PLT meliputi
tahap pembekalan, penerjunan dan praktik mengajar. Pelaksanaan program PLT
dimulai dari tanggal 15 September 2017 sampai 15 November 2017 yang diisi dengan
observasi kelas, konsultasi, pembuatan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pembuatan
materi ajar dan media, praktik mengajar, dan evaluasi. Dalam praktik mengajar, kelas
yang diampu adalah kelas X TEKNIK PEMESINAN 3 dengan mata pelajaran
teknologi mekanik. Evaluasi terkait metode mengajar, materi ajar, dan pembuatan soal
ujian siswa. Secara keseluruhan program PLT dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan
Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing merupakan sarana yang baik untuk digunakan
mahasiswa untuk melatih kemampuannya sebelum terjun ke keadaan yang
sesungguhnya. Selain itu, pelaksanaan PLT diharapkan dapat menjalin hubungan yang
baik antara Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dan SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul
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