931 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between scientific literacy skills and digital literacy skills of fifth grade students at SDN Cengkareng Barat 03 Pagi. The method used in this research is descriptive correlational with moment product correlation test. Researchers collected data through tests for scientific literacy and questionnaires for digital literacy. The results showed that out of 60 students, the highest score of Scientific Literacy was 90 and the lowest score was 65 with Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) of 75. The normality test shows that the significance value of scientific literacy and digital literacy is greater than 0.05 (0.200 > 0. 05, 0.200 > 0.05 and 0.132 > 0.05, 0.200 > 0.05). The result of the linearity test is that the significance value is greater than 0.05 (0.631 > 0.05). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between scientific literacy skills and digital literacy abilities of fifth grade students at SDN Cengkareng Barat 03 Pagi in the high category with a value of r = 0.691

    Penerapan Metode Restorative Justice dalam Penyelesaian Perkara di Indonesia

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    Sistem pemidanaan di Indonesia perlu dioptimalkan lagi bentuk penghukumannya, selama ini bentuk penghukuman di Indonesia hampir secara keseluruhan hanya dengan pidana kurungan penjara, mulai dari tindak pidana yang ringan sampai berat seluruhnya akan berakhir di dalam kurungan Lembaga pemasyarakatan. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi lapas di seluruh Indonesia mengalami over kapasitas yang membuat masalah – masalah baru yang tentunya juga berdampak besar bagi masyarakat luas. Kemudian selama ini masyarakat menuntut untuk pelaku pidana dihukum seberat – beratnya, padahal sebenarnya dalam proses penyelesaian perkara pidana harus dengan putusan yang seadil – adilnya baik bagi korban dan pelaku. Permasalahannya bagaimana proses penyelesaian perkara pidana untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang seadil – adilnya bagi pelaku dan korban. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi bagaimana proses penyelesaian perkara pidana dan bentuk pemidanaan yang seadil – adilnya. Kegunaan penelitian untuk memberikan informasi bagaimana proses penyelesaian perkara pidana guna mendapat bentuk penghukuman yang seadil – adilnya dengan melihat hak pelaku dan korban. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendeketan yuridis filosofis. Hasil penelitian mengenai proses penyelesaian perkara pidana guna mendapat keputusan yang seadil – adilnya yaitu dengan pendekatan restorative justice dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban, keluarga pelaku, keluarga korban dan aparat penegak hukum terkait lainnya guna mendapat putusan yang adil, tidak hanya dengan bentuk kurungan penjara namun juga dapat dengan alternatif penghukuman lainnya. Kesimpulannya, proses penyelesaian perkara pidana dengan pendekatan restorative justice belum optimal dilakukan dan bentuk pemidanaannya secara keseluruhan masih dengan bentuk kurungan penjara, kemudian korban yang dirugikan tidak hanya dijadikan saksi dalam persidangan namun dengan ikut serta dalam penentuan keputusan perkara, proses penyelesaian perkara dengan melibatkan pihak – pihak yang terkait dengan berdiskusi dalam menentukan keputusan, bentuk penghukuman tidak hanya dengan pidana kurungan penjara namun juga dapat dengan alternatif penghukuman lainnya.

    Teaching Reading Comprehension through Cooperative Script to the Eighth Grade Students of the Private Junior High School Nurul Iman Palembang

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    AbstractThe main problem of this research was “Is it effective to teach reading comprehension through cooperative script to the eighth grade students of the Private Junior High School Nurul Iman Palembang?” Therefore, the objective of this research was to find out whether or not it was effective to teach reading comprehension through cooperative script to the eighth grade students of the Private Junior High School Nurul Iman Palembang. In this research, the writer used pre-experimental as a method of the research with one-group pretest-posttest design. The population of this research was all of the eighth grade students of the Private Junior High School Nurul Iman Palembang, which consists of 5 classes those were composed 171 students. As the sample, the writer took one class as the sample from the population by convenience non-random sampling. The class as sample of this study was VIII.E, numbers of the students were 36 students, for collecting the data the writer used written test with multiple-choice, and analyzed them by using matched t-test. The result of this research shows that, there were differences between students’ achievement in pre-test and pos-test. The mean score of the students in pre-test was 58.3 while the mean score of the students in post-test was 68.7. The result of matched t-test, the writer found it was 7.819; it was higher than t-table 1.689. It shows that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected, so teaching reading comprehension through cooperative script to the eighth grade students of the Private Junior High School Nurul Iman Palembang was effective. Key Words: Teaching reading, Reading comprehension, and Cooperative scrip


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    The relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in history has been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad and Muslims with Christians and Jews in Medina. This is part of Islam's recognition of followers of other religions and the Prophet did not coerce his preaching. Because Islam did not come to kill and destroy other religions, but followers of other religions can live side by side and work together. This paper wants to provide views on the attitude of a Muslim in interacting in social life, including how to respond to differences. One example is how a Muslim responds to differences in beliefs by conveying Happy Holidays to non-Muslims. Amid the life of pluralism with a variety of religious, ethnic, cultural and so forth. So that raises the question of how the law says or conveys congratulations on the big day to non-Muslims. The polemic arose when approaching the celebration of non-Muslim holidays in Indonesia. The first opinion, according to Al-Utsaimin, is that congratulating them is forbidden, it is the same whether they (infidels) are involved in business with someone (Muslim) or not. The second, according to Yusuf Qardawi, is that if you are honored with an honor, then repay that honor with something better than him, or repay that honor. However, Sheikh Yusuf AI-Qaradawi explicitly stated that it is not lawful for a Muslim to participate in religious rituals and celebrations that belong specifically to other religions

    Identifikasi Telur Fertil dan Infertil menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Radial Basis Function (RBF) Berdasarkan Citra Tekstur

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    Telur fertil adalah telur ayam yang dapat menetas dan dijadikan bibit ayam atau bisa disebut DOC (Day Old Chick). Sedangkan telur infertil merupakan telur yang tidak dapat menetas atau telur yang tidak mengalami perkembangan embrio pada saat penetasan. Proses identifikasi telur fertil dan telur infertil pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode radial basis function (RBF) diawali dengan proses akuisisi citra pada telur fertil dan telur infertil sehingga mendapatkan 150 data citra. Ekstraksi ciri yang digunakan yaitu gray Level Co-occurrence Matriks (GLCM) untuk mengidentifikasi objek atau pola citra agar mampu memberikan informasi yang detail tentang fitur suatu citra. Fitur yang digunakan yaitu Contrast, Correlation, Energi dan Homogeneity. Data citra yang telah didapatkan dibagi menjadi dua data yaitu, data latih dan data uji, 100 untuk data latih dan 50 untuk data uji. Identifikasi telur fertil dan telur infertil menghasilkan jaringan terbaik dengan error goal 0.0 (default), spread 0.1, lapisan tersembunyi 100, dan maksimum iterasi 1000. Pada lapisan tersembunyi, fungsi aktivasi yang digunakan adalah fungsi aktivasi Gaussian. Hasil pengujian identifikasi telur fertil dan telur infertil dapat diukur berdasarkan nilai akurasi. Berdasarkan model jaringan terbaik, untuk pelatihan diperoleh nilai akurasi tertinggi sebesar 100% dan untuk pengujian diperoleh nilai akurasi tertinggi sebesar 96%

    Analisis Integrasi Islam dan Budaya Minangkabau dalam Tradisi Batagak Penghulu Berdasarkan Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    The Batagak Penghulu tradition in Minangkabau can be considered as a form of integration between traditional and Islamic values, where Islamic principles are the basis for implementing this tradition. In this tradition, religious values and Islamic teachings are reflected in various aspects, such as the election of leaders, the deliberation process, and cooperation in order to achieve goodness and justice. The process of selecting the headman involves the participation of all components of society, demonstrating the principle of deliberation recommended in Islam. The chosen leader must meet leadership criteria in accordance with Islamic teachings, such as being honest, trustworthy, wise, and able to convey teachings well. The Qur'an also emphasizes the importance of just leadership and dual responsibility towards Allah SWT and society. The concept of deliberation, explained in the Qur'an, provides the basis for decision making in the traditional Batagak Penghulu process. This deliberation process not only reflects traditional values, but is also in line with Islamic principles which encourage justice, togetherness and problem solving through consensus. Through qualitative research methods and content analysis, this research provides an in-depth understanding of the integration between custom and Islam in the Batagak Penghulu tradition. The Batagak Penghulu tradition in Minangkabau reflects the harmonization between traditional values and Islamic teachings. The process of appointing the headman, deliberation, leadership and cooperation in this tradition shows harmony with the Islamic principles contained in the Al-Qur'an. This tradition is not only a unique cultural heritage, but also a manifestation of community life that is firmly rooted in Islamic religious values


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    This article discusses the obligation of Muslims when someone dies, is to take care of the body. The law is fardhu kifayah, which means an obligation if there is already a group of people who take care of the body, starting from bathing, forgiving, praying, burying, other Muslim obligations will fall. The law of fardhu kifayyah is associated with high school student education, which becomes concentrated in understanding the skills of high school student learning outcomes.This article discusses the obligation of Muslims when someone dies, is to take care of the body. The law is fardhu kifayah, which means an obligation if there is already a group of people who take care of the body, starting from bathing, forgiving, praying, burying, other Muslim obligations will fall. The law of fardhu kifayyah is associated with high school student education, which becomes concentrated in understanding the skills of high school student learning outcomes

    Relationship between Teachers’ Professional Commitment and Formative Assessment Practices as a Part of Curriculum Implementation at Secondary Level in Punjab

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    National Curriculum for English in Pakistan, reveals its intentions for acquiring language related international requirements concerning with career choices and furthering education. Formative assessment is at the center of students’ learning and is devised in the curriculum document providing basis for its implementation. Curriculum implementation is pivotal to classroom practices of teachers. Curriculum guides teachers to implement formative assessment. Professional commitment contributes enriching teacher’ classroom practices. Focus of the study was to examine formative assessment practices of teachers, as a part of curriculum implementation, in accordance with curriculum document and its relationship with professional commitment of secondary school English teachers. Study secures its significance for teachers, curriculum developers, and governmental agencies. Quantitative survey was the method adopted for the study and explanatory correlational design was used. Teachers, concerned with teaching of English at secondary level, from entire secondary schools working under the supervision of the Punjab province were the study population. Sampling procedure employed multistage stratified random sampling technique and 576 teachers were selected as study sample. Two questionnaires were developed that included questionnaire regarding implementation of formative assessment (QIFA) and teachers’ professional commitment scale (TPCS). Survey was conducted as a data collection strategy. In statistics, Mean and Spearman correlation were employed. Results revealed that professional commitment of teachers and their formative assessment practices were moderate. Results regarding relationship between the variables; professional commitment of teachers and their formative assessment practices were significant correlated. The study recommended school based teacher trainings to sensitize and enhance teachers’ awareness and practices towards formative assessment practices as a part of implementation process. Governmental agencies are needed to focus the situation of professional commitment of teachers and implementation of formative assessment as a part of implementation

    Rubric for Grading Assignments that Explicitly Allowed Students to use Generative AI

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    Grading of assignments created with the help of Generative AI tools poses a major challenge to instructors who were trained on rubrics developed decades ago. Such rubrics are incapable of handling situations where the work is clearly a violation of honor agreements. We propose a set of metrics that may be useful for grading student work that is at least partially generated with the help of AI. The audience is encouraged to bring their own ideas as explicit feedback will be sought and will be part of the discussion
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