4 research outputs found


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    Cocoa is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Cocoa can also be used as an alternative source of biohydrogen energy and is very beneficial for health such as reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, reducing symptoms of depression, lowering blood pressure, maintaining healthy teeth and bones and protecting the body from cancer. The method used in this research is the SPKL application (version 2.0). The results obtained from this study are S3 (marginally appropriate) at the observation points of soil profiles 1 and 4, while the land suitability class N (not suitable) is found in profiles 2, 3 and 5. Limiting factors such as annual temperature, slope, soil depth and coarse fragments, is a limiting factor that is difficult to repair, while soil chemical properties such as K2O can be overcome by fertilization

    Constructing Muslim Identity in a Secular State: The Strategic Role of Two Singapore Islamic Organizations

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    In Singapore, Islamic identity matters mainly because Muslims and Malays have special constitutional status. However, state policies seem to contradict the status while the community is still dealing with the problem of backwardness in educational and economic development. This article examines the profile and strategic role of two Islamic organizations, MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore) and Pergas (Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-Guru Agama Islam Singapura, Singapore Islamic Scholars, and Religious Teachers Association), in accommodating the expression and reconstructing Singaporean Muslim identity. Through intensive library research and using an interdisciplinary approach from social constructivist and fiqh of minorities’ perspectives, this article found that both have played a very important role in the expression and construction of Singaporean Muslim identity. There have been dynamic contestation and cooperation between the state policies towards the Muslim community. However, the global effect of Islamist extremism and terrorism has united them in terms of religious thought, attitude, and the formulation of the ideal Singaporean Muslim identity. The changing process of their stances toward the government’s policies was effective due to the function of fiqh of minorities in contextualizing Islamic teachings in the context of Singapore as a secular state.Bagi negara sekuler dan masyarakat multikultural seperti Singapura identitas Muslim menjadi masalah terutama karena Muslim dan Melayu memiliki status khusus secara konstitusional tetapi kebijakan negara tampak berlawanan dengan posisi tersebut, selain ketertinggalan komunitas tersebut dalam bidang pendidikan dan ekonomi dibandingkan dengan komunitas-komunitas Cina dan India. Artikel ini mengulas peran strategis dua organisasi Islam paling berpengaruh di Singapura, yakni Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) dan Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-Guru Agama Islam Singapura (Pergas) dalam mengonstruksi identitas Muslim di Singapura terutama ketika merespons kebijakan negara. Melalui studi literatur, artikel ini menemukan bahwa dua organisasi besar Islam, MUIS dan Pergas memainkan peranan sangat penting dalam konstruksi identitas Muslim Singapura dan terdapat respons yang dinamis kedua organisasi Islam tersebut terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan negara. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan ahli yang menekankan faktor dominan imaginasi dan diskursus pemerintah, konstruksi identitas Muslim tersebut sangat bergantung pada internal komunitas Muslim sendiri terutama kedua organisasi Islam tersebut termasuk dalam merespons kebijakan negara terhadap komunitas Muslim


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    Pemerintah daerah Gowa setiap tahunnya menyusun program/kegiatan untuk membantu masyarakat melalui kelompok tani demi mewujudkan visi Gowa Menjadi Wilayah Pengembangan Produksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Berkualitas. Namun, luasnya wilayah kabupaten Gowa serta lokasi masing-masing kelompok tani yang tersebar menyebabkan pelaporan serta pemantauan hasil komoditi tanaman pangan, palawija, serta hortikultura tidak berjalan secara optimal setiap bulannya. Selain itu, kegiatan pelaporan selama ini dilakukan masih berlangsung secara manual, dimana pengolah data dari dinas tanaman pangan turun ke lokasi pertanian untuk memantau dan mencatat hasil pemantauan komoditi tanaman pangan, palawija, serta hortikultura setiap bulannya. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan sistem pelaporan berbasis sistem informasi, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra melalui proses pelatihan dan pendampingan, serta mempercepat difusi teknologi dari masyarakat perguruan tinggi ke masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan melalui model difusi teknologi kepada masyarakat terkait pemanfaatan sistem informasi pelaporan berbasis aplikasi. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi pelaporan tanaman pangan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengoptimalkan pelaporan tanaman pangan di Kecamatan Tombolo Pao, Kabupaten Gowa. Kata kunci: Sistem informasi, tanaman pangan, transfer teknologi. ABSTRACT The Gowa local government yearly prepares plans to assist the community in realizing the objective of Gowa as a Development Area for High-Quality Food Crops and Horticulture Production through farmer groups. However, due to the district's geography and the dispersed locations of each farmer group, the monthly reporting and monitoring of yields of food crops commodities are not optimal. Additionally, reporting operations have been conducted manually, with data collection officers from the food crop office travelling to agricultural locations each month to monitor and record the outcomes of commodities monitoring for food crops, secondary crops, and horticulture. This activity aims to optimize the information system-based reporting system, raise the community’s knowledge and abilities through training and mentorship, and expedite the dissemination of technology from higher education to the general public. This activity is delivered to the community via a technology diffusion approach for application-based reporting information systems. This work results in the development of a food crop reporting application that can be used to optimize the Gowa reporting system. Keywords: Information system, food crop, technology dissemination

    Design of drainage channel for effective use of land on fully mechanized sugarcane plantations: A case study at Bone Sugarcane Plantation

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    Drainage in sugarcane cultivation in high-rainfall areas is of paramount importance because it affects sugarcane plants from planting, maintenance, and production. Poor drainage can damage plants and reduce productivity. This study was conducted at Bone Sugarcane Plantation, which typically has high annual rainfall; thus, drainage is necessary. The existing drainage channel cannot drain all surface runoff quickly and causes problems to sugarcane plants. Therefore, a study was conducted with the aim of designing the shape and size of drainage channels that can drain surface runoff quickly, have a strong structure, allows for an effective use of cultivated land by reducing headland for tractor turning, and maintains appropriate soil moisture. The research began by determining the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil using the Falling Head method. Surface runoff discharge was calculated using rational equations to determine the dimensions of the drainage channel. Rainfall intensity was determined from Intensity Duration Frequency curve which was constructed using Manonobe method. The results showed that the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil was 3.54 × 10−3 cm/s which is suitable with surface drainage. Rainfall intensity is estimated to be 201.33 mm/hour. The shape and dimensions of the drainage channel are parabolic with the largest width and depth of 1.70 m and 0.90, respectively. This study provides a practical method to solve drainage problems in sugarcane fields that apply full mechanization. In addition, the practical analysis used in this study can be adapted to analyze the design of drainage channel for other plantations or regions with similar constrains