18 research outputs found

    Reflections on Viral Poetry “Paskah” on the Existence of Indonesian Religious Diversity

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    Plurality is a necessity in life, especially in religious life. Toleransih or atsamuh which is embodied in the Medina Charter, is a teaching in the context of carrying out a hydrogen community life, especially in religion, so that there is peace in social life. The existence of a viral poem about "Easter" read by santri can be a polemic for religious life on the existence of religious diversity, especially in Indonesia. natural phenomena and human engineering. By explaining the concept of pluralism, it becomes a picture of togetherness in living a social and religious life with mutual respect and respect for each other

    Strengthening Character Education Of Students In Nonformal Education In Public Education

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    In order to carry out the mandate of the Law. No. 20 of 2003 as stated in PP no. 55 of 2007 concerning religious education and religious education is education that prepares students to be able to carry out roles that require mastery of knowledge about religious teachings and / or become experts in religious science and practice their religious teachings. Religious education also develops as a result of religious education subjects / courses which are considered to face various limitations. Especially at the public tertiary level where the religious education course only received a portion of 2 credits according to the decision of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education Number: 43 / DIKTI / Kep / 2006. To overcome the shortage of religious learning, some people overcome it with additional religious education at homes, houses of worship, or in associations which then develop into formal, non-formal or informal religious education units or programs. As for the campus community, an innovation was carried out in the form of Diniyah Takmiliyah al-Jami'ah Education as a trap for the two credits that students were accepting in lectures


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    Ideally, education can be accessed by every level of society. There are still problems in the world of education, especially for people with low incomes. The potential of waqf is being promoted and developed in this country. But it is unfortunate that the financing has only been allocated only as a strengthening of state finances in the form of buying sukuk. Governance has great potential in realizing a quality Islamic Educational Institution so that it can be reached by anyone, so through this research, the researcher proposes to the Indonesian waqf agency to also participate in developing National scale Islamic education that can be accessed by anyone, given the huge potential for waqf, especially in Indonesia. Where there are several quality and large educational institutions abroad because of the independence of their institutions which are financed by waqf. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted in order to aim at a quality Islamic Education Institution through the empowerment of waqf. Idealnya Pendidikan dapat di akses oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Masih adanya problematika dalam dunia Pendidikan terlebih bagi masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah. Potensi wakaf sedang digalakkan dan dikembangkan di negeri ini. Tetapi sangat disayangkan pembiayaannya baru dialokasikan hanya sebagai penguatan keuangan negara dalam bentuk pembelian sukuk, tata Kelola memilki potensi besar dalam mewujudkan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas sehingga dapat dijangkau oleh siapa saja, maka melalui penelitian ini, peneliti mengusulkan kepada badan wakaf Indonesia juga ikut mengembangkan Pendidikan Islam skala nasional yang dapat diakses oleh siapa pun, meningat potensi wakaf begitu besar khusunya di Indonesia.  Dimana ada beberapa lembaga pendidikan di luar negeri berkualitas dan besar karena kemandirian lembaganya yang dibiayai oleh wakaf. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan agar bertujuan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas melalui pemberdayaan wakaf

    Hadhanah dalam Islam (Hak Pengasuhan Anak dalam Sektor Pendidikan Rumah)

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    Producing qualified learners is inseparable part of education center we know by the term three centers of education; namely home education, school education, and environmental education (community). The three centers of education must be mutually related (support each other) because it is difficult to produce quality learners without paying attention to the three education centers. However, from the three education centers, it is home education creating more astsar (impact) on thedevelopment of learners. In Islamic terms, the activity of educating children is called hadhanah. Hadhanah is love of Allah for His servants by taking care of children who are born from the mother's womb. Parenting is one of manifestation of the various forms of glory Allah has given to humans who are the most glorious beings and is His gift to mankind not given to any other creature. This study istitled "Hadhanah in Religion (Parenting Rights in a home education sector)". The purpose of this study is to find out how a religion gives a concept of parenting so that the children get their full rights, namely getting physical and spiritual education from his parents. The qualitative method used in writing this study explores the concepts of parenting


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    Legal aid represent constitutional rights for every citizen in front of law which arranged in Act Number 16 Year 2011 concerning Legal Aid, specially to impecunious society (the poor). Researcher tries to investigate the problem of Legal Aid implementation in Indonesia. To answer the the problems used by method research of normatif yuridis, having the character of analytical descriptive, using justice theory, used data of sekunder of book study, with approach of legislation. Results of this research concluded that implementation giving of legal aid to the poor as arranged in Act Number 16 Year 2011 About Legal Aid not yet can walk it to, there still found by many resistance and constraint, like human resource factor related to amount and quality giver of legal aid, and related/relevant culture factor society itself the lack of knowledge of society about legal aid. Potency receiver of its amount legal aid very big, but run legal aid system in this time not yet as according to real requirement to legal aid. Access to legal aid program to society still limited especially because its minim of existence of organization giver of legal aid or access inaccesible region geographically. Factor enforcer of less owning law of integrity, moralitas, and idealism of profesionalitas. Factor is lack of budget or financing of Local Government, and lack of observation and control

    Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon under Rhizosphere and Non- Rhizosphere of Maize after a Long-Term Nitrogen Fertilization and Tillage Systems

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    This research aimed to study the soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) under maize plant after a long-term application of nitrogen fertilizer and tillage systems (at the 37th growing season). The treatments were arranged in a factorial (3x3) in a randomized completely block design with 3 replications. The first factor was tillage systems, namely intensive tillage (IT) system, minimum tillage (MT) system, and no tillage (NT) system, and the second factor was the long-term application of nitrogen fertilizer, namely 0, 100, and 200 kg N ha-1. Data were analyzed using an orthogonal contrast test and a correlation test between SMBC and organic-C, total-N, and pH of the soil. The results showed that, in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere of maize plant, MT system increased the SMBC compared to NT and IT systems. However, application of long-term application of nitrogen fertilizer did not increase the SMBC. Nevertheless, fertilizer application of 100 kg N ha-1 increased the SMBC compare to 200 kg N ha-1.Furthermore, the combination of MT system and 100 kg N ha-1 could increase the SMBC compared to the other combined treatment between tillage systems and N fertilization doses. The SMBC was higher in the rhizosphere than in non-rhizosphere of maize plant.Keywords: Non-rhizosphere, rhizosphere, soil microbial biomass carbon, tillage system


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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai jual beli barang hasil sitaan dalam segi hukum dan status kepemilikannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan cara mengkaji pemikiran Madzhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i yaitu dengan menelaah buku-buku dan kitab-kitab yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Penulis dalam menganalisa data-data tersebut menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik, yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan informasi dan data-data yang diperoleh secara terperinci, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deduktif, yaitu suatu metode penalaran yang bertitik tolak pada hal-hal yang bersifat umum dijabarkan serta diambil kesimpulan dalam pengertian yang bersifat khusus.Status kepemilikan dalam barang hasil sitaan masih terdapat perselisihan dalam pandangan para fuqaha, hal ini dikarenakan ketidakjelasan hak kepemilikan yang melekat pada barang tersebut, sebagaimana Syafi'iyyah menyatakan hal tersebut termasuk milk nǎqish dan memiliki perbedaan dengan pendapat Hanafiyyah. Sehingga timbul keputusan hukum yang berbeda di kalangan para ulama fiqih, terutama Madzhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i, perbedaan tersebut semuanya memiliki alasan-alasan dan dasar yang kuat dengan ijtihad yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing Imam Madzhab


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    Kegiatan konstruksi memiliki berbagai macam risiko salah satunya adalah risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3). Pembangunan Gedung Universitas Nahdatul Ulama merupakan pekerjaan konstruksi, yang membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang banyak, melibatkan alat-alat berat, sehingga mempunyai potensi risiko terhadap bahaya kecelakaan kerja. Pada penelitian ini akan diteliti mengenai identifikasi risiko K3 dan pengukuran tingkat risiko. Teknik pengumpulan data antara lain observasi, kuesioner, dan studi pustaka. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskripsi perhitungan tingkat risiko K3 menggunakan pearson product momen dan matriks. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan teridentifikasi 55 variabel risiko dari 21 jenis kegiatan konstruksi, pada perhitungan tingkat risiko didapat 0,2% variabel risiko tinggi, 17,4% variabel risiko sedang,dan 82,4% variabel risiko rendah