25 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendapatan perkapita, jumlah penduduk,
tingkat inflasi, dan jumlah kantor bank terhadap jumlah tabungan masyarakat pada bank umum
di kota Surabaya.
Variabel yang diteliti anatara lain: variabel terikat yaitu tabungan masyarakat. Sedangkan
Variabel bebas meliputi; a. Pendapatan perkapita, b.Jumlah Penduduk c.Tingkat Inflasi.
Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari Kantor Badan Pusat Statistik cabang Surabaya dan Kantor
Bank Indonesia cabang Surabaya data diambil secara berkala (Time Series), yaitu data tahunan
yang diambil dalam kurun waktu 15 tahun, yaitu mulai dari tahun 1991 sampai dengan tahun
2005, yang mencakup wilayah Kotamadya Surabaya.
Teknik analisis menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda untuk menjelaskan hubungan
spesifik antara variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat. Untuk menguji hipotesis apakah variabel
bebas berpengaruh terhadap variabel terikat, menggunakan Uji F. Untuk menguji hubungan
antara pengaruh dari masing-masing variabel bebas dan secara parsial atau individu atau secara
terpisah terhadap variabel terikat , menggunakan Uji t
Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara simultan pendapatan perkapita, tingkat
inflasi, dan jumlah kantor Bank Umum berpengaruh signifikan terhadap jumlah tabungan
masyarakat Secara parsial pendapatan perkapita dan jumlah kantor Bank Umum berpengaruh
signifikan dan berhubungan positif terhadap jumlah tabungan masyarakat Sedangkan tingkat
inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap jumlah tabungan masyarakat
Variabel bebas yang dominan mempengaruhi variabel jumlah tabungan masyarakat adalah
variabel pendapatan perkapita karena variabel ini memiliki Koefisien Determinasi Parsial yang
paling besar bila dibanding dengan variabel bebas lainnya
Analisis pengaruh pendapatan asli daerah, dana alokasi umum, penanaman modal dalam negeri dan penanaman modal asing terhadap produk domestik regional bruto di provinsi Jawa Timur
The scientific study aims to determine the ipact or effect of Region own source Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Domestic Invesment, and Foreign Invesment in Gross Domestic Regional Product, as well as knowing the government’s efforts in overcoming the decline in Gross Domestic Regional Product. This is a quantitative scientific study. Quantitative data used is secondary data originating from the BPS Jatim website between 2011 and 2020. The scientific study uses multiple linier analysis with F analysis tets and t analysis test. From the results of the analysis it isknown that Region own source Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Domestic Invesment, dan Foreign Invesment have a significant effect on Gross Domestic Regional Product. Region own sourec Revenue sigificant impact on Gross Domestic Regional Product, whereas General Allocation Fund, Domestic Invesmemnt, adn Foreign Invesment no significant impact. Efforts made by the government in overcoming the decline in Gross Domestic Regional Product there are 2 ways, namely deferring income tax and providing additional funds to reduce the economic impact
The purpose of this study was to detennine the effect the number of fIrms, the rate of
inflation, the number of hotels, and the amount of labor to the Local Revenue (PAD) in
Source data used are secondary data obtained from BPS Provo East Java for 15 years from
1994 to 2008. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression model is an
analysis to detennine each of the independent variable on the dependent variable either
simultaneously or partially.
The results of data analysis shows that the variable number of the Company, Inflation
Rate, Number of Hotels and Total Electricity Customers simultaneously signifIcant effect
on PAD city of Surabaya. While the partial amount of electricity customers signifIcant
effect on PAD city of Surabaya. While the number of fIrms, the rate of inflation and the
number of hotels did not signifIcantly affect the city of Surabaya PAD because the
government is not fully in carrying out a policy for economic conditions can be stable and
that no complicated licensing process so that investors can invest their capital diSurabaya
The Klampid New Generation Application as a Support for the Quality of E-Government Based Public Services in the City of Surabaya
The government as a state apparatus has an important role in supporting the quality of public services. Providing services to the community is one of the functions of development with the aim of improving the welfare of the community. Community satisfaction with service quality is a benchmark for government performance in carrying out its basic functions and obligations. E-government is used in public services with the aim of providing maximum service to the community in the form of information delivery. The Surabaya City Government's efforts to improve the quality of E-government-based public services in the field of population administration are by implementing the Klampid New Generation application. This paper aims to look at the results of implementing the E-government-based Klampid New Generation application in supporting the quality of public services in the city of Surabaya. The research method in this paper uses the literature study method. To measure the application of the Klampid New Generation application in supporting the quality of public services in the city of Surabaya, using the SERVQUAL indicator as a measuring tool to what extent the implementation of E-government can fulfill service facilities in helping the community. The conclusion from this analysis is that the Klampid New Generation (KNG) program has been able to support the quality of public services in the field of population administration in the city of Surabaya
Belanja Modal yang termasuk belanja daerah perlu diperhitungkan karena terkait dengan infrastruktur pembangunan dan fasilitas umum, belanja modal yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja berbagai instansi pemerintah. Belanja Modal menjadi syarat utama dalam memberikan standar pelayanan minimal kepada publik pemerintah daerah. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum, Dana Alokasi Khusus di Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2009-2019. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder tahunan yang bersifat time seriesyang diperoleh dari Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah di Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2009 sampai 2019. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Bersadarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan yaitu pendapatan asli daerah, dana alokasi umum, dana alokasi khusus, berpengaruh terhadap belanja modal di provinsi jawa timur tahun 2009-2019. Sedangkan secara parsial pendapatan asli daerah berpengaruh positif terhadap belanja modal, untuk dana alokasi umum tidak berpengaruh terhadap belanja modal di provinsi jawa timur, begitu pula dengan dana alokasi khusus tidak berpengaruh terhadap belanja modal di provinsi jawa timur
The purpose of this study was to investigate the-effect and the dominant variables of the Gross
Regional Domestic Product, Inflation, Investment Industry and Total Employment of Local
Revenue in Mojokerto.
Variable area of research is original income, gross regional domestic product, inflation,
industrial investment and number of workers
The collection of data relating to the Gross Regional Domestic Product,Inflation, Investment
Industry and Total Employment as well as original income derived from Connecticut agencies
and Mojokerto. Analysis techniques to determine the effect of independent variables are -
bound variables used multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis test to test the
simultaneous effect of independent variables on the dependent variable then used the F test,
partial test using t test
The results can be concluded that simultane()usly that the Gross Domestic Product, Inflation,
Investment Industry and Manpower has a significant amount of original income Partially
Gross Regional Domestic Product, Inflation, Investment Industrial, Number of Labor has
significant and positively related to real income area. The dominant variable affecting the
variable region income is variable Gross Regional Domestic Product, because this variable
lias a coefficient of determination of the greatest of the three values of other variable
The national economic growth. can use as guidelines by government in take a policy that have
purpose to press the inflation as low as two digit under. On that consideration, this research
have purpose to know the dominan factor between factor of interest investment credit. Bank
Indonesia certificate and currrent foreign exchange to inflation in Indonesia.
This research is using secondary data that get from Bank Indonesia and Bureau Statistic Center
at 1988 - 2002, that data is analysist with using double regretion linear analisyst by F test and t
test with clasic asumtion BLUE.
The conclude of this research is indicate there is real influence bysimultan from interest
investment credit, Bank Indonesia certificate and curnent foreign exchange to inflation in
Indonesia. While by partial interest investment credit is' not influence real to inflation in
Indonesia. Bank Indonesia certificate influen~ real to inflation in Indonesia. and currrent
foreign exchange influence real to inflation in Indonesia.
Keywords interest investment credit. Bank Indonesia certificate. currrent fOreign
, exchqnge and inflatjo