411 research outputs found
The eigenvalue problem for natural frequency of uniform beam with linearly varying axial load
Call number: LD2668 .R4 1968 S
Spectral signatures of thermal spin disorder and excess Mn in half-metallic NiMnSb
Effects of thermal spin disorder and excess Mn on the electronic spectrum of
half-metallic NiMnSb are studied using first-principles calculations.
Temperature-dependent spin disorder, introduced within the vector disordered
local moment model, causes the valence band at the point to broaden
and shift upwards, crossing the Fermi level and thereby closing the
half-metallic gap above room temperature. The spectroscopic signatures of
excess Mn on the Ni, Sb, and empty sites (Mn, Mn,
and Mn) are analyzed. Mn is spectroscopically
invisible. The relatively weak coupling of Mn and Mn
spins to the host strongly deviates from the Heisenberg model, and the spin of
Mn is canted in the ground state. While the half-metallic gap is
preserved in the collinear ground state of Mn, thermal spin
disorder of the weakly coupled Mn spins destroys it at low
temperatures. This property of Mn may be the source of the
observed low-temperature transport anomalies.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, updated version with minor revisions and an
additional figure, accepted in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication
Influence of strain and chemical substitution on the magnetic anisotropy of antiferromagnetic Cr\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eO\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3e: An \u3ci\u3eab-initio\u3c/i\u3e study
The influence of the mechanical strain and chemical substitution on the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) of Cr2O3 is studied using first-principles calculations. Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction contributes substantially to MAE by inducing spin canting when the antiferromagnetic order parameter is not aligned with the hexagonal axis. Nearly cubic crystal field results in a very small MAE in pure Cr2O3 at zero strain, which is incorrectly predicted to be negative (in-plane) on account of spin canting. The MAE is strongly modified by epitaxial strain, which tunes the crystal-field splitting of the t2g triplet. The contribution from magnetic dipolar interaction is very small at any strain. The effects of cation (Al, Ti, V, Co, Fe, Nb, Zr, Mo) and anion (B) substitutions on MAE are examined. Al increases MAE thanks to the local lattice deformation. In contrast, the electronic configuration of V and Nb strongly promotes easy-plane anisotropy, while other transition-metal dopants have only a moderate effect on MAE. Substitution of oxygen by boron, which has been reported to increase the Néel temperature, has a weak effect on MAE, whose sign depends on the charge state of B. The electric field applied along the (0001) axis has a weak second-order effect on the MAE
Ab initio study of enhanced thermal conductivity in ordered AlGaO3 alloys
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 242103 (2019) and may be found at https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5131755.We compute the lattice thermal conductivity of monoclinic β-Ga2O3 and the ordered AlGaO3 alloy from the phonon Boltzmann transport equation, with the harmonic and third-order anharmonic force constants calculated from density functional theory. The calculated thermal conductivity of β-Ga2O3 is consistent with experiment. We demonstrate that the lowest-energy structure of an Al0.5Ga0.5 alloy, which is ordered, has a thermal conductivity that is raised by more than 70% compared to β-Ga2O3. We attribute the enhancement to (1) increased group velocities and (2) reduced anharmonic scattering rates due to the reduced weighted phase space. The findings offer an avenue toward improved heat dissipation from Ga2O3 devices.
The authors acknowledge Shengying Yue, Jingjing Shi, Samuel Graham, and Yuewei Zhang for fruitful discussions. This work was supported by the GAME MURI of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (No. FA9550-18-1-0479). Computing resources were provided by the Center for Scientific Computing supported by the California NanoSystems Institute and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at UC Santa Barbara through the National Science Foundation (NSF) (Nos. DMR-1720256 and CNS-1725797) and by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which was supported by NSF Grant No. ACI-1548562
First-principles surface energies for monoclinic Ga2O3 and Al2O3 and consequences for cracking of (AlxGa1−x)2O3
Crack formation limits the growth of (AlxGa1−x)2O3 epitaxial films on Ga2O3 substrates. We employ first-principles calculations to determine the brittle fracture toughness of such films for three growth orientations of the monoclinic structure: [100], [010], and [001]. Surface energies and elastic constants are computed for the end compounds—monoclinic Ga2O3 and Al2O3—and used to interpolate to (AlxGa1−x)2O3 alloys. The appropriate crack plane for each orientation is determined, and the corresponding critical thicknesses are calculated based on Griffith’s theory, which relies on the balance between elastic energy and surface energy. We obtain lower bounds for the critical thickness, which compare well with available experiments. We also perform an in-depth analysis of surface energies for both relaxed and unrelaxed surfaces, providing important insights into the factors that determine the relative stability of different surfaces. Our study provides physical insights into surface stability, crack planes, and the different degrees of crack formation in (AlxGa1−x)2O3 films for different growth orientations
First-principles calculations of hyperfine interaction, binding energy, and quadrupole coupling for shallow donors in silicon
Spin qubits based on shallow donors in silicon are a promising quantum information technology with enormous potential scalability due to the existence of robust silicon-processing infrastructure. However, the most accurate theories of donor electronic structure lack predictive power because of their reliance on empirical fitting parameters, while predictive ab initio methods have so far been lacking in accuracy due to size of the donor wavefunction compared to typical simulation cells. We show that density functional theory with hybrid and traditional functionals working in tandem can bridge this gap. Our first-principles approach allows remarkable accuracy in binding energies (67 meV for bismuth and 54 meV for arsenic) without the use of empirical fitting. We also obtain reasonable hyperfine parameters (1263 MHz for Bi and 133 MHz for As) and superhyperfine parameters. We demonstrate the importance of a predictive model by showing that hydrostatic strain has much larger effect on the hyperfine structure than predicted by effective mass theory, and by elucidating the underlying mechanisms through symmetry analysis of the shallow donor charge density
Generalist Vision Foundation Models for Medical Imaging: A Case Study of Segment Anything Model on Zero-Shot Medical Segmentation
In this paper, we examine the recent Segment Anything Model (SAM) on medical
images, and report both quantitative and qualitative zero-shot segmentation
results on nine medical image segmentation benchmarks, covering various imaging
modalities, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT), as well as different applications
including dermatology, ophthalmology, and radiology. Those benchmarks are
representative and commonly used in model development. Our experimental results
indicate that while SAM presents remarkable segmentation performance on images
from the general domain, its zero-shot segmentation ability remains restricted
for out-of-distribution images, e.g., medical images. In addition, SAM exhibits
inconsistent zero-shot segmentation performance across different unseen medical
domains. For certain structured targets, e.g., blood vessels, the zero-shot
segmentation of SAM completely failed. In contrast, a simple fine-tuning of it
with a small amount of data could lead to remarkable improvement of the
segmentation quality, showing the great potential and feasibility of using
fine-tuned SAM to achieve accurate medical image segmentation for a precision
diagnostics. Our study indicates the versatility of generalist vision
foundation models on medical imaging, and their great potential to achieve
desired performance through fine-turning and eventually address the challenges
associated with accessing large and diverse medical datasets in support of
clinical diagnostics.Comment: Published in Diagnostic
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