18 research outputs found

    Halal industry of 5.0 era in Islamic economic scholar perspective (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    The halal industry is an inevitability of the development of a business where there is demand (demand), then there is someone who provides (supply). And the prospects are very promising with increasing growth from time to time. Even though it is labeled halal which is synonymous with religious symbols, it is not a barrier for consumers of all religions and nations to enjoy it. Because halal in its development is a symbol of guaranteeing cleanliness, safety and product quality for the entire production chain. Modern global society sees the substance as not a skin. The Halal industry is not just a business machine in general, which is materialistic in nature and profit-oriented, but there are messages or values of Islamic teachings originating from the Qur'an and Hadith that must be upheld. Therefore, in his journey must be in accordance with the provisions of the Shari'a. Islamic economists, such as Yusuf Qardhawi, Syed Nawab Heidar Naqvi, Adiwarman Karim and Mustaq Ahmad gave their opinions on the ideal Halal Industry. They said that the essence of Islamic economics at least has the character of monotheism (uluhiyyah-rububiyyah), humanity (insaaniyah), ethical norms (akhlaqiyyah), balance (wasathiyyah), free will (ikhtiyar) and responsibility (mas’uliyyah). If some of these become part of the business of Muslims, such as the halal industry, they will get material success (dhahir) and spiritual happiness (batin)

    Halal industry of 5.0 era in Islamic economic scholar perspective (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    The halal industry is an inevitability of the development of a business where there is demand (demand), then there is someone who provides (supply). And the prospects are very promising with increasing growth from time to time. Even though it is labeled halal which is synonymous with religious symbols, it is not a barrier for consumers of all religions and nations to enjoy it. Because halal in its development is a symbol of guaranteeing cleanliness, safety and product quality for the entire production chain. Modern global society sees the substance as not a skin. The Halal industry is not just a business machine in general, which is materialistic in nature and profit-oriented, but there are messages or values of Islamic teachings originating from the Qur'an and Hadith that must be upheld. Therefore, in his journey must be in accordance with the provisions of the Shari'a. Islamic economists, such as Yusuf Qardhawi, Syed Nawab Heidar Naqvi, Adiwarman Karim and Mustaq Ahmad gave their opinions on the ideal Halal Industry. They said that the essence of Islamic economics at least has the character of monotheism (uluhiyyah-rububiyyah), humanity (insaaniyah), ethical norms (akhlaqiyyah), balance (wasathiyyah), free will (ikhtiyar) and responsibility (mas’uliyyah). If some of these become part of the business of Muslims, such as the halal industry, they will get material success (dhahir) and spiritual happiness (batin)

    Halal industry in Indonesia: problem and solution, in maqashid shariah perspective

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    This paper aims to describe the main problem of the Halal industry, then offer suitable solutions to overcome its various problems. Literature study was used in this paper by analyzing other sources from many related journals or papers. After analyzing maqashid shariah approach, it will be taken of summary. The summary of this paper is that Indonesia is the biggest Muslim population in the world, still becoming the base of the product consumption industry rather than the producer. The Muslim role and support of many sectors to become an economic halal industry chain circle integrated are needed, such as from government, Islamic industry or Muslim business, academic experts, Muslim society, instrument information (integrated and digital) and Islamic Scholar of Indonesia (MUI). Integrative strategy, consistency and obeying of rules can make halal industry establish and progressive. Analyzed in maqashid shariah, to observe what halal industry has given good usefulness for society (maslahah mursalah). The impact of this paper could make a positive contribution to the halal Industry and opportunity the next deep research in Indonesia. Please make just one paragraph

    Challenge of Islamic higher education in Indonesia (PTKIN) in society 5.0

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    This paper will describe The Islamic higher education of Indonesia (PTKIN) toward challenging Society 5.0 Which has been growing for several years to change identity from a specific subject, Islamic Studies like IAIN to Various Subjects and wider development management and knowledge not only study in religion but also social and science become State Islamic University (UIN). While building internal and external institutions has come the technology and global era namely revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. Those eras are based on digital, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence that used society 5.0 easier and more comfortable in life. Society era 5.0 is the answer to the 4.0 revolution that used technology and information approach for business. The global era will make a social change also not only in industry but also education. As part of the global industry, PTKIN must prepare itself to face it, many things should be prepared such as future institutional educational integration tools and the local education ecosystem; strategy, structure, technology, and culture. Society 5.0 offers an anytime and anywhere education approach, all educational operational systems digitally, AI, and IoT become a new habit to increase human knowledge for life is good to mankind. But in reality, Islamic Higher Education (IHE) isn’t already, because they must provide many components tools, structure, infrastructure, human resources, and new culture. It is challenging for IHE to prepare and adapt to this industrial revolution. By networking, sustainability commitment, human and financial investment, information and technology, innovation, a new paradigm, and good management of IHE can overcome a problem in society 5.0

    Human resources in developing halal industry in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The halal industry is one of the moset developed industries in the world because it is in line with Islamic principles and requirements. The emergence of this industry aims to meet the needs of Islamic-compliant products and services. Unexpectedly, this industry is flourishing in both moslem and non-moslem countries. This research discusses the development of human resources in the development of the halal industry in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which has a significant impact on human life and the world’s ecosystem. Therefore, it is very important to manage human resources as the main actor that is related to it. This research method is descriptive-qualitative with the concept of Human Resource Management and the concept of the halal industry in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The results of this study indicate that the industry has great potential, so that the management of human resources in the halal industry sector in facing the development and improvement implements its managerial functions, namely: 1) Planning that determines the direction of halal industrial development; 2) Organizing that decides the authorized institutions to run; 3) Briefing that makes instructions, regulations, or socialization to support the planning; 4) Controlling that needs a control and supervision in order to achieve the goal

    The effect of safety and health application on employees’ achievement through work satisfaction as intervening variables in amunition factory

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    Competition in the fight for the market from all the lines of regional, national, and international continues to be done by every company on a competitive basis. To reach a company that is ready to compete, of course, will not be separated from human resources which is the determinant of success in running the vision of the mission and in achieving the target, so the corporation will give occupational safety and health facilities in employees to improve work performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence direct occupational safety and health to the work performance of employees and to determine the indirect effect of occupational safety and health on employee performance through job satisfaction. Population in this research is all employees of Department of Device Division of Pindad Corporation in Turen Malang and sampling technique is a sample saturated with a sample of 45 employees. Testing hypothesis research using path analysis technique with SPSS application. The result of research indicate that there is no influence directly or indirectly between work safety variable and job satisfaction to work performance. For job satisfaction variable, the value of coefficient of beta influence of job satisfaction on job performance. Then the magnitude of the direct effect of occupational health to work performance of 0.481. While indirect influence of occupational health to work performance through job satisfaction obtained beta coefficient value 0,595 with sig. 0,000. Because sig. 0.000 <0,05 hence occupational health effect to job satisfaction. But the path of job satisfaction on work performance does not affect. It can be concluded that there is no direct or indirect influence between work safety and occupational health on job performance through job satisfaction

    Halal industry in Indonesia: problem and solution, in maqashid shariah perspective

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    This paper aims to describe the main problem of the Halal industry, then offer suitable solutions to overcome its various problems. Literature study was used in this paper by analyzing other sources from many related journals or papers. After analyzing maqashid shariah approach, it will be taken of summary. The summary of this paper is that Indonesia is the biggest Muslim population in the world, still becoming the base of the product consumption industry rather than the producer. The Muslim role and support of many sectors to become an economic halal industry chain circle integrated are needed, such as from government, Islamic industry or Muslim business, academic experts, Muslim society, instrument information (integrated and digital) and Islamic Scholar of Indonesia (MUI). Integrative strategy, consistency and obeying of rules can make halal industry establish and progressive. Analyzed in maqashid shariah, to observe what halal industry has given good usefulness for society (maslahah mursalah). The impact of this paper could make a positive contribution to the halal Industry and opportunity the next deep research in Indonesia. Please make just one paragraph

    The effect of safety and health application on employees’ achievement through work satisfaction as intervening variables in amunition factory

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    Competition in the fight for the market from all the lines of regional, national, and international continues to be done by every company on a competitive basis. To reach a company that is ready to compete, of course, will not be separated from human resources which is the determinant of success in running the vision of the mission and in achieving the target, so the corporation will give occupational safety and health facilities in employees to improve work performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence direct occupational safety and health to the work performance of employees and to determine the indirect effect of occupational safety and health on employee performance through job satisfaction. Population in this research is all employees of Department of Device Division of Pindad Corporation in Turen Malang and sampling technique is a sample saturated with a sample of 45 employees. Testing hypothesis research using path analysis technique with SPSS application. The result of research indicate that there is no influence directly or indirectly between work safety variable and job satisfaction to work performance. For job satisfaction variable, the value of coefficient of beta influence of job satisfaction on job performance. Then the magnitude of the direct effect of occupational health to work performance of 0.481. While indirect influence of occupational health to work performance through job satisfaction obtained beta coefficient value 0,595 with sig. 0,000. Because sig. 0.000 <0,05 hence occupational health effect to job satisfaction. But the path of job satisfaction on work performance does not affect. It can be concluded that there is no direct or indirect influence between work safety and occupational health on job performance through job satisfaction

    Masjid-based economic community empowerment

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    Social Empowerment in rural society of Malang Village or local economic base on Masjid is community dedication configuration. This place has potential capital field and human resources development. The job of community majority are farmers. The field has been planted by holticulture variety while human resourses are religious community. The weaknesss are knowledge and ability to develop their village. The struggle of this empowerment is giving technical knowledge and skill of economic basic, for instance management, accounting and marketing. The methode of this researh is base on participation action research (PAR) in order to get deep information and participation from rural society. Masjid as fundamental factor to motivate and guide them to better human

    Challenge of Islamic higher education in Indonesia (PTKIN) in society 5.0

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    This paper will describe The Islamic higher education of Indonesia (PTKIN) toward challenging Society 5.0 Which has been growing for several years to change identity from a specific subject, Islamic Studies like IAIN to Various Subjects and wider development management and knowledge not only study in religion but also social and science become State Islamic University (UIN). While building internal and external institutions has come the technology and global era namely revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. Those eras are based on digital, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence that used society 5.0 easier and more comfortable in life. Society era 5.0 is the answer to the 4.0 revolution that used technology and information approach for business. The global era will make a social change also not only in industry but also education. As part of the global industry, PTKIN must prepare itself to face it, many things should be prepared such as future institutional educational integration tools and the local education ecosystem; strategy, structure, technology, and culture. Society 5.0 offers an anytime and anywhere education approach, all educational operational systems digitally, AI, and IoT become a new habit to increase human knowledge for life is good to mankind. But in reality, Islamic Higher Education (IHE) isn’t already, because they must provide many components tools, structure, infrastructure, human resources, and new culture. It is challenging for IHE to prepare and adapt to this industrial revolution. By networking, sustainability commitment, human and financial investment, information and technology, innovation, a new paradigm, and good management of IHE can overcome a problem in society 5.0