671 research outputs found


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    The United States is home to approximately three million Muslim-Americans, a diverse and growing demographic group that has woven itself into the fabric of American life. Hailing from many regions around the world, Muslims in the U.S. are varied in racial and ethnic backgrounds and not dominated by any particular race or ethnicity. National pride and a strong religious identity are shared aspects among U.S. born Muslims and immigrants alike (Pew, 2018). In addition to the typical challenges of daily life, Muslim-Americans have experienced high levels of religious and ethnic discrimination. Post-9/11, Muslim-Americans suffered a 1600% increase in reported hate crimes including violence, threats, and property destruction relating to group stigmatization after the attacks (Takyar, 2019). These increased animosities were compounded by anti-Muslim political rhetoric and a Muslim travel ban after the 2016 presidential election. Such adverse experiences negatively impact mental health and have led to disproportionate rates of distress, anxiety, and mood disorders suffered by this demographic (Abu-Ras et al., 2018). Despite mounting mental health concerns, Muslim-Americans have encountered barriers to accessing mental health services and remained underserved. Barriers to care are multifaceted and include the factors of availability and access, education, stigma, fears of discrimination, and religious or cultural beliefs that may differ from medical professionals (Amri & Bemak, 2013; Padela & Curlin, 2013). Supporting this notion, past studies indicated that Muslims who reported higher Islamic religiousness tended to prefer spiritual healers (Meran & Mason, 2019). Other research indicated that belief in a mixed etiology for mental illness (stemming from biological or spiritual causes) was associated with the endorsement of multiple treatment options (Western biomedical services, Islamic faith healers; Moodley et al., 2018). A more complete understanding of Muslim Americans’ conceptions of mental illness and their associated religious and cultural beliefs can help treatment providers understand patterns of help-seeking and inform culturally responsive models of care. This study sought to explore the relationship between religious beliefs and concepts of mental illness among Muslim Americans using Kleinman’s comprehensive explanatory model approach. The explanatory model (EM) includes a range of beliefs, from recognition of the problem, to beliefs about etiology, symptom communication and impact, stigmas, appropriate help-seeking, preferred type of provider or treatment, and goals for treatment outcomes. Based on previous findings, it was anticipated first-generation immigrant status, female gender, and being married participants would be predictive of higher Islamic religiousness. For attitudes towards mental health services, it was expected that higher Islamic religiousness would predict negatively predict acculturation but stronger spiritual beliefs about mental illness, which in turn would predict more negative attitudes towards mental health services. It was also expected that lower levels of Islamic religiousness would positively predict acculturation and stronger biological beliefs about mental illness, which in turn would predict more positive attitudes towards mental health services. The results gave insight into how demographic, sociocultural, and religious factors interact with various aspects of a patient’s explanatory models and how religiousness is predictive of mental illness beliefs and willingness to seek mental health services. Keywords: Islamic religiousness, mental illness beliefs, attitudes toward mental health service

    Theory of Secular Chaos and Mercury's Orbit

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    We study the chaotic orbital evolution of planetary systems, focusing on secular (i.e., orbit-averaged) interactions, because these often dominate on long timescales. We first focus on the evolution of a test particle that is forced by multiple massive planets. To linear order in eccentricity and inclination, its orbit precesses with constant frequencies. But nonlinearities can shift the frequencies into and out of secular resonance with the planets' eigenfrequencies, or with linear combinations of those frequencies. The overlap of these nonlinear secular resonances drive secular chaos in planetary systems. We quantify the resulting dynamics for the first time by calculating the locations and widths of nonlinear secular resonances. When results from both analytical calculations and numerical integrations are displayed together in a newly developed "map of the mean momenta" (MMM), the agreement is excellent. This map is particularly revealing for non-coplanar planetary systems and demonstrates graphically that chaos emerges from overlapping secular resonances. We then apply this newfound understanding to Mercury. Previous numerical simulations have established that Mercury's orbit is chaotic, and that Mercury might even collide with Venus or the Sun. We show that Mercury's chaos is primarily caused by the overlap between resonances that are combinations of four modes, the Jupiter-dominated eccentricity mode, the Venus-dominated inclination mode and Mercury's free eccentricity and inclination. Numerical integration of the Solar system confirms that a slew of these resonant angles alternately librate and circulate. We are able to calculate the threshold for Mercury to become chaotic: Jupiter and Venus must have eccentricity and inclination of a few percent. Mercury appears to be perched on the threshold for chaos.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to Ap


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    The technique is based on a hybrid model of the neuro-system (Brain cortex nodes and tremor-object), which describes on the basis of wave signal propagation the state and behavior of tremor-objects T, namely the segmental de-scription of 3D elements of trajectories of anormal neurological movements of the studied tremor-objects (limb of the hand) taking into account the matrix of cogni-tive influences of groups of cortex neuro-nodes. The rapid analytical solution of the model as a vector function that describes the 3D elements of the trajectories at each movements segment are constructed using the hybrid integral Fourier’s transformations and hybrid spectral function. The main element of the solution is the adaptive infuences matrix  that determines the state parameters of the action of certain groups of brain neuro- cortex. Models and methods of multivariable identification are being developed to investigate their neuro-feedback, which suggest  high-speed parallel computations on multicore computers. This model-ing technology consider as a scientific basis for designing inelidgence information systems of the quality medical diagnostic i of critical neurological diseases.Key words: Computer simulation, Software system, High-performance compu-ting, Tremor diseases, Modeling of objects and processes, Multi-parameter iden-tification

    Functioning of Congratulatory Utterances in English-speaking Discourse

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню комунікативної природи англійського поздоровного мовленнєвого акту та аналізу його функціональних і лексико-синтаксичних особливостей. Поздоровні висловлення розглядаються з позицій теорії ввічливості, пропонується семантична класифікація поздоровлень та виділяються їх основні синтаксичні моделі. The article deals with the study of the communicative nature of the English congratulatory speech act as well as with the analysis of its functional, lexical and syntactic peculiarities. Congratulatory utterances are considered from the standpoint of politeness theory, semantic classification of congratulatory utterances is given and their main syntactic models are distinguished

    Pragmatic Orientation of English Emotive Positive-Evaluative Utterances in the Communicative Situation of Congratulation.

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню прагматичних та семантичних особливостей англійських емотивних висловлень позитивної оцінки в комунікативній ситуації поздоровлення. Виявляється іллокутивний потенціал позитивно-оцінного висловлення та виділяються засоби вербалізації позитивної оцінки адресата в ситуації поздоровлення. The article deals with the study of pragmatic and semantic peculiarities of English emotive positive-evaluative utterances in the communicative situation of congratulation. The illocutionary potential of a positive-evaluative utterance is revealed and means of verbalization of the addressee’s positive evaluation in the communicative congratulatory situation are distinguished

    Психологічні особливості комунікативної компетентності майбутніх психологів

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    Комунікативна компетентність є однією із найважливіших структурно-функціональних компонентів професійної компетентності психолога. Найчастіше комунікативна компетентність розглядається як один з операційно-когнітивних компонентів психологічної готовності до професійної діяльності. Компетенції, що входять до структури комунікативної компетентності відповідають комплексу знань та умінь, необхідних для ефективного спілкування у процесі здійснення професійної діяльності. Головними компонентами комунікативної компетентності є комунікативні властивості особистості, що характеризують розвиток потреби у спілкуванні, ставлення до способу спілкування; комунікативні здібності, здатність володіти ініціативою в спілкуванні; здатність проявляти активність, активно реагувати на стан партнерів спілкування, формувати та реалізовувати власну індивідуальну програму спілкування. Комунікативна компетентність виявляється в цілому як знання норм та правил спілкування, оволодіння його технологією