87 research outputs found
Note on SUSY BF theory in (1+2) dimensions from SUSY algebra for vector-spinor field
We show in (1+2) dimensions that supersymmetric (SUSY) BF action for a
(minimal and off-shell) spin-(1,3/2) supermultiplet is a unique SUSY invariant
one required from the closure property of commutator algebra for SUSY
transformations.Comment: 4 page
On supersymmetry algebra based on a spinor-vector generator
We study the unitary representation of supersymmetry (SUSY) algebra based on
a spinor-vector generator for both massless and massive cases. A systematic
linearization of nonlinear realization for the SUSY algebra is also discussed
in the superspace formalism with a spinor-vector Grassmann coordinate.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, some typos corrected and some more discussions adde
Spinor-vector supersymmetry algebra in three dimensions
We focus on a spin-3/2 supersymmetry (SUSY) algebra of Baaklini in D = 3 and
explicitly show a nonlinear realization of the SUSY algebra. The unitary
representation of the spin-3/2 SUSY algebra is discussed and compared with the
ordinary (spin-1/2) SUSY algebra.Comment: 7 pages, Late
On chiral symmetry in extended nonlinear supersymmetry
We study the equations of the motion for Nambu-Goldstone (NG) fermions in the
nonlinear representation of supersymmetry (NLSUSY) and show in N-extended
NLSUSY that those equations under massless conditions are satisfied, provided
the NG fermions are chiral eigenstates. The physical significance of the result
is discussed in the context of NLSUSY general relativity through the relations
between nonlinear and linear SUSY theories, which gives a new insight into the
chiral symmetry for the low energy particle physics.Comment: 6 page
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