187 research outputs found
Topologically protected elastic waves in phononic metamaterials
Topological states of quantum matter exhibit unique disorder-immune surface
states protected by underlying nontrivial topological invariants of the bulk.
Such immunity from backscattering makes topological surface or edge states
ideal carriers for both classical and quantum information. So far, topological
matters have been explored only in the realms of electronics and photonics,
with limited range of bulk properties and largely immutable materials. These
constraints thus impose severe performance trade-offs in experimentally
realizable topologically ordered states. In contrast, phononic metamaterials
not only provide access to a much wider range of material properties, but also
allow temporal modulation in the non-adiabatic regime. Here, from the
first-principles we demonstrate numerically the first phononic topological
metamaterial in an elastic-wave analogue of the quantum spin Hall effect. A
dual-scale phononic crystal slab is used to support two effective spins of
phonon over a broad bandwidth, and strong spin-orbit coupling is realized by
breaking spatial mirror symmetry. By preserving the spin polarization with an
external load or spatial symmetry, phononic edge states are shown to be robust
against scattering from discrete defects as well as disorders in the continuum.
Our system opens up the possibility of realizing topological materials for
phonons in both static and time-dependent regimes.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure
Dual-carrier Floquet circulator with time-modulated optical resonators
Spatio-temporal modulation has shown great promise as a strong time-reversal
symmetry breaking mechanism that enables integrated nonreciprocal devices and
topological materials at optical frequencies. However, optical modulation has
its own constraints in terms of modulation index and frequency, which limit the
bandwidth and miniaturization of circulators and isolators, not unlike the
magneto-optical schemes that it promises to replace. Here we propose and
numerically demonstrate a Floquet circulator that leverages the untapped
degrees of freedom unique to time-modulated resonators. Excited by
sideband-selective waveguides, the system supports broadband nonreciprocal
transmission without relying on the mirror or rotational symmetries required in
conventional circulators. Cascading two resonators, we create a linear
three-port circulator that exhibits complete and frequency-independent forward
transmission between two of the ports. This approach enables wavelength-scale
circulators that can rely on a variety of modulation mechanisms
Trapping and guiding surface plasmons in curved graphene landscapes
We demonstrate that graphene placed on top of structured substrates offers a
novel approach for trapping and guiding surface plasmons. A monolayer graphene
with a spatially varying curvature exhibits an effective trapping potential for
graphene plasmons near curved areas such as bumps, humps and wells. We derive
the governing equation for describing such localized channel plasmons guided by
curved graphene and validate our theory by the first-principle numerical
simulations. The proposed confinement mechanism enables plasmon guiding by the
regions of maximal curvature, and it offers a versatile platform for
manipulating light in planar landscapes. In addition, isolated deformations of
graphene such as bumps are shown to support localized surface modes and
resonances suggesting a new way to engineer plasmonic metasurfaces.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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